└◇1170:3度目のTORn:和文 [ハーブ] 12/28 09:42
├◇1171:Re:3度目のTORn:和文 [にゃんこ] 12/28 10:08
│└◇1173:[添削依頼]記事のことをPJとNLに知らせる [白い都] 12/28 15:47
│ └◇1174:Re:[添削依頼] [ハーブ] 12/28 16:24
│ └◇1175:PJとNLあてにメール発送 [白い都] 12/28 18:10
│ ├◇1176:手持ち送ります [ハーブ] 12/28 19:35
│ └◇1311:WETAはPJにメールを回してくれた [白い都] 01/06 19:10
└◇1177:[英文依頼]送りたい資料 [白い都] 12/28 20:39
├◇1178:資料の並び順、英名称? [白い都] 12/28 21:40
│└◇1180:重要順をおすすめ [ハーブ] 12/28 22:17
└◇1179:Re:資料に添える短文 [ハーブ] 12/28 22:13
├◇1181:短い送付文を考えました [白い都] 12/29 02:35
│├◇1182:取り急ぎ一・二点 [ハーブ] 12/29 11:59
│├◇1183:今出来る手直し [ハーブ] 12/29 12:26
││└◇1187:締め30日午前10時でお願いします [白い都] 12/29 15:53
││ └◇1225:すいません! [ハーブ] 12/30 11:45
││ └◇1230:【至急】確認依頼・本日中に発送したい [白い都] 12/30 13:17
││ ├◇1231:【至急】確認依頼・自己修正 [白い都] 12/30 13:26
││ └◇1233:Re:【至急】確認依頼 [ハーブ] 12/30 14:25
││ └◇1240:【至急】再度確認依頼・今日7時までに出したい [白い都] 12/30 16:16
││ └◇1243:Re:【至急】再度確認依頼 [ハーブ] 12/30 17:01
│└◇1244:NLあて(ニューヨーク、ロス)発送しました [白い都] 12/30 19:05
├◇1186:PJ宛メールの文章 [角笛] 12/29 15:37
└◇1259:[添削依頼]PJあての送付文 [白い都] 12/31 23:35
├◇1265:Re:[添削依頼]PJあての送付文 [ハーブ] 01/02 11:19
│└◇1268:PJあての送付文 [白い都] 01/02 23:56
│ ├◇1271:約束は出来ませんが [ハーブ] 01/03 01:32
│ │└◇1284:メールお手伝いの試み [ここのつ] 01/05 00:06
│ ├◇1294:PJ宛送付文(加筆解説) [ハーブ] 01/05 20:27
│ └◇1295:PJ宛全文 [ハーブ] 01/05 21:09
│ └◇1299:抜けてました [ハーブ] 01/05 23:51
├◇1277:日ヘラ告知・英訳の試み [ここのつ] 01/03 21:57
│├◇1279:是非使わせてください [白い都] 01/03 23:12
││└◇1282:Nippon Herald Films Inc. [ハーブ] 01/04 13:18
││ └◇1285:Re:Nippon Herald Films Inc. [白い都] 01/05 02:01
│├◇1280:Re:日ヘラ告知・英訳の試み [余計なお世話かもしれませんが] 01/04 05:49
││└◇1281:ありがとうございます! [ここのつ] 01/04 10:20
│├◇1286:やっと添削(前半) [ハーブ] 01/05 02:19
││└◇1288:やっと添削(後半) [ハーブ] 01/05 02:29
│├◇1289:[雑談]コメンタリーを聞け! [ハーブ] 01/05 02:50
││└◇1290:Re:[雑談]コメンタリーを聞け! [あ、クマ犬] 01/05 04:18
││ └◇1291:時間が許す一言だけ [ここのつ] 01/05 09:57
││ └◇1292:Re:時間が許す一言だけ [あ、クマ犬] 01/05 14:09
││ └◇1293:Re[2]:時間が許す一言だけ [ハーブ] 01/05 17:50
││ └◇1298:裏方のままだって尊いのにね [ここのつ] 01/05 23:48
│├◇1296:最終案に向けて [ここのつ] 01/05 23:29
││└◇1300:日ヘラ告知・最終案 [ここのつ] 01/06 00:04
││ ├◇1301:訂正 [ここのつ] 01/06 00:11
││ │└◇1302:★一点だけ確認願い [ここのつ] 01/06 00:45
││ │ └◇1303:その通りです [ハーブ] 01/06 01:41
││ └◇1305:日ヘラ最終チェック [ハーブ] 01/06 12:33
│└◇1306:【英訳】日ヘラ告知文(部分) [ハーブ] 01/06 13:48
│ └◇1309:Re:【英訳】日ヘラ告知文(部分) [白い都] 01/06 16:36
└◇1307:【最終稿】PJ宛送付文 [ハーブ] 01/06 14:07
└◇1308:Re:【最終稿】PJ宛送付文 [白い都] 01/06 16:34
└◇1310:Q&A [ハーブ] 01/06 19:07
└◇1312:出してきます [白い都] 01/06 21:03<-last
やっぱり訳してしまいました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
いつものように、トップページにニュースのひとつとして短い紹介記事、その最後の [More]クリックで詳細、となってます。
今回は、 Herbalist の書いたものは一部紹介で、全体は Tehanu様(私の再度の哀願に応えてくれたのでもう様々です)の記事、けっこう慎重公平な地の文に、ハーブの大文字が目立ちまくり (^^;) *〜* と挟んであるのが大文字部分。右肩にのみ*がついているのは注、のつもりです。
FOTR の不正確な訳にファンの抗議があって後、TTTでは違う翻訳者が起用されるとの言葉(知らせ)があった。しかし日本の配給会社はこれを否定、ファンたちはまたしても酷い訳が出現するのを心配している。
日本のLotRファンである Herbalist(ハーブ)によれば、「私たちはPJがTVNZで『翻訳担当者を変える』と言ってくれたのを聞いて、それは喜びました。しかし今日、配給会社日本ヘラルドは*公式に*発表したのです。PJからそのようなことは何も聞いていない、そして*同一の翻訳者ナツコ・トダ*が(字幕担当に)留まる、と」
(大文字部分過激につき皆様で英語をご覧下さい。これって私から Tehanuさんに「押し」をかけるためだったんだけど、こうして見ると少々ヒステリックに見えるなあ。反省。)
さらに Herbalist は、その結果として FOTR の興行収入が苦戦したと思う、と述べ、証拠として BoxOffice Mojo* の数字をあげている。 FOTR の数字は結構低いようだ。
*got to hear :くだけすぎ広過ぎて判断できない。「=must」なのか「聞く機会を得た、機会があった」なのか、後者だと思うけど。
これは早い和訳アップありがとうございます!コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>この記事、PJが目にしたらどう思うんでしょうね・・・コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
(件名)NO MORE "TODA" Subtitles for LotR
The Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Inc. officially announced on 25th December that they do mean to keep the same translator Natsuko Toda for TTT.
We Japanese fans of LotR are so furious to Nippon Herald Inc. that they have learned nothing from our protest.
As long as Natsuko Toda stays in the position, your TTT will not win success in Japan as it has already won worldwide.
