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No.1288  やっと添削(後半)
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2003 01/05 02:29
After receiving the final English script, translating* for the additional part of script was done by Hyoronsha, and subtitling by Natsuko started in the middle of November. Now the pre-release version of Japanese subtitle transcript has been made and has been checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.

⇒translation の方がここは前置詞との兼ね合いが落ち着くように思います。additional partへの変更は全面肯定。
>in the middle of November
⇒ in mid-November
From now on, Natsuko Toda, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others, will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments. We are planning to have a preview of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to correct the subtitle transcript finally.

>and to correct the subtitle transcript finally.
ここのつ案:and to modify the subtitle transcript finally.
どちらも finally が「やっと、とうとう」に見えてひっかかります。
ハーブ案:and to make the final corrections and/or modifications.
We are running a similar operation on the Japanese dubbed version. The preliminary translation by Hyoronsha was handed to Katsushige Hirata. Now the pre-release version script has *made, and Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha are checking it. We are planning to complete the dubbed print in the end of January.

operation でもいいのかもしれませんが、私はどうも軍事作戦や手術の意味が先に来るので違和感があります。
>We are running a similar operation
⇒We are going through a similar process
>has *made,
⇒ has been made

日本語字幕: 戸田奈津子
字幕協力: 田中明子
★ここは、「先付け」という用語を私は知らないのですが、#1277 ここのつ様の解釈が合っているならば、完全にここのつ案↓採用になります。
The subtitled version print will be preceded by these lines:
  The Japanese subtitles: Natsuko Toda
  In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka Hyouronsha
なお、「日本語字幕: 戸田奈津子」が最初に出て、『エンドにつける「スタッフ・キャスト」タイトル』には協力の方だけ出る、というのであれば、
>In collaboration with:
は単独では使えませんから ⇒ Translation Assistants:
In the dubbed version's end credit "Staff & Cast for the dubbed version," as we did on FotR, we intend to put the names; Translation: Katsushige Hirata, Collaboration: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha and other names of people who helped us on the translation.
>as we did on FotR, we intend to put the names;
⇒we intend to put the names as we did on FotR;
Recently, on a* interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson has released* a comment on that the translator for TTT had *changed in Japan. But we had never heard of its content completely, so we're trying to catch the meaning of his comment through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.

単純ミス on a* interview ⇒ in an interview
>released* a comment
⇒ made a statement that
>the translator for TTT had *changed in Japan
⇒the Japanese translator had been changed for TTT

>But we had never heard of its content completely,
⇒But it was totally a surprise to us. / But it was completely new to us. / But we had never before heard anything of that sort.

>so we're trying to catch the meaning of his comment
⇒We are trying to find out what he really meant
If we receive a comment of the director, or get a message from him directly, we will tell you about it.
>receive a comment of the director, or get a message from him directly,
⇒receive a comment or a message from him directly,
>we will tell you about it.
⇒ we will let you know. の方が良いような気がする。
つ か れ た よ 〜



