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■3924 / 1階層)  【DCネタバレ】chap11 Whoever Dies Here Today
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/02(Sun) 02:55:33)
    2006/08/14(Mon) 13:48:55 編集(投稿者)

    chap9 To Erase My Sins  贖罪の地へ
    chap10 The Guarud of the Hawk 鷹の構え

    chap11 Whoever Dies Here Today 森の中の戦い


    What's this?



    You have with you a man-Balian -
    who killed a priest, his brother.

    I am charged by both my father and the lord bishop to bring him back.
    わが父と司教、両者からの命令で 連行します

    Balian :
    What he says is true.
    They have the right to take me.

    the German:
    I say he's innocent of the charge.
    If you say he's guilty, then we'll fight.
    [有罪と言うなら 戦おう]
    God will decide the truth of it.
    [どちらが正しいか 神が決める]

    Hospitaler :
    My German friend is a close student of the law.
    [ゲルマン人のわが友には それが法でね]

    Just give him to me.
    I'll fight you for something else.
    Uncle, he's a murderer.

    So am I.
    Whoever dies here today, you will certainly be among them.
    【誰かがここで死ぬなら お前もその1人だ】

    You're my uncle.

    I must give you the road.
    Hyah! Hyah!


    To the flanks.

    Thank my brother for his love!!

    I am the son of Roger...

    Take your helmet off while addressing me.
    [私に話しかける時は 兜を脱げ]

    I am the son of Roger de Cormier.
    (こほん)[私は ロジェ・ド・コルミエの息子] 
    I am accorded the privilege of ransom.
    [つまり貴殿らには 相当の身代金が手に入るはず]

    This is true.



    The Hospitaler:
    You broke the arrow.
    If the ribs are broken, the marrow may enter the blood,
    【肋骨が折れていたら 髄液が血の中に流れ出し】
    in which case you'll take a fever and die.
    Or a cyst will form,
    and you'll live.
    You're in the hands of God.

    Will you get me some more wine?
    (to Balian)
    It was not that they had no right to take you.
    It was the way they asked.

    Balian :
    They had the right to take me.

    And so do I.

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