This news can be seen on TheOneRing.net. Please read it.
簡潔で良いですね。あっというまに添削できます(笑)。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>We Japanese fans of LotR are so furious to Nippon Herald Inc. that they have learned nothing from our protest.
⇒We Japanese fans of LotR are so furious now. Nippon Herald Inc. have learned nothing from our protest.
単に今時間がなくて、furious の用法用例にあたるより、手っ取り早く2文にして前置詞やthat の問題を避けて通るという、急ぐ時の安直な手に過ぎなかったりする。(ごめんなさいっ)
注意して読むと、記事の書き手はハーブの主観(あの××な○○はっ!みたいな部分)は引用符つきとし、「誤解=行き違いがあったのかも」と公平だし、収益の話も she feels で始まってて、あくまで抑えてくれてます。Tehanuさんいつもありがとうね(;;)
さすがに疾走は一段落かな…と思ったらEvenstar 様が連絡室のほうにご降臨になって、英訳コメント20くらいとかいう話が(いえその、すごく、すごく救われているんですほんとです、伏してお願いするところです)。
・PJ(WATEの2カ所)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>やっぱり手紙を書いて、記事のコピーやTTT予告編の字幕・吹替対照などの資料を送ったほうがいいでしょうか。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
ハーブ:でもNL宛てPJ宛てはPSじゃ足りない、どっちみち本文として書き下ろして訴えなきゃいけないだろうと思います。その際、私の手持ち英語で同じこと言うんだから、Eメール文案やポストカード文案と似たような文が並ぶものと思います(再編集というか)。#1585 12/27
Evenstar 様:内容は出来るだけ練って冷静なものにしましょう。メール・ポストカード攻勢は各個人のエモーション優勢で当然だし自然ですけれども、公共性が強い類の嘆願書は、理性的な印象を前面に出すほうが得策と考えます。#1588 12/28
というわけで、Evenstar 様ご来臨の前に書きかけてたものは、めでたく没決定(あーよかったぁ!)ということで宙に浮いてます。丁度良いのでメールで送りますから、そっちで検討しましょう。
あ、新しい方が誤解するといけないので、お馴染み様には不要な説明をします。早く言えばEvenstar 様というのはハーブが師と仰ぐかたでありまして、特に、「アメリカ的・ジャーナリスト語でズバッと」系のハーブは、「ヨーロッパ的・アカデミック」系の品位あるEvenstar 様の英語ご指導なしには、嘆願書のような「きちんとした文書」は危なくて書かせられません。基本的に和文英訳のプロではないので、自分でも「書けるのはここまでのレベルの英語」とわかっているのです。その上での
日ヘラ公式発表による「戸田続投」を知らせたメール(1175)について、WETA-Digitalの人から返信あり。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>Hi there,
>Thanks for your concern. I have passed your mail onto Mr Jackson, and I am sure he is aware of the situation.
>Kind Regards,
>Kathryn Horton
>Weta Digital Recruitment
>tel + 64 4 380 9080
>fax +64 4 380 9010
>やっぱり手紙を書いて、記事のコピーやTTT予告編の字幕・吹替対照などの資料を送ったほうがいいでしょうか。しかし私は自力では手紙文を書けない。(白い都1175)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>Evenstar 様ご来臨の前に書きかけてたものは、めでたく没決定ということで宙に浮いてます。丁度良いのでメールで送りますから、そっちで検討しましょう。(ハーブ1176)
2.TTT予告編 字幕・吹き替え対照
並び順は英語資料→日本語資料のほうがいいでしょうか。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
(1)The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002 [English]
(2)The One Ring. net −News for Nob. 02, 2002 [English]
(3)The One Ring. net −News for Dec. 27, 2002 [English]
(4)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles from Nippon Herald Inc. on 13rd June, 2002[Japanese]
(5)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese oficial movie website released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
(6)The Official Announcement about TTT subtitler from Nippon Herald Inc. on 25th December, 2002[Japanese]
状況から言って、ネット記事より日ヘラ発表そのまんま、を番号のついた目録=リスト上では先に挙げたいですね(1次資料)。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>改善室のほうで、署名を送るのと一緒に資料を送ってはどうか、という提案をしました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
・Supplementary Materials :concerning Japanese Subtitles
「私は先日何々を送った者である。その後状況が新たな展開をした。日ヘラの12/25オフィシャル発表文を含め、あなた方が決定(make decision)をするにあたり考慮に入れるべき(または、考慮の一助となる可能性のある)マテリアルを送る。日本語を英訳させている時間が無いので、一部は日本語のまま」
Dear Messrs. Shaye and Lynne,コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
I sent you the letter with a volume of enclosures ---all the TERRIBLE Japanese subtitles on your FotR---two weeks ago.
Since then there happened developments in this matter.
I rapidly send you additional materials including the official announcement about TTT subtitler from Nippon Herald Inc. You should take them into consideration before you decide.
Some pieces of them are Japanese. Forgive me that I have no time to translate them into English.
Sincerely yours,
(1)The Official Announcement about TTT subtitler from Nippon Herald Inc. on 25th December, 2002 [Japanese]
(2)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese official movie website released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
(3)The One Ring. net −News for Dec. 27, 2002 [English]
(4)"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?" from 'The Sunday Mainichi, 2003 Jan. 5-12' (published on 24th December, 2002) [Japanese] *
(5)The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002 [English]
(6)The One Ring. net −News for Nob. 02, 2002 [English]
(7)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles from Nippon Herald Inc. on 13rd June, 2002 [Japanese]
* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is one of the most popular weekly magazine in Japan.
1.コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is one of the most popular weekly magazine in Japan.
発行部数だけ書きましょう。そして、popular ⇒ well-known これなら間違いない。
白い都様からNL 宛には、all the TERRIBLE Japanese subtitles のような、大文字使って大げさに、は止めたほうがいい。ハガキなら一目でわかるように、がぽいんとですが、資料入り封筒は開けてもらえたらもうその時点でそれ以上声を大にすることはないので、なるべく知的印象を狙うために、大文字はやめましょう。
better ではあるが、good enough ではない直しをとりあえず。できたら夜まで待ってもらって最終稿とする。「ヘン」はたぶんこれで消えてると思うが、白い都さまの手紙はファンレターの一群とは一線を画したものにしたいので、きちんとした英文にしたい。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>I sent you the letter with a volume of enclosures ---all the TERRIBLE Japanese subtitles on your FotR---two weeks ago.
>Since then there happened developments in this matter.
⇒ Since then the situation has taken new turn.
>I rapidly send you additional materials including the official announcement about TTT subtitler from Nippon Herald Inc. You should take them into consideration before you decide.
*rapidly はだめ。急ぐのは分かるが、hurriedly とかも不適切な気がするので当面抜きで。
from Nippon Herald Inc. ⇒ made by Nippon Herald Inc.
>Some pieces of them are Japanese. Forgive me that I have no time to translate them into English.
⇒Some of them are in Japanese. Forgive me that I have no time to translate them into English.
