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No.322  脚本家ボウエンズさんへの手紙
発言者: 白い都
発言日: 2002 10/25 03:16

Dear Ms. Boyens,

This is a second petition of Japanese subtitles for your film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".
I send you a letter in September and you kindly repled to me. We, 'the movement for better and proper subtitles on FotR', are much encouraged by your letter.

Today, I report to you about the subtitles of DVD/VHS released in Japan on 21nd September.
We found that some of the errors in subtitles were revised, for Ms. Akiko Tanaka (one of the translators of the original books) and Hyoron-sha(the publisher) worked with a subtitler.
Especially "The Most Serious Errors" which I send you the list of, were all revised except for these two errors.

>Parth Galen (chapter 38)
(script)I let Frodo go.
(subtitle)He has left.
(script)Then you did what I could not.
(subtitle)I am ashamed.
comment:With these subtitles the audience cannot see that Boromir recognizes Aragorn as his superior, nor that Aragorn resisted the ring's temptation to which Boromir had succumbed.

Now Boromir is not a liar, and there isn't "the Creator of life". Some people say "The score is much reduced."
But in my opinion, many erred and unsuitable words for the scene are still remained in subtitles of DVD/VHS, so that I am not satisfaed though admitting that they are better than the theater version.
*I point out some of the remained errors; I ask you to refer to the list of "The Second Most Serious Errors" attached at the end of this petition. *

And then, I tell you another news about the new trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website of the film.
To our great surprise, we found many mistranslation and the unfit words in Japanese subtitles of this trailer. We are afraide Ms. Akiko Tanaka and Hyoron-sha do not work for this or they are not guaranteed acceptance of their counsel.

We appeal Nippon Herald Films Inc. to vest the whole power of counsel on the transration in Ms. Akiko Tanaka and Hyoron-sha, for the Japanese subtitles of the succeeding two films, "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".
Now, new petitions on the Internet are preparing for this appeal. If you would talk to Mr. Peter Jackson on this matter, we should be most grateful.

Sincerely yours,

1.Gondor has no king.ゴンドールの王だと?
2.If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it.
3.It is not the eastern shore that worries me.僕の心配はそれだけじゃない。
4.I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
5.We're all afraid, Frod, but to let that fear drive su to destoroy what hope we have.
皆 不安は同じさ/恐怖に負けたら すべて終わりだ/それを忘れるな
6.It has taken Boromir.ボロミアが・・・
7.The horn of Gondor.ゴンドールの合図だ
8.I'm going to Mordor alone.−Of course you are. And I'm coming with you.
  一人で行く! いいえ/俺も行きます。

9.We are lost. I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.
10.He didin't mean for a lot of things happen, Sam.
11.Arwen's father , Elrond of Rivendell, asks Aragorn to let his daughter go with the Elves to safety.アルウェンの父、裂け谷のエルロンドはアラゴルンに娘をエルフとともに避難させるよう頼む。


