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No.1307  【最終稿】PJ宛送付文
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2003 01/06 14:07

Dear Mr. Jackson

I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings", and I have been a Tolkien reader for more than 20 years.
The Japanese subtitle problem is utterly crucial to me.

My friends and I have been protesting against the terrible Japanese subtitles since March 2002. Some of us have sent you the petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles," "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS," and so on.

Now I send you some materials for you to take into consideration. They include the official announcement on December 25th by the Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Films Inc., which immediately caused a flood of renewed anger among us fans.
(If you have already received these things, please forgive me.)

You may already know of the article on the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28, where you can read an English translation of the official announcement. But I have to say that whoever the writer Luinneion is, the article had a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslations in it. So I send you the original Japanese one with our English translation of the main part of it.

The official announcement, in short, says that they have heard nothing from you, that Natsuko Toda who made all the distortion in FotR will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. In the subtitled print in Japan we will see the name Natsuko Toda be shown BEFORE or along with the original title 'The Two Towers', where you avoided placing your name!

They also say that on the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha had checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. But we assure you, there was a great difference between the impressions given by the dubbed version and the subtitled one, great enough to motivate us to start a new petition in November.

If based on the same 'complete translation' and equally checked and double-checked as they tell us, what then, we ask, makes the difference?

Just like the case of FotR, while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be painfully problematic.
I hope you have someone who reads Japanese well enough to understand every nuance, so that you can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).

I believe that the lengthy explanation of 'entire consultation process' in the announcement is just a big smoke screen by Nippon Herald Films Inc. As long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is no hope for the Japanese fans to genuinely enjoy your TTT.

Sincerely yours,



1168:速報:3度目のTORn [ハーブ] 12/28 08:54
 └1170:3度目のTORn:和文 [ハーブ] 12/28 09:42
  ├1171:Re:3度目のTORn:和文 [にゃんこ] 12/28 10:08
  │└1173:[添削依頼]記事のことをPJ... [白い都] 12/28 15:47
  │ └1174:Re:[添削依頼] [ハーブ] 12/28 16:24
  │  └1175:PJとNLあてにメール発... [白い都] 12/28 18:10
  │   ├1176:手持ち送ります [ハーブ] 12/28 19:35
  │   └1311:WETAはPJにメール... [白い都] 01/06 19:10
  └1177:[英文依頼]送りたい資料 [白い都] 12/28 20:39
   ├1178:資料の並び順、英名称? [白い都] 12/28 21:40
   │└1180:重要順をおすすめ [ハーブ] 12/28 22:17
   └1179:Re:資料に添える短文 [ハーブ] 12/28 22:13
    ├1181:短い送付文を考えました [白い都] 12/29 02:35
    │├1182:取り急ぎ一・二点 [ハーブ] 12/29 11:59
    │├1183:今出来る手直し [ハーブ] 12/29 12:26
    ││└1187:締め30日午前10時で... [白い都] 12/29 15:53
    ││ └1225:すいません! [ハーブ] 12/30 11:45
    ││  └1230:【至急】確認依頼・... [白い都] 12/30 13:17
    ││   ├1231:【至急】確認依頼... [白い都] 12/30 13:26
    ││   └1233:Re:【至急】確認依.. [ハーブ] 12/30 14:25
    ││    └1240:【至急】再度確... [白い都] 12/30 16:16
    ││     └1243:Re:【至急】再.. [ハーブ] 12/30 17:01
    │└1244:NLあて(ニューヨーク、ロ... [白い都] 12/30 19:05
    ├1186:PJ宛メールの文章 [角笛] 12/29 15:37
    └1259:[添削依頼]PJあての送付... [白い都] 12/31 23:35
     ├1265:Re:[添削依頼]PJあての.. [ハーブ] 01/02 11:19
     │└1268:PJあての送付文 [白い都] 01/02 23:56
     │ ├1271:約束は出来ませんが [ハーブ] 01/03 01:32
     │ │└1284:メールお手伝いの試... [ここのつ] 01/05 00:06
     │ ├1294:PJ宛送付文(加筆解説... [ハーブ] 01/05 20:27
     │ └1295:PJ宛全文 [ハーブ] 01/05 21:09
     │  └1299:抜けてました [ハーブ] 01/05 23:51
     ├1277:日ヘラ告知・英訳の試み [ここのつ] 01/03 21:57
     │├1279:是非使わせてください [白い都] 01/03 23:12
     ││└1282:Nippon Herald Films I.. [ハーブ] 01/04 13:18
     ││ └1285:Re:Nippon Herald Fi.. [白い都] 01/05 02:01
     │├1280:Re:日ヘラ告知・英訳の試.. [余計なお世話かもしれませんが] 01/04 05:49
     ││└1281:ありがとうございます... [ここのつ] 01/04 10:20
     │├1286:やっと添削(前半) [ハーブ] 01/05 02:19
     ││└1288:やっと添削(後半) [ハーブ] 01/05 02:29
     │├1289:[雑談]コメンタリーを聞... [ハーブ] 01/05 02:50
     ││└1290:Re:[雑談]コメンタリー.. [あ、クマ犬] 01/05 04:18
     ││ └1291:時間が許す一言だけ [ここのつ] 01/05 09:57
     ││  └1292:Re:時間が許す一言.. [あ、クマ犬] 01/05 14:09
     ││   └1293:Re[2]:時間が許... [ハーブ] 01/05 17:50
     ││    └1298:裏方のままだ... [ここのつ] 01/05 23:48
     │├1296:最終案に向けて [ここのつ] 01/05 23:29
     ││└1300:日ヘラ告知・最終案 [ここのつ] 01/06 00:04
     ││ ├1301:訂正 [ここのつ] 01/06 00:11
     ││ │└1302:★一点だけ確認願... [ここのつ] 01/06 00:45
     ││ │ └1303:その通りです [ハーブ] 01/06 01:41
     ││ └1305:日ヘラ最終チェック [ハーブ] 01/06 12:33
     │└1306:【英訳】日ヘラ告知文(... [ハーブ] 01/06 13:48
     │ └1309:Re:【英訳】日ヘラ告知.. [白い都] 01/06 16:36
     └1307:【最終稿】PJ宛送付文 [ハーブ] 01/06 14:07
      └1308:Re:【最終稿】PJ宛送付文.. [白い都] 01/06 16:34
       └1310:Q&A [ハーブ] 01/06 19:07
        └1312:出してきます [白い都] 01/06 21:03<-last