1.ありがとうございます。急がせて申し訳ありません。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
日本語翻訳者Japanese translation staff
下訳under-translation:田中明子 Akiko Tanaka
字幕subtitle :戸田奈津子Natsuko Toda
吹替script for dub :平田勝茂 Katsushige Hirata
昨日はあちらにとられてつい吹っ飛んでいたようなもので、本当に申し訳なかったです。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>日本語翻訳者Japanese translation staff
>下訳under-translation:田中明子 Akiko Tanaka
>字幕subtitle :戸田奈津子Natsuko Toda
>吹替script for dub :平田勝茂 Katsushige Hirata
×Japanese Subtitle Print Japanese Subtitles: Natsuko Toda SubtitleConsultants: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha.
in Japanese subtitle print, names will appear as
Japanese Subtitles: Natsuko Toda
Subtitle Assistants: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha.
>(5)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese oficial movie website released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
スペルミス official
>(6)The Official Announcement about TTT subtitler from Nippon Herald Inc. on 25th December, 2002[Japanese]
⇒(6)The Official Announcement about TTT translation: "To Everyone Waiting For The Release of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on the Japanese oficial movie website by Nippon Herald Inc. and [松竹の正式英語名、調べてない] on 25th December, 2002[Japanese]
25th December, ではなくDecember 25th のはずです。(こんな簡単なことまで混乱してきた)
1216に疑問を書きましたが、私が相手陣営なら、とっくに1173と同じことをしとるわな。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
Dear Messrs. Shaye and Lynne,
I sent you the letter with a volume of enclosures ---all the terrible Japanese subtitles on your FotR---two weeks ago.
Since then the situation has taken new turn.
I send you additional materials including the official announcement about TTT subtitler made by Nippon Herald Inc. You should take them into consideration before you decide.
Some of them are in Japanese. Forgive me that I have no time to translate them into English.
Sincerely yours,
(1)The Official Announcement about TTT translation: "To Everyone Waiting For The Release of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on the Japanese official movie website by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002[Japanese]
(2)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese official movie website
released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
(3)The One Ring. net −News for Dec. 27, 2002 [English]
(4)"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?" from 'The Sunday Mainichi,
2003 Jan. 5-12' (published on 24th December, 2002) [Japanese] *
(5)The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002 [English]
(6)The One Ring. net −News for Nob. 02, 2002 [English]
(7)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles from Nippon Herald Inc.
on June 13rd, 2002 [Japanese]
* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is a well-known weekly magazine in Japan.
すいません。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
(7)6月13日の日本ヘラルド発表は「by Nippon Herald Inc.」に修正。
>The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles by Nippon Herald Inc.
on June 13rd, 2002 [Japanese]
なお、松竹(しょうちく)は Shochiku Co., Ltd です。松竹株式会社ホームページ会社概要
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
> You should take them into consideration
⇒ , for you to take into consideration とぼかしました。
いいと思います。海外ページでも'The Sunday Mainichi'でした。
>* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is a well-known weekly magazine in Japan
⇒ 'The Sunday Mainichi' is one of well-known weekly magazines in Japan, which sells about 129,000 copies a week.
>(1)The Official Announcement about TTT translation:
前置詞は about ⇒ on の方が良いかも。例によって確信はないのだが。まちがいではないです、どっちにしても。
(日ヘラが『謹賀新年 ファンの皆様へ』なんつー挨拶を出したらと思うと…
手紙本文コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>I send you additional materials including the official announcement about TTT subtitler made by Nippon Herald Inc., for you to take into consideration.
>"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?"
>from 'The Sunday Mainichi, 2003 Jan. 5-12' (published on December 24th, 2002) [Japanese] *
>(1)The Official Announcement about TTT translation: "To Everyone Waiting For The Release of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on the Japanese official movie website by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002[Japanese]
>(7)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles by Nippon Herald Inc.
on June 13rd, 2002 [Japanese]
(6)The One Ring. net −News for Nov. 02, 2002 [English]
>日本語翻訳者Japanese translation staff(from 'The Official Announcement about TTT')
>字幕Subtitles:戸田奈津子Natsuko Toda
>吹替Dubbing Script:平田勝茂Katsushige Hirata
>協力Assistants:田中明子Akiko Tanaka, 評論社Hyouronsha.
吹替のことは dubbing script でいいですか。それとも dubbed scriptかな?
>youが一文に二回も出てくるのはくどくないですか?コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?"
⇒(according to the Official Announcement about TTT)
にしておきましょうか。タイトルとしては、あの長たらしい「ロード〜皆様へ」があるわけなので、タイトルじゃない言葉に引用符‘ ’はつけないでおこう。
>吹替のことは dubbing script でいいですか。それとも dubbed scriptかな?
差し支えはないと思います。後の方の on はなくてもいいのかな?ほんと前置詞は弱い。このままでいきましょう。
12月30日午後6時10分に郵便局へ持ち込みました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
割と抑えて書いたのでIをWeに変えれば使えるかもと思い、こちらに投稿します。(相変わらずのスロースターターで申し訳ありません>ハーブ様)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
I am grateful for your decision about the Japanese translator of The Two Towers. The news is a great gift to all who have hoped better subtitles of The Lord of the Rings.
A new problem, however, has arisen. Nippon Herald Film Inc., the Japanese distributor, officially announced that they never heard your comment about the translator. The same subtitler, Ms. Natsuko Toda, is presently working on the Japanese translation of The Two Towers cooperating with other translators. They declared that her name will appear on the credits. I can only think that means the Japanese distributor ignores you, or deceives you. We have no comment from New Line Cinema yet.
Japanese fans are waiting for new information about those. We believe your decision will bring The Two Towers the exact subtitles we have longed for.
>PJはもう意志表示してくれた。だから不要という意味ではないが、選択して送った方が良いと思う。PJ宛てはもう少し考えて提案出します(ハーブさま1179)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>take into consideration.
Dear Mr. Jackson
I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings".
Acording to TVNZ, we Japanese fans cheered very much for you to change the subtitler in TTT.
But the situation has taken new turn.
The Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Inc. insist that they have heard nothing from you.
I send you materials including the official announcement on December 25th by Nippon Herald Inc., for you to take into consideration.
Some of them are in Japanese. Forgive me that I have no time to translate them into English.
Sincerely yours,
(1)The Official Announcement about TTT translation: "To Everyone Waiting for the Release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on the Japanese official movie website
by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002[Japanese]
(2)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese official movie website
released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
(3)The One Ring. net −News for Dec. 27, 2002 [English]
(4)"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?" from 'The Sunday Mainichi,
2003 Jan. 5-12' (published on December 24th, 2002) [Japanese] *
(5)The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002 [English]
(6)The One Ring. net −News for Nov. 02, 2002 [English]
(7)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles by Nippon Herald Inc.
on June 13th, 2002 [Japanese]
* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is one of well-known weekly magazines in Japan, which sells about 129,000 copies a week.
挨拶抜きで。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>take into consideration.
