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No.1217  部分的な反論書いたけど...
発言者: baldhatter
発言日: 2002 12/30 05:24


OK, I'll tell you how shameless "THE best movie translator in Japan" really is.
Here are some notorious examples of her translation (which are explainable in English:

--- in "AMADEUS"
[English] death mass (First I must get the death mass, and then I ... I must achieve his death.)
[Subtitle] death mask (First I must get the death mask, and then I ... I must achieve his death.)
[Comment] How is it possible to get a DEATH MASK before someone's dead?

[English] fifty-caliber machine guns
[Subtitle] 50mm machine guns
[Comment] "Fifty-caliber" is actually about 12.7mm. Imagine a gun with a diameter of 50mm!

--- in "Gladiator"
[English] ...a man who believed in the Republic
[Subtitle] ...a man who believed in the Federation
[Comment] Is my historical knowldge wrong? I know there WAS the Roman Republic, there WAS the Roman Empire...but not the Roman Federation.

[English] Welsh Rarebit
[Subtitle] rabbit
[Comment] Does a vegetarian eat rabbit instead of cheese?

--- in "PULP FICTION" (in a preview version)
[English] chopper (means a motorcycle!)
[Subtitle] helicopter
[Comment] No helicopter appears on the screen!

[English] two weeks
[Subtitle] two months
[Comment] Oops! My historical knowledge fails me again! The Cuban Missile Crisis continued for tow months? What about the tiltle of this film?

These are just some examples of her mistranslation, which can be explained in English. Other (many more) mistakes are particular to Japanese language and it's quite difficult to tell in English. But I try one.

[English] locals
[Subtitle] "ro-ca-ru" inhabitants
[Comment] The Japanese word "ro-ca-ru" (written phonogramically) referes to "a district" or sometimes "a distant area", not "natives".

Can such a translator be called "the most capable person for the job"? If so, we Japanese movie fans --- not to mention LotR fans--- will be left utterly hopeless.


1185:なんですか?これは [ゆっこ] 12/29 15:32
 ├1188:Japanese Translations Improving? .. [大ガラス] 12/29 16:26
 │├1189:これが恐れていたことです [ハーブ] 12/29 16:41
 ││└1190:よろしくお願いします [ゆっこ] 12/29 17:08
 ││ └1191:Re:よろしくお願いします [ゆっこ] 12/29 17:13
 │└1202:速報−TORN記事要旨(戸田擁護論... [白い都] 12/29 20:46
 ├1192:日本人じゃないでしょう。 [baldhatter] 12/29 18:12
 │├1193:Re:日本人じゃないでしょう。 [あ、クマ犬] 12/29 19:18
 ││└1196:機械でもない [baldhatter] 12/29 19:55
 │└1194:反論書きます [Evenstar] 12/29 19:31
 │ ├1195:お願いします [ゆっこ] 12/29 19:42
 │ │├1203:Re:お願いします [tomtom] 12/29 20:58
 │ │└1210:わたしもお願いします [ヘイゼル] 12/30 00:38
 │ ├1197:反論途中にて(その1) [ハーブ] 12/29 20:23
 │ │└1200:反論途中にて(その2) [ハーブ] 12/29 20:35
 │ │ └1208:修正稿:投稿予定(長文) [ハーブ] 12/29 23:41
 │ │  └1209:Re:修正稿:投稿予定(長.. [ゆっこ] 12/30 00:15
 │ │   └1215:投稿しました [ハーブ] 12/30 02:53
 │ │    └1273:第一便・和訳の試み [ここのつ] 01/03 17:00<-last
 │ ├1198:Re:反論書きます [さんちゃん] 12/29 20:25
 │ ├1201:時系列説明を [ゴンドール国民] 12/29 20:36
 │ │└1207:私も頭数にお加えください [鉄の足ダイン] 12/29 23:28
 │ ├1205:割り込んでごめんなさい [馳久] 12/29 21:36
 │ ├1211:連名させてください [角笛] 12/30 00:45
 │ ├1212:よろしくお願い致します [イルフ] 12/30 00:53
 │ ├1213:連名お願いいたします [TK] 12/30 01:04
 │ │└1254:まだ連名間に合いますか? [ピピン] 12/31 03:12
 │ │ └1258:はい、大丈夫です。 [Evenstar] 12/31 22:27
 │ ├1217:部分的な反論書いたけど... [baldhatter] 12/30 05:24
 │ │├1218:誤植訂正 [baldhatter] 12/30 05:40
 │ ││└1219:Re:誤植訂正追加 と 新ネ.. [あ、クマ犬(わーぐ)] 12/30 06:17
 │ │├1223:【急ぎ】引用を許可していた... [Evenstar] 12/30 11:17
 │ ││├1224:Re:【急ぎ】引用はさしつか.. [ハーブ] 12/30 11:31
 │ │││└1227:もちろんです [baldhatter] 12/30 12:51
 │ ││└1228:戸田批判の根本 [ゆっこ] 12/30 12:52
 │ │└1232:「ローカル星人」の代案 [baldhatter] 12/30 13:29
 │ ├1220:しばしお待ちください [Evenstar] 12/30 07:36
 │ ├1237:【暫定案】TORnへの投稿記事 [Evenstar] 12/30 15:13
 │ │├1238:私のメール・アドレス [Evenstar] 12/30 15:19
 │ │├1248:私の名前はカットしませう [baldhatter] 12/30 21:29
 │ ││└1250:了解です [Evenstar] 12/30 23:51
 │ │├1249:Re:【暫定案】Eowyn&休暇だ... [ハーブ] 12/30 22:00
 │ ││└1251:アドバイスに感謝 [Evenstar] 12/31 00:12
 │ ││ └1253:[余談]「DVDでーた」付.. [白い都] 12/31 02:41
 │ ││  └1257:Gladiatorのミススペル.. [baldhatter] 12/31 04:40
 │ │├1255:【暫定案】和訳の試み [ここのつ] 12/31 03:19
 │ ││└1263:感謝&感激です! [Evenstar] 01/01 11:27
 │ │└1262:【最終稿】TORnへの投稿記事 [Evenstar] 01/01 11:20
 │ │ └1264:【最終稿】和訳の試み [ここのつ@1/18] 01/02 02:22
 │ │  └1270:投稿&和訳ありがとうご... [白い都] 01/03 00:48
 │ └1245:連名させてください [馳ねこ] 12/30 19:55
 ├1214:戸田氏擁護対策 [トーマス] 12/30 02:18
 │├1221:ご存知かもしれないと思いますが [大ガラス] 12/30 08:22
 ││└1226:戸田誤訳の例 [白い都] 12/30 12:47
 ││ └1229:無念の「66回」 [baldhatter] 12/30 12:55
 ││  ├1235:さすが [ハーブ] 12/30 14:59
 ││  └1239:Re:無念の「66回」 [微力ながら] 12/30 15:51
 │└1222:Re:戸田氏擁護対策 [ゆっこ] 12/30 08:26
 ├1216:【伺い】NLへの資料送付はどうする... [白い都] 12/30 03:25
 └1234:反省と謝罪 [ハーブ] 12/30 14:33
  └1242:【私信】いか〜ん! [Evenstar] 12/30 16:52
   └1246:運動目標はTRONに認められるこ... [白い都] 12/30 20:54
    └1247:補足・PJとNLあてにも投書を... [白い都] 12/30 21:12
     └1252:「反論」はPJとNLには送り... [Evenstar] 12/31 01:24
      └1256:Evenstarさまの「反論」... [白い都] 12/31 03:36