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No.362  誤訳リストにコメントをつけたい
発言者: 白い都
発言日: 2002 10/30 01:48


The List of Second Most Serious Errors
Translation of the Japanese Subtitles

>Questions about the ring (chapter 6)
(script) There are some things that I must see to.
(subtitle) I have my business.
(script) What things?
(subtitle) What business?
(script) Questions. Questions that need answering.
(subtitle) Many things. I have to finish them.
comment:The audience are confused for what Gandalf rushes into his business.

>Departure from the Shire (chapter 8)
Gandalf:だが それが持つ力の大きさは想像するだに恐ろしい
(script) But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
(subtitle) But its power is too terrible to imagine.
comment:It is terrible not only that the ring has a great power but also that the stronger bears it, stronger power it would wield.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
Gandalf:わしも重荷を分かち合おう お前を見守ってゆく
(script) I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.
(subtitle) I will share the burden. I will be watching you.
comment:No one can share the burden with the Ring-bearer, even Gandalf can do not.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
(script) If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.
(subtitle) If this is the decision of the council, Gondor will obey it.
comment:Boromir reluctantly agree to destroy the ring and he doesn't simply swear.

>Amon Hen (chapter 36)
Frodo: 親切な言葉に聞こえるけど/僕には警告に思える
(script) I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
(subtitle) Your words sound kind, but my heart gives me warning.
comment:The translator doesn't know what means of 'but for'.

>Amon Hen (chapter 36)
Boromir:皆 不安は同じさ/恐怖に負けたら すべて終わりだ/それを忘れるな
(script) We're all afraid, Frodo, but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don't you see, it's madness.
(subtitle) We're all afraid, but if we are overcome by fear, all will be lost. Don't forget it.
comment:It seems like Frodo is encouredged by Boromir.

>Amon Hen (chapter 36)
(script) It has taken Boromir.
(subtitle) Boromir....
comment:What happened for Boromir?

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
Boromir:ゴンドールの王だと? 王など必要ない
(script) Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
(subtitle) King of Gondor? King is not needed.
comment:The audience cannot realize that the steward rules Gondor instead of a king.


322:脚本家ボウエンズさんへの手紙 [白い都] 10/25 03:16
 ├323:お疲れ様です。ありがとうございま... [ゴン] 10/25 11:12
 ├324:最短で三日 [ハーブ] 10/25 19:17
 │└327:[依頼]無理に急がなくて結構で... [白い都] 10/26 00:37
 │ ├348:連名について [ゴン] 10/27 21:08
 │ ├361:途中報告(半分相談) [ハーブ] 10/29 21:41
 │ │└363:Re:途中報告(半分相談) [白い都] 10/30 03:12
 │ │ └368:Re[2]:途中報告(半分相談... [ハーブ] 10/30 23:38
 │ └391:仕上がりの見込みなど [ハーブ] 11/03 02:00
 ├332:第1回「添削」と提案など [ハーブ] 10/26 21:24
 │├336:Re:第1回「添削」と提案など [白い都] 10/27 01:37
 │└341:[参考]私家版・DVD字幕の不満 [ハーブ] 10/27 11:07
 ├343:DVD誤訳拙訳リスト:第一回試案 [ハーブ] 10/27 14:04
 │├344:リストについて、提案 [Evenstar] 10/27 18:55
 ││├346:「こんな時代」と人はいう・・... [白い都] 10/27 20:44
 │││├351:Re:「こんな時代」と人はいう.. [ハーブ] 10/28 00:56
 │││└352:Re:「こんな時代」と人はいう.. [Evenstar] 10/28 07:23
 ││└350:難しいところです [ハーブ] 10/28 00:38
 ││ └354:難しい理由、追記 [ハーブ] 10/28 10:14
 ││  └366:難しくないと思う理由(長... [Evenstar] 10/30 04:17
 ││   ├367:断片的に・随想的に [ハーブ] 10/30 10:38
 ││   └401:[余談]timesの疑問(別.. [白い都] 11/04 01:44
 │└358:誤訳リストへの意見 [白い都] 10/29 01:36
 │ └360:Re:誤訳リストへの意見 [ハーブ] 10/29 21:30
 │  └362:誤訳リストにコメントをつけ... [白い都] 10/30 01:48
 │   └369:今回ではないですね? [ハーブ] 10/31 00:12
 ├370:第2回文案:監修の件以外 [ハーブ] 10/31 00:50
 │├371:Re:第2回文案:監修の件以外 [白い都] 10/31 02:57
 │├373:追加、ミスなど [ハーブ] 10/31 23:34
 │├376:首を突っ込みます [Telperion] 11/01 00:23
 ││└378:感謝歓迎 [ハーブ] 11/01 02:45
 ││ └386:急ぎ、the score is reduced [Evenstar] 11/02 17:46
 ││  └392:サポート感謝です! [ハーブ] 11/03 02:08
 │└382:【試案】最後の部分 [ハーブ] 11/02 02:09
 │ ├383:抜け&伺い [ハーブ] 11/02 02:23
 │ └393:現状確認(とり急ぎ、続きは夜... [白い都] 11/03 11:58
 │  ├395:Re:現状確認 [ハーブ] 11/03 19:50
 │  │└400:最期の段落 [白い都] 11/04 01:35
 │  │ ├402:TTT予告編の発表日? [白い都] 11/04 02:45
 │  │ │└406:18日でしょう。 [ハーブ] 11/04 19:11
 │  │ ├403:これベースで行きましょ... [ハーブ] 11/04 03:29
 │  │ ├405:最後の段落修正1 [ハーブ] 11/04 18:52
 │  │ │└409:補足・理由説明など [ハーブ] 11/04 23:27
 │  │ ├408:最後の段落・その2 [ハーブ] 11/04 23:11
 │  │ │└411:修正疑問点など [白い都] 11/05 00:48
 │  │ │ └413:最後の段落その3 [ハーブ] 11/05 01:52
 │  │ └410:あちらこちら [Telperion] 11/05 00:11
 │  │  └412:Re:あちらこちら [白い都] 11/05 01:12
 │  └396:comment の添削 [ハーブ] 11/03 20:08
 ├372:DVD誤訳リスト第2回【ヘルプ!】 [ハーブ] 10/31 23:15
 │├377:Re:DVD誤訳リスト第2回 [白い都] 11/01 01:23
 │├379:DVDチャプターの原題 [ここのつ] 11/01 17:05
 ││├380:助かりました! [ハーブ] 11/01 18:44
 ││└381:誤訳リストのチャプター名 [白い都] 11/02 01:00
 ││ └384:うっかりしてました(^^; [ここのつ] 11/02 07:50
 ││  └387:私もうっかりしてました(^^.. [白い都] 11/02 17:49
 ││   └397:リスト入り字幕の提案 [ここのつ] 11/03 22:25
 ││    ├398:いきなり自己訂正(^^; [ここのつ] 11/03 23:39
 ││    └399:ご指摘の箇所について [ハーブ] 11/04 01:12
 ││     └404:Re:ご指摘の箇所につ.. [ここのつ] 11/04 16:42
 │├385:補足など [ハーブ] 11/02 10:12
 │└388:主にリスト関連 [Telperion] 11/02 19:05
 │ └394:感謝&不完全応答 [ハーブ] 11/03 19:31
 └414:第3回文案と問題点(413まで) [白い都] 11/05 19:15<-last