これはEvenstar 様や私の投稿からかなり類似文を拾えると思います。現在の私の状況は、
1.依頼された個人の添削 2.コメント英訳のための人員採用(メールで送られてくるトライアルのレベル判断とその返信書き)及び割り振り 3.自分がやってるコメント英訳 4.チェッカー確保の手配
説明を入れた文章にしてみました。かなりの部分をEVEVSTARさまのTRON投稿(1262)から切り張りさせていただきました。が、繋ぎ目に自分で書いた文章とのレベルの差が際立つなあ・・・コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
それより遅くなるようなら、ゴンさまにお願いして、改善室署名に同封してもらうようにしたほうがいいでしょうか? 早く出せないのならわざわざ下手な英語を書いて別便にする意味は少ないし、嘆願書と併せて読むほうがわかりやすいから。
Dear Mr. Jackson
I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings".
My friends and I have been to protest against the terrible Japanese subtitles. Some of us sent you petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles" "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS" and so on.
Now I send you materials including the official announcement on December 25th by The Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Inc., for you to take into consideration.
If you have already received these things, forgive me to bother you.
Some of them are in Japanese. I would ask you to have someone who is good at Japanese read them.
You may hear the article of the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28. In that article there is a English translation from the official announcement of Nippon Herald Inc. made by Luinneion.
But we can not trust it because there are a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslation in it. So I send you the original Japanese one.
The official announcement, in short, says that Natsuko Toda who was responsible for the FotR subtitles will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. Nippon Herald Inc. insist that they have heard nothing from you. The credits for the TTT subtitles as a part of the "Staff & Cast" credits will be as follows: "Subtitles by Natsuko Toda, in collaboration with Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books) and Hyoronsha (publisher of the books)."
They say that in the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. The interesting thing about all this is, that while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be a problem. You can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).
Therefor the situation on the Japanese subtitles has not substantially improved. We believe that this 'entire consultation process' is just a big smoke screen. It seems, that as long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is nothing for the Japanese fans to rejoice about.
Sincerely yours,
>明日ではなく、6日の夕方発送にしたいです。(4〜5日は当方の都合で印刷作業ができない)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>それより遅くなるようなら、ゴンさまにお願いして、改善室署名に同封してもらうようにしたほうがいいでしょうか? 早く出せないのならわざわざ下手な英語を書いて別便にする意味は少ないし、嘆願書と併せて読むほうがわかりやすいから。
最初に、今朝、[1281]の中で私が書いたコメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>この場合、「the English Translation」のEnglishが必要か否か、という気がちょっとします
>I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings".
>My friends and I have been to protest against the terrible Japanese subtitles. Some of us sent you petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles" "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS" and so on.
I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings."
My friends and I have been protesting against the terrible Japanese subtitles since March 2002. Some of us have sent you the petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles," "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS," and so on.
>Now I send you materials including the official announcement on December 25th by The Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Inc., for you to take into consideration.
>If you have already received these things, forgive me to bother you.
>Some of them are in Japanese. I would ask you to have someone who is good at Japanese read them.
Now I send you some materials including the official announcement on December 25th by the Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Films Inc., for you to take into consideration.
If you have already received these things, please forgive me to bother you.
I regret that some of them are in Japanese. We didn't have enough time or worker to translate all of them, and we are in a hurry because the release of TTT in Japan is coming. I would ask you to have someone who is good at Japanese to read them.
>You may hear the article of the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28. In that article there is a English translation from the official announcement of Nippon Herald Inc. made by Luinneion.
>But we can not trust it because there are a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslation in it. So I send you the original Japanese one.
You may hear of the article on the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28. In that article there is a English translation from the official announcement of Nippon Herald Films Inc. made by Luinneion. But there are a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslation in it. So I send you the original Japanese one with the Englisih translation of the main part.
>The official announcement, in short, says that Natsuko Toda who was responsible for the FotR subtitles will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. Nippon Herald Inc. insist that they have heard nothing from you. The credits for the TTT subtitles as a part of the "Staff & Cast" credits will be as follows: "Subtitles by Natsuko Toda, in collaboration with Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books) and Hyoronsha (publisher of the books)."
The official announcement, in short, says that Natsuko Toda who was responsible for the FotR subtitles will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. Nippon Herald Films Inc. insist that they have heard nothing from you. After all, they say that the names of translators will be shown before the original title in the subtitled TTT print as follows: "Subtitles by Natsuko Toda, in collaboration with Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books) and Hyoronsha (publisher of the books)."
>They say that in the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. The interesting thing about all this is, that while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be a problem. You can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).
They also say that on the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha had checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. And we confirmed there was the great difference between the impressions given by the dubbed version and the subtitled one. Just like the case of FotR, while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be a problem. If you have someone who reads Japanese well enough to understand the sensitive meanings, you can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).
>Therefor the situation on the Japanese subtitles has not substantially improved. We believe that this 'entire consultation process' is just a big smoke screen. It seems, that as long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is nothing for the Japanese fans to rejoice about.
Therefor the situation of the Japanese subtitles has not substantially improved. They explain like that they take a 'entire consultation process,' but we believe it is just a big smoke screen. It seems, that as long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is nothing for the Japanese fans to rejoice about.
ここのつ様が文法ミスなどはおおむね直してくださった上、加筆は最小限にとどめていらっしゃるので、そちら(#1284)をベースにしています。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings."
加筆提案:, and I have been a Tolkien reader for more than 20 years. The
Japanese subtitle problem is utterly crucial to me.
>My friends and I have been protesting against the terrible Japanese subtitles since March 2002. Some of us have sent you the petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles," "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS," and so on.
>Now I send you some materials including the official announcement on December 25th by the Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Films Inc., for you to take into consideration.
⇒Now I send you some materials for you to take into consideration. They include the official announcement on December 25th by the Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Films Inc., which has caused a flood of renewed anger among us fans.
>If you have already received these things, please forgive me to bother you.
⇒If you have already received these things, please forgive me.
>I regret that some of them are in Japanese. We didn't have enough time or worker to translate all of them, and we are in a hurry because the release of TTT in Japan is coming. I would ask you to have someone who is good at Japanese to read them.
>You may hear of the article on the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28. In that article there is a English translation from the official announcement of Nippon Herald Films Inc. made by Luinneion. But there are a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslation in it. So I send you the original Japanese one with the Englisih translation of the main part.
⇒You may already know of the article on the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28, where you can read English translation of the official announcement of Nippon Herald Films Inc. But I have to say that whoever the writer Luinneion is, the article had a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslations in it. So I send you the original Japanese one with our English translation of the main part.
>The official announcement, in short, says that Natsuko Toda who was responsible for the FotR subtitles will remain as the subtitler for the future installments.
⇒The official announcement, in short, says that Natsuko Toda who made all the distortion in FotR will remain as the subtitler for the future installments.
>Nippon Herald Films Inc. insist that they have heard nothing from you. After all, they say that the names of translators will be shown before the original title in the subtitled TTT print as follows: "Subtitles by Natsuko Toda, in collaboration with Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books) and Hyoronsha (publisher of the books)."
⇒Nippon Herald Films Inc. insist that they have heard nothing from you. After all, the name Natsuko Toda will be shown BEFORE the original title in the subtitled TTT print!