1168:速報:3度目のTORn [ハーブ] 12/28 08:54
 └1170:3度目のTORn:和文 [ハーブ] 12/28 09:42
  ├1171:Re:3度目のTORn:和文 [にゃんこ] 12/28 10:08
  │└1173:[添削依頼]記事のことをPJ... [白い都] 12/28 15:47
  │ └1174:Re:[添削依頼] [ハーブ] 12/28 16:24
  │  └1175:PJとNLあてにメール発... [白い都] 12/28 18:10
  │   ├1176:手持ち送ります [ハーブ] 12/28 19:35
  │   └1311:WETAはPJにメール... [白い都] 01/06 19:10
  └1177:[英文依頼]送りたい資料 [白い都] 12/28 20:39
   ├1178:資料の並び順、英名称? [白い都] 12/28 21:40
   │└1180:重要順をおすすめ [ハーブ] 12/28 22:17
   └1179:Re:資料に添える短文 [ハーブ] 12/28 22:13
    ├1181:短い送付文を考えました [白い都] 12/29 02:35
    │├1182:取り急ぎ一・二点 [ハーブ] 12/29 11:59
    │├1183:今出来る手直し [ハーブ] 12/29 12:26
    ││└1187:締め30日午前10時で... [白い都] 12/29 15:53
    ││ └1225:すいません! [ハーブ] 12/30 11:45
    ││  └1230:【至急】確認依頼・... [白い都] 12/30 13:17
    ││   ├1231:【至急】確認依頼... [白い都] 12/30 13:26
    ││   └1233:Re:【至急】確認依.. [ハーブ] 12/30 14:25
    ││    └1240:【至急】再度確... [白い都] 12/30 16:16
    ││     └1243:Re:【至急】再.. [ハーブ] 12/30 17:01
    │└1244:NLあて(ニューヨーク、ロ... [白い都] 12/30 19:05
    ├1186:PJ宛メールの文章 [角笛] 12/29 15:37
    └1259:[添削依頼]PJあての送付... [白い都] 12/31 23:35
     ├1265:Re:[添削依頼]PJあての.. [ハーブ] 01/02 11:19
     │└1268:PJあての送付文 [白い都] 01/02 23:56
     │ ├1271:約束は出来ませんが [ハーブ] 01/03 01:32
     │ │└1284:メールお手伝いの試... [ここのつ] 01/05 00:06
     │ ├1294:PJ宛送付文(加筆解説... [ハーブ] 01/05 20:27
     │ └1295:PJ宛全文 [ハーブ] 01/05 21:09
     │  └1299:抜けてました [ハーブ] 01/05 23:51
     ├1277:日ヘラ告知・英訳の試み [ここのつ] 01/03 21:57
     │├1279:是非使わせてください [白い都] 01/03 23:12
     ││└1282:Nippon Herald Films I.. [ハーブ] 01/04 13:18
     ││ └1285:Re:Nippon Herald Fi.. [白い都] 01/05 02:01
     │├1280:Re:日ヘラ告知・英訳の試.. [余計なお世話かもしれませんが] 01/04 05:49
     ││└1281:ありがとうございます... [ここのつ] 01/04 10:20
     │├1286:やっと添削(前半) [ハーブ] 01/05 02:19
     ││└1288:やっと添削(後半) [ハーブ] 01/05 02:29
     │├1289:[雑談]コメンタリーを聞... [ハーブ] 01/05 02:50
     ││└1290:Re:[雑談]コメンタリー.. [あ、クマ犬] 01/05 04:18
     ││ └1291:時間が許す一言だけ [ここのつ] 01/05 09:57
     ││  └1292:Re:時間が許す一言.. [あ、クマ犬] 01/05 14:09
     ││   └1293:Re[2]:時間が許... [ハーブ] 01/05 17:50
     ││    └1298:裏方のままだ... [ここのつ] 01/05 23:48
     │├1296:最終案に向けて [ここのつ] 01/05 23:29
     ││└1300:日ヘラ告知・最終案 [ここのつ] 01/06 00:04
     ││ ├1301:訂正 [ここのつ] 01/06 00:11
     ││ │└1302:★一点だけ確認願... [ここのつ] 01/06 00:45
     ││ │ └1303:その通りです [ハーブ] 01/06 01:41
     ││ └1305:日ヘラ最終チェック [ハーブ] 01/06 12:33
     │└1306:【英訳】日ヘラ告知文(... [ハーブ] 01/06 13:48
     │ └1309:Re:【英訳】日ヘラ告知.. [白い都] 01/06 16:36
     └1307:【最終稿】PJ宛送付文 [ハーブ] 01/06 14:07
      └1308:Re:【最終稿】PJ宛送付文.. [白い都] 01/06 16:34
       └1310:Q&A [ハーブ] 01/06 19:07
        └1312:出してきます [白い都] 01/06 21:03<-last