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■4037 / 2階層)  DC版字幕 chap25〜34まとめて
□投稿者/ One of many -(2006/12/10(Sun) 05:59:03) [ID:tpVYzetX]
    2006/12/10(Sun) 06:37:57 編集(投稿者)

    chap25 Ibelin イベリンの地

    Quad sumus...hoc eritis.

    Such as you are,
    you will be.
    【”皆 こうなる”】

    My lord, you have 1,000 acres, 100 families.

    You have Christians, Jews, Muslims.
    【キリスト ユダヤ イスラム教徒】

    You have 50 pairs of oxen.
    This is a poor and dusty place.
     貧しく ほこりっぽい所です】

    What we do not have
    is water.

    chap26 Guests of the House 突然の訪問者


    But this isn't adultery. It's washing.
    【不貞じゃない 拭くだけよ】


    But if it were adultery...
    which it isn't...
    the Commandments are not for people like us.
    They are for others.

    Balian :(目をそらしつつ)
    Did they give you something to eat?

    They said to wait until the master returned.

    My cook will prepare something while you wash.




    They try to be one.
    One heart, one morality.

    Their prophet says "Submit."
    Jesus says,


    Balian :
    Did you decide on Guy?

    Guy was chosen by my mother.

    My first husband died before our son was born.

    I was only 15.

    Balian :
    I've met your son.

    chap27 There Is Only Light 光を消して


    I could stay here forever.
    【ずっと いたいわ】

    Balian :
    This house is yours.

    Why do you think I'm here?

    Balian :
    I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Cana.

    What else do you know, my lord?

    Balian :
    I know that you are a princess.
    And I am no lord.

    You're a knight.

    Balian :
    Neither earned, nor proved.


    chap28 隊商への襲撃

    chap29 Tokens バリアンとシビラ


    This is from France.
    I've never been there.
    【これは まだ訪ねてない

    This from my brother.

    This to remind us of death.

    And this...
    I put the day I saw you.

    Balian :
    You lie.


    chap30 Blasphemy  軍の召集
      31 Deffenders of Kerak  カラクの守り
      32 The Friendly Enemy  戦場での再会
      33 Jerusalem Has Come  到着したエルサレム軍
      34 The Kiss of peace   ルノーの処罰


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Nomal 【DCネタバレ】chap25〜34まとめて / ハーブ (06/07/19(Wed) 22:03) #3936
  └Nomal DC版字幕 chap25〜34まとめて / One of many (06/12/10(Sun) 05:59) [ID:tpVYzetX] #4037 ←Now

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