⇒The official announcement, in short, says that they have heard nothing from you, that Natsuko Toda who made all the distortion in FotR will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. In the subtitled print in Japan we will see the name Natsuko Toda be shown BEFORE or along with the original title 'The Two Towers', where you avoided to put your name!
>They also say that on the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha had checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. And we confirmed there was the great difference between the impressions given by the dubbed version and the subtitled one. Just like the case of FotR, while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be a problem. If you have someone who reads Japanese well enough to understand the sensitive meanings, you can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).
⇒But we assure you, there was a great difference between the impressions given by the dubbed version and the subtitled one, great enough to motivate us to start a new petition.
新規挿入提案:If based on the same 'complete translation' and equally checked and double-checked as they tell us, what then, we ask, makes the difference?
>Just like the case of FotR, while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be a problem.
最後の部分 continues to be a problem. ⇒ continues to be painfully problematic.
If you have someone ⇒ I hope you have someone
>Therefor the situation on the Japanese subtitles has not substantially improved. We believe that this 'entire consultation process' is just a big smoke screen. It seems, that as long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is nothing for the Japanese fans to rejoice about.
⇒ I believe that this lengthy 'entire consultation process' explained in the announcement is just a big smoke screen by Nippon Herald Films Inc. As long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is no hope for the Japanese fans to genuinely enjoy your TTT.
完成稿のつもりではありませんが。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
その点(ちぐはぐ感)だけはかなり解消できたと思うのですが、つまりそれはEvenstar 様のカラーを薄め、全体にハーブの色がかかったということで (^^;)
Dear Mr. Jackson
I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings", and I have been a Tolkien reader for more than 20 years.
The Japanese subtitle problem is utterly crucial to me.
My friends and I have been protesting against the terrible Japanese subtitles since March 2002. Some of us have sent you the petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles," "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS," and so on.
Now I send you some materials for you to take into consideration. They include the official announcement on December 25th by the Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Films Inc., which immediately caused a flood of renewed anger among us fans.
(If you have already received these things, please forgive me.)
You may already know of the article on the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28, where you can read English translation of the official announcement of Nippon Herald Films Inc. But I have to say that whoever the writer Luinneion is, the article had a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslations in it. So I send you the original Japanese one with our English translation of the main part.
The official announcement, in short, says that they have heard nothing from you, that Natsuko Toda who made all the distortion in FotR will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. In the subtitled print in Japan we will see the name Natsuko Toda be shown BEFORE or along with the original title 'The Two Towers', where you avoided to put your name!
I believe that the lengthy 'entire consultation process' explained in the announcement is just a big smoke screen by Nippon Herald Films Inc. As long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is no hope for the Japanese fans to genuinely enjoy your TTT.
最終段落の前にこの段落が抜け落ちてました!(どうも全体が短過ぎると思った)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
They also say that on the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha had checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. But we assure you, there was a great difference between the impressions given by the dubbed version and the subtitled one, great enough to motivate us to start a new petition in November.
If based on the same 'complete translation' and equally checked and double-checked as they tell us, what then, we ask, makes the difference?
Just like the case of FotR, while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be painfully problematic.
I hope you have someone who reads Japanese well enough to understand the sensitive meanings, you can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).
>日本ヘラルド公式発表の英訳があるとよいが、TRONのヘンな訳を送る気にはなれません。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
the most part of the announcement(告知の大部分)
the main part of the announcement(告知の主要部分)
そうそう、訳してて思ったのですが、「 日本語字幕版本編プリント先付け……に下記のお名前を入れる」の「プリント先付け」って、これつまり字幕版では、例によって、初っぱなにあの名前を見せられるってことですよね(下記の訳はそういう意味での英文にしたつもり、ですが、未知だった単語も使ってるので自信は…^^;)。
On the TTT trailer, we took a very exceptional way to translate. We asked Ms.Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books) to translate the whole script, and Ms. Toda was entrusted with making the subtitles based on that preliminary translation.
Toda's subtitle transcript was checked by Tanaka and Hyoronsha (publisher of the books) again, for finalizing.
For the dubbed version, we entrusted Mr. Katsushige Hirata, who worked on the same job for FotR, with making the script based on the Hyoronsha's preliminary translation. The final script was checked by Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
As for the TTT theatrical version, we got the English script (near-complete one) and the video tape for translation in the middle of October. Toda checked the script and the video, and numbered the lines of the English script. And then we entrusted Hyoronsha with translating the whole script, and asked Tanaka to check it.
After receiving the final English script, translating for the addition of script was done by Hyoronsha, and subtitling by Toda started in the middle of November. Now the pre-version of Japanese subtitle transcript has been made and has been checked by Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
From now on, Toda, referring to opinions by Tanaka and the others, will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments. We are planning to have a private showing of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to modify the subtitle transcript finally.
We are running a similar operation on the Japanese dubbed version. The preliminary translation by Hyoronsha was handed to Hirata. Now the pre-version script has made, and Tanaka and Hyoronsha are checking it. We are planning to complete the dubbed print in the end of January.
We have made an agreement with them to put their names as follows.
The subtitled version print will be preceded by these lines:
The Japanese subtitles: Natsuko Toda
In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka Hyouronsha
In the dubbed version's end credit "Staff & Cast for the dubbed version," as we did on FotR, we intend to put the names; Translation: Katsushige Hirata, Collaboration: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha and other names of people who helped us on the translation.
Recently, on a interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson has released a comment on that the translator for TTT had changed in Japan. But we had never heard of its content completely, so we're trying to catch the meaning of his comment through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.
If we receive a comment of the director, or get a message from him directly, we will tell you about it.
ここのつ様、ありがとうございます!!コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
The Main Part of the English Translation from
The Official Announcement about TTT Translation
by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002
連絡室にて指摘あり。正式名称はこれです。何ということ、今まで誰からも確認訂正がなかったなんて。ずっとNippon Herald Inc. でしたよね?コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
とにかく余裕がなくてすみません。本日は午前中一杯ダウンしていました。1/5に英訳コメント一定数(質は不安なまま)のアップして、直後上記の白い都様送付用二つチェック、ここまでは何としてもやりとげなくては。個人メール依頼のほうの英文チェックもいつまでもお待たせできず、Evenstar 様の嘆願本文は私なんぞが直す箇所はないはず、とは言えない、相互チェックは常に必要、第1コメント英訳にチェック指摘受けては再検討訂正書き直し、が待っている。
きっと何か見落としている仕事がまだありそうです。あれはどうなったの?というものがありましたら、remind me してください。対応できるかはお約束できませんが、純粋に頭からこぼれ落ちて気づかずにいる場合がこわいです。
1.日本ヘラルドの英語名称コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
私が最近出したメールやNLあて送付文では"Nippon Herald Inc."になっていたのは気づいていましたが、日本語で「日本ヘラルド」(正式には「日本ヘラルド映画株式会社」)と言うのと同じように、略称で呼んでいるものと思ってそのままにしていました。
いくつか映画の専門用語を使わないと奇妙な英語になっている部分があります。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
(原稿の場合の)決定稿に近い準備稿=final draft
ちなみに決定稿はfinal script
Video tapeとは言わず単にVideoで通じます。
準備稿はPre-versionではなくPre-release Versionです。
On the TTT trailer, we took a very exceptional way to translate. We odered Ms.Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books for Japanese) to translate the whole script, and Ms.Natsuko Toda made the subtitles from Akiko Tanaka's translated whole script.
