発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2002 11/02 02:09
Now we are preparing another petition. But to be frank with you, we have little hope that it can move Nippon Herald in any way. My friends and I believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change. We are praying for it, if I may say so.
Now we are preparing another petition. But to be frank with you, we have little hope that it can move Nippon Herald in any way. Our cultural code strongly keeps us from speaking out aloud, "Replace the subtitler with a good one!", which is considered to be very indecent. If we openly made such a request, as we all wish in our hearts, then we would surely lose sympathy. People would accuse us of being rude and harsh on an elderly woman, "calling someone names", and we would end up bringing disgrace on the name of Tolkien's fans. This must seem so unreasonable to you all, indeed I suppose it is peculiar to Japan.
Therefore the best we can do is "to ask for better and proper subtitles for TTT (and RotK) in theaters" and for "a good, reliable superviser". It does not mean we lack in passion in our movement. But we do feel powerless to change the situation.
My friends and I believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change. We are praying for it, if I may say so.
Now we are preparing another petition. But to be frank with you, we have little hope that it can move Nippon Herald in any way. Without your help the subtitler cannot be replaced.
We do not know what they have told you, but she is the last person that should do your job. She has not admit her fault. On the contrary, she has been telling us on TV and media that 'A movie is one thing and the original book is another. I did not read the trilogy, no; I just don't have time for that.' or 'It annoys me to work with someone else. I'm a lone wolf.' She has no respect nor love for Tolkien's world, not even a minimal knowledge of it, and is not ashamed of herself. All these attitudes of hers makes me sick with anger. She insults you and your work as well as Professor Tolkien. Or at least that is the way we feel.
└◆322:脚本家ボウエンズさんへの手紙 [白い都] 10/25 03:16
├◆323:お疲れ様です。ありがとうございま... [ゴン] 10/25 11:12
├◆324:最短で三日 [ハーブ] 10/25 19:17
│└◆327:[依頼]無理に急がなくて結構で... [白い都] 10/26 00:37
│ ├◆348:連名について [ゴン] 10/27 21:08
│ ├◆361:途中報告(半分相談) [ハーブ] 10/29 21:41
│ │└◆363:Re:途中報告(半分相談) [白い都] 10/30 03:12
│ │ └◆368:Re[2]:途中報告(半分相談... [ハーブ] 10/30 23:38
│ └◆391:仕上がりの見込みなど [ハーブ] 11/03 02:00
├◆332:第1回「添削」と提案など [ハーブ] 10/26 21:24
│├◆336:Re:第1回「添削」と提案など [白い都] 10/27 01:37
│└◆341:[参考]私家版・DVD字幕の不満 [ハーブ] 10/27 11:07
├◆343:DVD誤訳拙訳リスト:第一回試案 [ハーブ] 10/27 14:04
│├◆344:リストについて、提案 [Evenstar] 10/27 18:55
││├◆346:「こんな時代」と人はいう・・... [白い都] 10/27 20:44
│││├◆351:Re:「こんな時代」と人はいう.. [ハーブ] 10/28 00:56
│││└◆352:Re:「こんな時代」と人はいう.. [Evenstar] 10/28 07:23
││└◆350:難しいところです [ハーブ] 10/28 00:38
││ └◆354:難しい理由、追記 [ハーブ] 10/28 10:14
││ └◆366:難しくないと思う理由(長... [Evenstar] 10/30 04:17
││ ├◆367:断片的に・随想的に [ハーブ] 10/30 10:38
││ └◆401:[余談]timesの疑問(別.. [白い都] 11/04 01:44
│└◆358:誤訳リストへの意見 [白い都] 10/29 01:36
│ └◆360:Re:誤訳リストへの意見 [ハーブ] 10/29 21:30
│ └◆362:誤訳リストにコメントをつけ... [白い都] 10/30 01:48
│ └◆369:今回ではないですね? [ハーブ] 10/31 00:12
├◆370:第2回文案:監修の件以外 [ハーブ] 10/31 00:50
│├◆371:Re:第2回文案:監修の件以外 [白い都] 10/31 02:57
│├◆373:追加、ミスなど [ハーブ] 10/31 23:34
│├◆376:首を突っ込みます [Telperion] 11/01 00:23
││└◆378:感謝歓迎 [ハーブ] 11/01 02:45
││ └◆386:急ぎ、the score is reduced [Evenstar] 11/02 17:46
││ └◆392:サポート感謝です! [ハーブ] 11/03 02:08
│└◆382:【試案】最後の部分 [ハーブ] 11/02 02:09
│ ├◆383:抜け&伺い [ハーブ] 11/02 02:23
│ └◆393:現状確認(とり急ぎ、続きは夜... [白い都] 11/03 11:58
│ ├◆395:Re:現状確認 [ハーブ] 11/03 19:50
│ │└◆400:最期の段落 [白い都] 11/04 01:35
│ │ ├◆402:TTT予告編の発表日? [白い都] 11/04 02:45
│ │ │└◆406:18日でしょう。 [ハーブ] 11/04 19:11
│ │ ├◆403:これベースで行きましょ... [ハーブ] 11/04 03:29
│ │ ├◆405:最後の段落修正1 [ハーブ] 11/04 18:52
│ │ │└◆409:補足・理由説明など [ハーブ] 11/04 23:27
│ │ ├◆408:最後の段落・その2 [ハーブ] 11/04 23:11
│ │ │└◆411:修正疑問点など [白い都] 11/05 00:48
│ │ │ └◆413:最後の段落その3 [ハーブ] 11/05 01:52
│ │ └◆410:あちらこちら [Telperion] 11/05 00:11
│ │ └◆412:Re:あちらこちら [白い都] 11/05 01:12
│ └◆396:comment の添削 [ハーブ] 11/03 20:08
├◆372:DVD誤訳リスト第2回【ヘルプ!】 [ハーブ] 10/31 23:15
│├◆377:Re:DVD誤訳リスト第2回 [白い都] 11/01 01:23
│├◆379:DVDチャプターの原題 [ここのつ] 11/01 17:05
││├◆380:助かりました! [ハーブ] 11/01 18:44
││└◆381:誤訳リストのチャプター名 [白い都] 11/02 01:00
││ └◆384:うっかりしてました(^^; [ここのつ] 11/02 07:50
││ └◆387:私もうっかりしてました(^^.. [白い都] 11/02 17:49
││ └◆397:リスト入り字幕の提案 [ここのつ] 11/03 22:25
││ ├◆398:いきなり自己訂正(^^; [ここのつ] 11/03 23:39
││ └◆399:ご指摘の箇所について [ハーブ] 11/04 01:12
││ └◆404:Re:ご指摘の箇所につ.. [ここのつ] 11/04 16:42
│├◆385:補足など [ハーブ] 11/02 10:12
│└◆388:主にリスト関連 [Telperion] 11/02 19:05
│ └◆394:感謝&不完全応答 [ハーブ] 11/03 19:31
└◆414:第3回文案と問題点(413まで) [白い都] 11/05 19:15<-last