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No.2283  フロドの「すまない」英/和(2)
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2003 03/14 01:14

もちろん「ハーブ」の名前は使ってません (^^;) 「どんなものを翻訳してますか」とは訊かないで下さいね。『字幕抗議運動』すなわち映画 FotR の字幕にさんざん文句をつけた経緯があるので、ひとたび「これがあのハーブの訳したものだ」とバレたが最後、突っ込みの嵐が…こわいよう、なので(笑)。

遅れがちですみませんが、気長に見てやって下さればと存じます。m( _ _ )m
Mar/04/2003 4:20 AM

I never thought it was anything but Frodo apologizing for not listening to Sam about how the Ring was beginning to affect him.

This (for me) is the moment in the movies when Frodo first truly realizes the enormous pull of the Ring on him, and that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to resist it. Sam was right all along and he shouldn't have doubted him or snapped at him, because he (Sam) was only trying to help. "I'm sorry" covers all that and by Sam's face, it is clear that no apology is really necessary. (I continue to be amazed by Sean Astin's expressions)

Now, I suppose it could go deeper and the scene could be interpreted as Frodo being "sorry" that he is too weak to resist, or sorry to have dragged Sam into all this. But I think Frodo thinks he is apologizing for being mean to his Sam.

Date Posted: Mar/04/2003 4:20 AM

"I'm sorry" is more often heard in movies today than "I love you".
In every average movie in which somebody has a conflict of conscience, and yet is brave and unselfish, he says at least thrice "I'm sorry".
最近の映画では、"I'm sorry" という台詞は "I love you" より多いですね。
内心の葛藤を乗り越えて勇気をもって誰かのためにがんばる登場人物なら、普通の映画1本の中で、3回は"I'm sorry" と言ってます。

Frodo bears the ring, responsibility for his gardener, spare socks, responsibility for the fate of the world, mithril underwear, various contact lenses depending on his grade of poisoning with Morgul-blades, the main role in the movie, Galadriel's phial, a whig, Latex feet, affection of thousands of schoolgirls, a famous name, guilt, fear, a family-size package of Galadriel's home-baked lembas ... and every little detail of his burden fights with another, bringing his mission into peril. So he has reason enough to say "Im sorry" now and again.
(抄訳)フロドは指輪以外にもいろんなものを背負い込んで、破滅ととなりあわせの旅をしているのですから、1度ならず "Im sorry" と言うのも無理はないのでしょう。

【ハーブ弁解コメント:フロドが bear しているものの羅列が面白いといえば面白いので、全部訳したかったのですが、具体物も抽象物も一緒くたなので日本語にするのが難しくて積み残しました。興味のある方はじっくりご覧になってください。英単語として難しいものはないのですが、どうして「世界の運命をになう」と「色々のコンタクトレンズを持ち歩く(ナズグルにやられた時の傷の毒の度合いによって使い分けるため)」なんてのが同列に並ぶのか、これは書き手の凝った冗談なのだろう(イライジャとフロドをあえてごっちゃにしているし)と思いつつ、悩んでしまいました(^^;)すみません。】
《TheLidlessEyes 》
Mar/04/2003 4:23 AM

You're right. Having Frodo say "I love you," instead would have brought far more balance to the proceedings.
なるほど。フロドに "I love you," と言わせれば、話の進行がもっとバランス良くなるわけだ。
Mar/04/2003 4:24 AM

(斜字体)Or maybe 'I'm sorry for all of this Sam, I wish none of it had happened, and I shouldn't have dragged you into it?'

That's very close to what I was thinking. By "everything" I mean he was apologizing for the whole state of affairs: that he had endangered Sam, that he wasn't strong enough to fight the Ring, that he had spoken harshly to Sam earlier even though Sam was right, and so on. A general reflection of his feelings of despair and the sense that it was his fault.

Or perhaps I'm reading too much into it. The more I think about it, though, the more that "I'm sorry" becomes as multi-faceted and unclear as Grima's tear...
深読みかもしれませんが、考えれば考えるほど、この "I'm sorry" は多面的で曖昧なものに思えてきます。ちょうどグリマの涙の意味のように…

● Message edited by: Luinnenion on 03/04/2003 18:07:00


2110:Would you help me? [ハーブ] 03/03 17:58
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 │└2137:ありがとうございました! [ハーブ] 03/04 20:03
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