Toda's subtitle transcript was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha(publisher of the Japanese edition books) again, for finalizing.
For the dubbed version, we ordered Mr. Katsushige Hirata, who worked on the same job for FotR, he made the transcript for dub from the Hyoronsha's preliminary translation. The final script was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
As for the TTT theatrical version, we got the English script (Final draft) and the video for translation in the middle of October. Natsuko Toda checked the script and the video, and numbered the lines of the English script. And then we entrusted Hyoronsha with translating the whole script, and ordered Akiko Tanaka to check it.
After receiving the final English script, translating for the additional part of script was done by Hyoronsha, and subtitling by Natsuko started in the middle of November. Now the pre-release version of Japanese subtitle transcript has been made and has been checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
From now on, Natsuko Toda, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others, will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments. We are planning to have a preview of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to correct the subtitle transcript finally.
We are running a similar operation on the Japanese dubbed version. The preliminary translation by Hyoronsha was handed to Katsushige Hirata. Now the pre-release version script has made, and Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha are checking it. We are planning to complete the dubbed print in the end of January.
We have made an agreement with them to put their names as follows.
We will be attach the creditted film before begin the movie, by these lines:
The Japanese subtitled version print
The Japanese subtitles translation: Natsuko Toda
Assistance with: Akiko Tanaka and Hyouronsha
In the dubbed version's end credit "Staff & Cast for the dubbed version," as we did on FotR, we intend to put the names; Translation: Katsushige Hirata, Collaboration: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha and other names of people who helped us on the translation.
Recently, on a interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson has released a comment on that the translator for TTT had changed in Japan. But we had never heard of its content completely, so we're trying to catch the meaning of his comment through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.
If we receive a comment of the director, or get a message from him directly, we will tell you about it.
よけいなお世話かもしれませんがさん、コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
「試写会」は、辞書に当たったところ、おっしゃる通りの preview と、a private showing が出てきたので、この場合の試写会は内部的な意味合いが強いから…くらいのつもりで後者を取った次第でした(自分案を押し返しているわけでは全然なくて、言い訳です^^; 簡潔で済むならその方がいい派であります)
>The Main Part of the English Translation from
>The Official Announcement about TTT Translation
>by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002
この場合、「the English Translation」のEnglishが必要か否か、という気がちょっとします(が、通常、そう表現されるものかどうかを、全く知らないため、即断できません^^;)
the translation of the main part of〜
遅くなりました。もとの日ヘラ告知を見ると腹が立つせい、じゃなくて、コメント英訳のほうは書き手の「言いたいこと」がほぼクリアに分かって英文書くわけですが、あーゆー文章は真意をわかりにくく書いてあるので頭痛い、仕事だったら断る種類なんですよね。でも、必要なのは確かなんで、ここのつ様のおかげでゼロからじゃできない所を、渋るココロに鞭打って、できるだけの手直しをやってみます。弁解ではなく事実として自分の眼と脳のコンディションが良好でないのですがコメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>>The Main Part of the English Translation from
>>The Official Announcement about TTT Translation
>>by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002
>この場合、「the English Translation」のEnglishが必要か否か、という気が
>the translation of the main part of〜
ここのつ様、そこまで遠慮しいしいおっしゃらなくても (^^;) 合ってますよ、どっちも。
A translation of the main part of
The Official Announcement about TTT Translation
by Nippon Herald Films Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd
Posted on the officila Website on December 25th, 2002
On the TTT trailer, we took a very exceptional way to translate. We odered* Ms.Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books for Japanese) to translate the whole script, and Ms. Natsuko Toda made the subtitles from Akiko Tanaka's translated whole script.
>We odered* Ms.Akiko Tanaka
ここのつ様のWe asked Ms.Akiko Tanaka からわざわざ変更した理由がわかりません。
私は asked の方が良いと思います。order は日本文からしても両者の関係からしても不適当でしょう。
ここのつ:Ms. Toda was entrusted with making the subtitles
上記引用文:Ms. Natsuko Toda made the subtitles
Toda's subtitle transcript was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha(publisher of the Japanese edition books) again, for finalizing.
For the dubbed version, we ordered* Mr. Katsushige Hirata, who worked on the same job for FotR, *he made the transcript for dub from* the Hyoronsha's preliminary translation. The final script was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
>For the dubbed version, we entrusted Mr. Katsushige Hirata, who worked on the same job for FotR, with making the script based on the Hyoronsha's preliminary translation.
(2) 本編につきましては、10月中旬に英語台本(完成に近い準備稿)と翻訳用のビデオテープが入手できましたので、戸田奈津子氏がビデオと英語台本のチェック及び英語台本のセリフに番号をふり、評論社に全訳を依頼し、田中明子氏にチェックをしていただきました。
As for the TTT theatrical version, we got the English script (Final draft) and the video for translation in the middle of October. Natsuko Toda checked the script and the video, and numbered the lines of the English script. And then we entrusted Hyoronsha with translating the whole script, and ordered* Akiko Tanaka to check it.
>the video
⇒ a video
> in the middle of October
⇒ in mid-October
やはり私は asked 派です。
長いので2回に分けました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
After receiving the final English script, translating* for the additional part of script was done by Hyoronsha, and subtitling by Natsuko started in the middle of November. Now the pre-release version of Japanese subtitle transcript has been made and has been checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
⇒translation の方がここは前置詞との兼ね合いが落ち着くように思います。additional partへの変更は全面肯定。
>in the middle of November
⇒ in mid-November
From now on, Natsuko Toda, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others, will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments. We are planning to have a preview of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to correct the subtitle transcript finally.
>and to correct the subtitle transcript finally.
ここのつ案:and to modify the subtitle transcript finally.
どちらも finally が「やっと、とうとう」に見えてひっかかります。
ハーブ案:and to make the final corrections and/or modifications.
We are running a similar operation on the Japanese dubbed version. The preliminary translation by Hyoronsha was handed to Katsushige Hirata. Now the pre-release version script has *made, and Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha are checking it. We are planning to complete the dubbed print in the end of January.
operation でもいいのかもしれませんが、私はどうも軍事作戦や手術の意味が先に来るので違和感があります。
>We are running a similar operation
⇒We are going through a similar process
>has *made,
⇒ has been made
日本語字幕: 戸田奈津子
字幕協力: 田中明子
★ここは、「先付け」という用語を私は知らないのですが、#1277 ここのつ様の解釈が合っているならば、完全にここのつ案↓採用になります。
The subtitled version print will be preceded by these lines:
The Japanese subtitles: Natsuko Toda
In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka Hyouronsha
なお、「日本語字幕: 戸田奈津子」が最初に出て、『エンドにつける「スタッフ・キャスト」タイトル』には協力の方だけ出る、というのであれば、
>In collaboration with:
は単独では使えませんから ⇒ Translation Assistants:
In the dubbed version's end credit "Staff & Cast for the dubbed version," as we did on FotR, we intend to put the names; Translation: Katsushige Hirata, Collaboration: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha and other names of people who helped us on the translation.
