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PJ宛メールの文章 [角笛] 12/29 15:37

1186● PJ宛メールの文章[ 角笛 ] 2002 12/29 15:37

I am grateful for your decision about the Japanese translator of The Two Towers. The news is a great gift to all who have hoped better subtitles of The Lord of the Rings.

A new problem, however, has arisen. Nippon Herald Film Inc., the Japanese distributor, officially announced that they never heard your comment about the translator. The same subtitler, Ms. Natsuko Toda, is presently working on the Japanese translation of The Two Towers cooperating with other translators. They declared that her name will appear on the credits. I can only think that means the Japanese distributor ignores you, or deceives you. We have no comment from New Line Cinema yet.

Japanese fans are waiting for new information about those. We believe your decision will bring The Two Towers the exact subtitles we have longed for.
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