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■3934 / 1階層)  【DCネタバレ】chap24 The Leper King 病める王
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/17(Mon) 17:19:24)
    2006/08/03(Thu) 16:20:56 編集(投稿者)

    (バリアン入室“Come forward.”から“...that I was a leper.”までの台詞は変更なし)

    Baldwin IV:
    Come, sit.(チェス盤をはさんだ席へバリアンを導きつつ)
    Do you play?


    Baldwin IV:
    The whole world is in chess.
    [盤上には この世の縮図があるのだよ]
    Any move can be the death of you.
    [どの一手が 命取りになるやも知れぬ]
    Do anything except remain where you started,
    and you can't be sure of your end.
    [最初から全く動かぬのでない限り 結末の予想はできない]

    Were you sure of your end once?
    [自分の最後がどうなるか 昔はわかっていたか?]

    I was.
    [はい 以前は]

    Baldwin IV:
    What was it?

    To be buried a hundred yards from where I was born.

    Baldwin IV:
    And now?

    Now I sit in Jerusalem and look upon a king.
    [エルサレムで 国王様にお目見えを許される身]

    Baldwin IV:

    When I was 16,
    I won a great victory.
    [十六の時 余は大いなる勝利をおさめた]
    I felt in that moment I would live to be 100.
    Now I know I shall not see 30.
    [今では三十までも無理だと わかっている]

    None of us choose our end, really...
    [人は誰も 死に方を選ぶことはできないし]
    or what hand will guide us there.
    [どんな手に導かれて そこへ至るのかも選べない]

    A king may move a man.
    [王は 人を動かしもしよう]
    A father may claim a son.
    [父が 息子を得ることもあろう](バリアンを指す)

    That man can also move himself.
    [だが人は みずからを動かすこともできるのだ]
    And only then does that man truly begin his own game.
    [そうなって初めて 自分の戦いを始めたことになる]
    Remember, how so ever you are played, or by whom,
    [覚えておくがよい 誰にどう動かされようとも]

    your soul is in your keeping alone...
    [魂だけは 他者に委ねるものではない]

    even though those who presume to play you
    be kings or men of power.
    [王や権力者が そなたを操ろうとしてもだ]

    When you stand before God, you cannot say 
    "but I was told by others to do thus,"
    or that "virtue was not convenient at that time".
    This will not suffice.
    Remember that.

    Balian: I will.

    Baldwin IV:
    You know what this is?

    A fortification.
    Baldwin IV:
    What do you think of it?
    You disapprove. Well, how would you improve it?
    [やはり問題があるか どう直せばよいかな?]

    A cross. Or better, a star, like this.
    [十字型に あるいは星型にできればもっと良いかと]
    That way no part of the fortress may be approached
    without beng exposed to fire from another part.
    [どの面を攻められても その敵を別の壁面から攻撃できます]

    Baldwin IV:
    Yes, I like this.
    [なるほど 良いな]
    Your walls are more difficult to adress. Very good.
    [攻めるに難いかたちの砦か 実にいい]

    You will go to your father's house at Ibelin, your house now,
    [では イベリンにある父君の館、いや 自分の家に行くがよい]
    And from there protect the pilgrim road.
    Safegurd in particular the Jews and the Muslims.
    All are welcome in Jerusalem.
    Not only because it's expedient but because it is right.
    [それが得策というだけでなく 正しいことだからだ]

    Protect the helpless.
    And then, perhaps one day
    [そうして いつか余が無力となった時には]
    when I am helpless, you will come and protect me.
    [側(そば)近くに来て 余の身を守ってもらうとしようか]



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