>as we did on FotR, we intend to put the names;
⇒we intend to put the names as we did on FotR;
Recently, on a* interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson has released* a comment on that the translator for TTT had *changed in Japan. But we had never heard of its content completely, so we're trying to catch the meaning of his comment through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.
単純ミス on a* interview ⇒ in an interview
>released* a comment
⇒ made a statement that
>the translator for TTT had *changed in Japan
⇒the Japanese translator had been changed for TTT
>But we had never heard of its content completely,
⇒But it was totally a surprise to us. / But it was completely new to us. / But we had never before heard anything of that sort.
>so we're trying to catch the meaning of his comment
⇒We are trying to find out what he really meant
If we receive a comment of the director, or get a message from him directly, we will tell you about it.
>receive a comment of the director, or get a message from him directly,
⇒receive a comment or a message from him directly,
>we will tell you about it.
⇒ we will let you know. の方が良いような気がする。
つ か れ た よ 〜
ここのつ様の#1277コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
日本語字幕: 戸田奈津子
映画の最初に普通なら A PETER JACKSON FILM とまず出るところを、監督名を入れないというPJの態度が気に入った。これは「トールキンの」 The Lord of the Rings だから、と言うんだね。
先付けというのは、FotRの時のようにタイトルに焼き付けられるのではなく、松竹富士系映画でよく使われているコメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
業界慣習?業界ルール?業界の掟?かなにか、私には分かりませんが。「字幕:誰々」については、映画の終わりに映画館で見たこともあったような気がするのですが…。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
「みたこともあった」とおっしゃられるようにコメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
旅の仲間でTHE LORD OF THE RINGSのクレジットの下にでっかく「日本語字幕:戸田奈津子」と出るのは先付けではありません。
あ、クマ犬様、情報提供ありがとうございました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>旅の仲間でTHE LORD OF THE RINGSのクレジットの下にでっかく「日本語字幕:戸田奈津子」と
むか〜しは、ほとんど字幕作成者のことは意識していませんでした。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
ああ、そうかー、Sirイアンだったのか(この人のコメントは、いつも洒落てて深くて独立独歩で確固たるもので、そして根が暖かくて〜T T)
ハーブさん、メール案の方も含めて、添削ありがとうございます!コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
(それにしても、本当にお疲れさまです〜; ;)
初出時に Ms./Mr. を付ける、以降はフルネームで敬称なし、という形でOKでしょうか。これで良しなら、チェックはしました。
(1)の2段落の冒頭の「Toda's subtitle〜」だけは、名字のみです。
>#1277 ここのつ様の解釈が合っているならば、完全にここのつ案採用になります。
>>But we had never heard of its content completely,
>⇒But it was totally a surprise to us. / But it was completely new to us. / But we had never before heard anything of that sort.
この中からだと、私だったら、ハーブさんの最初の But it was totally a surprise to us. を採ります。そもそもが公式の表明文には不似合いな(と私は感じる)「寝耳に水(初耳+不意打ちの驚き)」に、案の中では一番近いと思いますので。
A translation of the main part ofコメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
The Official Announcement about TTT Translation
by Nippon Herald Films Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd
Posted on the officila Website on December 25th, 2002
On the TTT trailer, we took a very exceptional way to translate. We asked Ms. Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books for Japanese) to translate the whole script, and Ms. Natsuko Toda made the subtitles from Akiko Tanaka's translated whole script.
Natsuko Toda's subtitle transcript was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha (publisher of the Japanese edition books) again, for finalizing.
For the dubbed version, we entrusted Mr. Katsushige Hirata, who worked on the same job for FotR, with making the script based on the Hyoronsha's preliminary translation. The final script was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
As for the TTT theatrical version, we got the English script (Final draft) and a video for translation in mid-October. Natsuko Toda checked the script and the video, and numbered the lines of the English script. And then we entrusted Hyoronsha with translating the whole script, and asked Akiko Tanaka to check it.
After receiving the final English script, translation for the additional part of script was done by Hyoronsha, and subtitling by Natsuko Toda started in mid-November. Now the pre-release version of Japanese subtitle transcript has been made and has been checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
From now on, Natsuko Toda, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others, will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments. We are planning to have a preview of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to make the final corrections.
We are going through a similar process on the Japanese dubbed version. The preliminary translation by Hyoronsha was handed to Katsushige Hirata. Now the pre-release version script has been made, and Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha are checking it. We are planning to complete the dubbed print in the end of January.
We have made an agreement with them to put their names as follows.
The subtitled version print will be preceded by these lines:
The Japanese subtitles: Natsuko Toda
In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka Hyouronsha
In the dubbed version's end credit "Staff & Cast for the dubbed version," we intend to put the names as we did on FotR; Translation: Katsushige Hirata, Collaboration: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha and other names of people who helped us on the translation.
Recently, in an interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson has made a statement that the translator for TTT had been changed in Japan. But it was totally a surprise to us. We are trying to find out what he really meant through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.
If we receive a comment or a message from him directly, we will let you know.
前触れの「最終案に向けて」の中の次のところコメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>(1)の2段落の冒頭の「Toda's subtitle〜」だけは、名字のみです。
一度アップして読み直してから、直前の文に、「フルネーム's 〜」の例があったのに気づきました(間抜けだ〜^^;)
>初出時に Ms./Mr. を付ける、以降はフルネームで敬称なし、という形でOKでしょうか。これで良しなら、チェックはしました。
何度もすみません。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>the director Peter Jackson has made a statement
Recently, in an interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson made a statement that the translator for TTT had been changed in Japan. But it was totally a surprise to us. We are trying to find out what he really meant through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.
これは過去形が正しいです。ご指摘ありがとうございました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
ここのつ様、本当にありがとうございました。今回のご助力なしには、とうてい私単独で日ヘラ告知なんて英訳できなかったです。最後のチェック入れました。直した英文のアップは、多分今日は皆様お勤めに出ておられるでしょうから、午後あまり遅くならないうちに私がやります。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
On the TTT trailer, we took a very exceptional way to translate. We asked Ms. Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books for Japanese) to translate the whole script, and Ms. Natsuko Toda made the subtitles from Akiko Tanaka's translated whole script.
> from Akiko Tanaka's translated whole script.
⇒ from this complete translation.
(2) 3番目の段落
From now on, Natsuko Toda, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others, will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments. We are planning to have a preview of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to make the final corrections.
>「今後の作業は、」From now on
ちょっと口語的すぎて浮いている気がするのと、「今までと違って今後は」のような感じがする… 「残る作業は」の意味で考えることにして、確信はないながら
⇒The rest of the subtitle making process will be as follows: Natsuko Toda will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others.
最後の前置詞が by でいいのかどうか迷いが残る。
>In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka Hyouronsha
>has made a statement
私に出来るのはここまでです。Evenstar 様ほかの方々のチェックが欲しかった(;;)コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
A translation of the main part of
The Official Announcement about TTT Translation (←ここ目立たせたいね)
by Nippon Herald Films Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd
Posted on the officila Website on December 25th, 2002
On the TTT trailer, we took a very exceptional way to translate. We asked Ms. Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books for Japanese) to translate the whole script, and Ms. Natsuko Toda made the subtitles from this complete translation.