322:脚本家ボウエンズさんへの手紙 [白い都] 10/25 03:16
 ├323:お疲れ様です。ありがとうございま... [ゴン] 10/25 11:12
 ├324:最短で三日 [ハーブ] 10/25 19:17
 │└327:[依頼]無理に急がなくて結構で... [白い都] 10/26 00:37
 │ ├348:連名について [ゴン] 10/27 21:08
 │ ├361:途中報告(半分相談) [ハーブ] 10/29 21:41
 │ │└363:Re:途中報告(半分相談) [白い都] 10/30 03:12
 │ │ └368:Re[2]:途中報告(半分相談... [ハーブ] 10/30 23:38
 │ └391:仕上がりの見込みなど [ハーブ] 11/03 02:00
 ├332:第1回「添削」と提案など [ハーブ] 10/26 21:24
 │├336:Re:第1回「添削」と提案など [白い都] 10/27 01:37
 │└341:[参考]私家版・DVD字幕の不満 [ハーブ] 10/27 11:07
 ├343:DVD誤訳拙訳リスト:第一回試案 [ハーブ] 10/27 14:04
 │├344:リストについて、提案 [Evenstar] 10/27 18:55
 ││├346:「こんな時代」と人はいう・・... [白い都] 10/27 20:44
 │││├351:Re:「こんな時代」と人はいう.. [ハーブ] 10/28 00:56
 │││└352:Re:「こんな時代」と人はいう.. [Evenstar] 10/28 07:23
 ││└350:難しいところです [ハーブ] 10/28 00:38
 ││ └354:難しい理由、追記 [ハーブ] 10/28 10:14
 ││  └366:難しくないと思う理由(長... [Evenstar] 10/30 04:17
 ││   ├367:断片的に・随想的に [ハーブ] 10/30 10:38
 ││   └401:[余談]timesの疑問(別.. [白い都] 11/04 01:44
 │└358:誤訳リストへの意見 [白い都] 10/29 01:36
 │ └360:Re:誤訳リストへの意見 [ハーブ] 10/29 21:30
 │  └362:誤訳リストにコメントをつけ... [白い都] 10/30 01:48
 │   └369:今回ではないですね? [ハーブ] 10/31 00:12
 ├370:第2回文案:監修の件以外 [ハーブ] 10/31 00:50
 │├371:Re:第2回文案:監修の件以外 [白い都] 10/31 02:57
 │├373:追加、ミスなど [ハーブ] 10/31 23:34
 │├376:首を突っ込みます [Telperion] 11/01 00:23
 ││└378:感謝歓迎 [ハーブ] 11/01 02:45
 ││ └386:急ぎ、the score is reduced [Evenstar] 11/02 17:46
 ││  └392:サポート感謝です! [ハーブ] 11/03 02:08
 │└382:【試案】最後の部分 [ハーブ] 11/02 02:09
 │ ├383:抜け&伺い [ハーブ] 11/02 02:23
 │ └393:現状確認(とり急ぎ、続きは夜... [白い都] 11/03 11:58
 │  ├395:Re:現状確認 [ハーブ] 11/03 19:50
 │  │└400:最期の段落 [白い都] 11/04 01:35
 │  │ ├402:TTT予告編の発表日? [白い都] 11/04 02:45
 │  │ │└406:18日でしょう。 [ハーブ] 11/04 19:11
 │  │ ├403:これベースで行きましょ... [ハーブ] 11/04 03:29
 │  │ ├405:最後の段落修正1 [ハーブ] 11/04 18:52
 │  │ │└409:補足・理由説明など [ハーブ] 11/04 23:27
 │  │ ├408:最後の段落・その2 [ハーブ] 11/04 23:11
 │  │ │└411:修正疑問点など [白い都] 11/05 00:48
 │  │ │ └413:最後の段落その3 [ハーブ] 11/05 01:52
 │  │ └410:あちらこちら [Telperion] 11/05 00:11
 │  │  └412:Re:あちらこちら [白い都] 11/05 01:12
 │  └396:comment の添削 [ハーブ] 11/03 20:08
 ├372:DVD誤訳リスト第2回【ヘルプ!】 [ハーブ] 10/31 23:15
 │├377:Re:DVD誤訳リスト第2回 [白い都] 11/01 01:23
 │├379:DVDチャプターの原題 [ここのつ] 11/01 17:05
 ││├380:助かりました! [ハーブ] 11/01 18:44
 ││└381:誤訳リストのチャプター名 [白い都] 11/02 01:00
 ││ └384:うっかりしてました(^^; [ここのつ] 11/02 07:50
 ││  └387:私もうっかりしてました(^^.. [白い都] 11/02 17:49
 ││   └397:リスト入り字幕の提案 [ここのつ] 11/03 22:25
 ││    ├398:いきなり自己訂正(^^; [ここのつ] 11/03 23:39
 ││    └399:ご指摘の箇所について [ハーブ] 11/04 01:12
 ││     └404:Re:ご指摘の箇所につ.. [ここのつ] 11/04 16:42
 │├385:補足など [ハーブ] 11/02 10:12
 │└388:主にリスト関連 [Telperion] 11/02 19:05
 │ └394:感謝&不完全応答 [ハーブ] 11/03 19:31
 └414:第3回文案と問題点(413まで) [白い都] 11/05 19:15<-last