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No.2110  Would you help me?
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2003 03/03 17:58
Josh 様、紅茶板でさっそくのご返答ありがとうございます! お言葉に甘えて
Josh san, I'm so glad you are with us. Now can you tell me how you took these lines?

>Sam : We have to get out of here. You go. You can do it. Use the Ring, Mr. Frodo, just this once.
>Frodo: I can't. You were right, Sam. You tried to tell me. I'm sorry.

Here is my question.
When Frodo says 'I'm sorry', is he saying
a) 'No, I can't put it on and escape as you say.'
b) 'I apologize for having been harsh to you when you said, "The ring is taking hold of you. You have to fight it." I didn't admit it then.'

A bit of discussion(?) on these lines took place here:


Dain the Ironfoot(鉄の足ダイン様)wondered 'what is Frodo apologizing for?'
(上記サイトの掲示板 No.228【ネタバレ】フロドはサムに何を謝ったか )
And I said 'Well, "I'm sorry" does not always mean an apology any more than「すみません」does. People often say that meaning simply "I can't do that."'

I think Frodo's line here is a mixture of a) and b) above, with 5 to 40% apology.
Dain II agrees with me about the mixed feelings, but finds 70% apology in the line.

I'm very interested in your opinion, Josh san!

あ、もちろんJosh 様以外の方のご意見も歓迎です。


2110:Would you help me? [ハーブ] 03/03 17:58
 ├2135:Re:Would you help me? [Josh] 03/04 17:55
 │└2137:ありがとうございました! [ハーブ] 03/04 20:03
 │ └2138:Re:ありがとうございました! [Josh] 03/04 21:16
 ├2233:Re:Would you help me? [Josh] 03/09 09:47
 │├2234:Tolkien Online!感謝です [ハーブ] 03/09 10:18
 │└2252:フロドの「すまない」英/和(1) [ハーブ] 03/11 18:45
 │ ├2273:Re:フロドの「すまない」英/和(.. [Josh] 03/13 17:38
 │ └2283:フロドの「すまない」英/和(2) [ハーブ] 03/14 01:14
 │  ├2285:Re:おもしろいところだけ拙訳.. [baldhatter] 03/14 01:54
 │  │├2289:Re[2]:おもしろいところだ... [Josh] 03/14 10:04
 │  │├2290:Re[2]:おもしろいところだ... [鉄の足ダイン] 03/14 10:49
 │  ││├2293:Re[3] Tolkien Online [板倉] 03/14 19:22
 │  ││└2309:Re[3]:おもしろいところ... [Josh] 03/15 11:04
 │  ││ └2314:Tolkien Online BBSで... [鉄の足ダイン] 03/15 15:41
 │  │├2296:負けてうれしい花いちもん... [ハーブ] 03/14 22:40
 │  │└2299:Re[2]:おもしろいところだ... [ふ] 03/15 01:17
 │  └2288:Re:フロドの「すまない」英/... [Josh] 03/14 09:58
 └2345:"a shire" [板倉] 03/17 11:53
  ├2348:Potpourri [Josh] 03/18 09:34
  └2352:Re:"a shire" [ふ] 03/18 21:05
   └2353:Re[2]:"a shire" [板倉] 03/20 12:41<-last