Natsuko Toda's subtitle transcript was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha (publisher of the Japanese edition books) again, for finalizing.
For the dubbed version, we entrusted Mr. Katsushige Hirata, who worked on the same job for FotR, with making the script based on the Hyoronsha's preliminary translation. The final script was checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
As for the TTT theatrical version, we got the English script (Final draft) and a video for translation in mid-October. Natsuko Toda checked the script and the video, and numbered the lines of the English script. And then we entrusted Hyoronsha with translating the whole script, and asked Akiko Tanaka to check it.
After receiving the final English script, translation for the additional part of script was done by Hyoronsha, and subtitling by Natsuko Toda started in mid-November. Now the pre-release version of Japanese subtitle transcript has been made and has been checked by Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha.
The rest of the subtitle making process will be as follows: Natsuko Toda will finalize the subtitle transcript by making necessary adjustments, referring to opinions by Akiko Tanaka and the others.
We are planning to have a preview of the print with those Japanese subtitles, and to make the final modifications.
We are going through a similar process on the Japanese dubbed version. The preliminary translation by Hyoronsha was handed to Katsushige Hirata. Now the pre-release version script has been made, and Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha are checking it. We are planning to complete the dubbed print in the end of January.
We have made an agreement with them to put their names as follows.
The subtitled version print will be preceded by these lines:
The Japanese subtitles: Natsuko Toda
In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka Hyoronsha
In the dubbed version's end credit "Staff & Cast for the dubbed version," we intend to put the names as we did on FotR; Translation: Katsushige Hirata, Collaboration: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha and other names of people who helped us on the translation.
Recently, in an interview on NZTV, the director Peter Jackson made a statement that the translator for TTT had been changed in Japan. But it was totally a surprise to us. We are trying to find out what he really meant through New Line Cinema Inc. However we haven't received any answer yet.
If we receive a comment or a message from him directly, we will let you know.
訳出部分等は1306案に賛成。英語表現は基本的にお任せですが、若干の意見。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
Posted on the Japanese official movie website
In collaboration with: Akiko Tanaka, Hyouronsha
1295・1299を合わせたものに、さらにチェックと手直しを加えました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
Dear Mr. Jackson
I am a great fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings", and I have been a Tolkien reader for more than 20 years.
The Japanese subtitle problem is utterly crucial to me.
My friends and I have been protesting against the terrible Japanese subtitles since March 2002. Some of us have sent you the petitions about the subtitles in FotR with the list of "Most Serious Errors in the Translation of the Japanese Subtitles," "Examples of Remaining Mistranslation in DVD/VHS," and so on.
Now I send you some materials for you to take into consideration. They include the official announcement on December 25th by the Japanese distributor, Nippon Herald Films Inc., which immediately caused a flood of renewed anger among us fans.
(If you have already received these things, please forgive me.)
You may already know of the article on the OneRingNet titled "Japanese Translations Improving? Now in Greece…." in the news section on 12/28, where you can read an English translation of the official announcement. But I have to say that whoever the writer Luinneion is, the article had a number of inaccuracies and serious mistranslations in it. So I send you the original Japanese one with our English translation of the main part of it.
The official announcement, in short, says that they have heard nothing from you, that Natsuko Toda who made all the distortion in FotR will remain as the subtitler for the future installments. In the subtitled print in Japan we will see the name Natsuko Toda be shown BEFORE or along with the original title 'The Two Towers', where you avoided placing your name!
They also say that on the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka and Hyoronsha had checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version. But we assure you, there was a great difference between the impressions given by the dubbed version and the subtitled one, great enough to motivate us to start a new petition in November.
If based on the same 'complete translation' and equally checked and double-checked as they tell us, what then, we ask, makes the difference?
Just like the case of FotR, while the dubbed version turns out to be quite excellent, the subtitled version continues to be painfully problematic.
I hope you have someone who reads Japanese well enough to understand every nuance, so that you can compare the two versions in the enclosure (2).
I believe that the lengthy explanation of 'entire consultation process' in the announcement is just a big smoke screen by Nippon Herald Films Inc. As long as Toda remains the main subtitler, there is no hope for the Japanese fans to genuinely enjoy your TTT.
Sincerely yours,
ハーブ様、ここのつ様、ありがとうございました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>I have been a Tolkien reader for more than 20 years.
They also say that on the TTT international trailer, Akiko Tanaka (co-translator of the original books for Japanese) and Hyoronsha (publisher of the Japanese edition books) had checked the both translation of the subtitled version and the dubbed version.
[Japanese with our English translation of the main part]でいいですか。
いらしてよかった。さっそくですが取り急ぎ。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
>>>I regret that some of them are in Japanese. We didn't have enough time or worker to translate all of them, and we are in a hurry because the release of TTT in Japan is coming. I would ask you to have someone who is good at Japanese to read them.
I regret that some of them are in Japanese. We didn't have enough time or worker to translate all of them, and we are in a hurry because the release of TTT in Japan is coming.
>[Japanese with our English translation of the main part]でいいですか。
私は、本文中に説明もあることで、あっさり [Japanese/English] くらいでいいと思うんですが。
(1)The Official Announcement about TTT translation: "To Everyone Waiting for the Release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on the Japanese official movie website
by Nippon Herald Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd on December 25th, 2002[Japanese]
(2)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese official movie website
released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
(3)The One Ring. net −News for Dec. 27, 2002 [English]
(4)"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?" from 'The Sunday Mainichi,
2003 Jan. 5-12' (published on December 24th, 2002) [Japanese] *
(5)The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002 [English]
(6)The One Ring. net −News for Nov. 02, 2002 [English]
(7)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles by Nippon Herald Inc.
on June 13th, 2002 [Japanese]
* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is one of well-known weekly magazines in Japan, which sells about 129,000 copies a week.
ハーブさま、ありがとうございました。コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧
(1)The Official Announcement about TTT Translation:
"To Everyone Waiting for the Release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
by Nippon Herald Films Inc. and Shochiku Co., Ltd
Posted on the Japanese official movie website on December 25th, 2002
(2)"The Two Towers" trailer on the Japanese official movie website
released on October 18th, 2002 [Japanese]
(3)The One Ring. net −News for Dec. 27, 2002 [English]
(4)"The Hollywood Dismiss the Subtitler Natsuko Toda?" from 'The Sunday Mainichi,
2003 Jan. 5-12' (published on December 24th, 2002) [Japanese] *
(5)The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002 [English]
(6)The One Ring. net −News for Nov. 02, 2002 [English]
(7)The Official Announcement about LotR subtitles by Nippon Herald Films Inc.
on June 13th, 2002 [Japanese]
* 'The Sunday Mainichi' is one of well-known weekly magazines in Japan, which sells about 129,000 copies a week.
I regret that some of them are in Japanese. We didn't have enough time or worker to translate all of them, and we are in a hurry because the release of TTT in Japan is coming.