発言者: 白い都
発言日: 2002 11/12 02:01
Dear Ms. Boyens,
This is my second letter on Japanese subtitles for your film "The Lord of the Rings".
I sent you a letter in September and you kindly replied to me. My fellow members of the movement for better and proper subtitles on FotR have been much encouraged by your letter. Let me thank you again on behalf of them.
Today, I report to you about the subtitles in DVD/VHS released in Japan on September 21st. I'm sorry it has taken so long. The reason is that the members have not reached an agreement on the evaluation.
We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were revised, but opinions differ among the fans, from "acceptable as a whole" to "absolutely unforgivable". At least, "The Most Serious Errors" which I sent you the list of, were all repaired except for these two lines :
>The Departure of Boromir (chapter 38)
[script] I let Frodo go.
[subtitle] He has left.
[script] Then you did what I could not.
[subtitle] I am ashamed.
That is, Boromir is not a liar, and there is not "the Creator of life" anymore. But in my opinion, there still remain too many bad translations and unsuitable words for the scene in the subtitles in DVD/VHS. I think they are far from satisfactory, not at all what your FotR deserves, though I admit that they are better than the theater version.
I have picked up some of the remaining errors to show you, and with the help of translators have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS", inadequate as it is. It is attached at the end of this letter.
And now, I have another bad news to tell you: your current trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website released on October 18th, to our great dismay, is marred by the Japanese subtitles AGAIN. TheOneRing.net took up this news and I enclose a copy of the article in this letter with the list. Maybe you know it already?
On the above-mentioned site in June Nippon Herald Films Inc. said that for TTT Ms. Akiko Tanaka (one of the two Japanese translators of the original books) and Hyoron-sha (the publisher) would help the subtitler.
But to be frank with you, I cannot trust to its word, because there is no guarantee of their authority over the subtitler. However useful counsel they may give, it will be no use if the subtitler does not accept it (we have good reasons to fear that is very likely to be the case).
My friends and I are very anxious about subtitles in the coming film "The Two Towers".
Now we are preparing another petition to ask for good and proper subtitles for TTT and RotK.
I wish you could appoint an agent to supervise the making of subtitles, with a good interpreter whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust. I know it is too much to ask, of course.
Still we believe --- or sincerely hope --- that your interest in this matter can bring a big change, if I may say so.
We are looking forward to seeing your TTT (now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. I was nearly brought to tears when I found YOU in one of the interviews!)
Sincerely yours,
[脚本] I let Frodo go.
[字幕] 彼は発った
[脚本] Then you did what I could not.
[字幕] 恥ずかしい
Examples of Remaining Mistranslations in DVD/VHS
>Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe (chapter 6)
[script] There are some things that I must see to.
[subtitle] I have my business.
[script] What things?
[subtitle] What business?
[script] Questions. Questions that need answering.
[subtitle] Many things. I have to finish them.
>The Shadow of the Past (chapter 8)
[script] But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
[subtitle] But its power is too terrible to imagine.
>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.
[subtitle] I will share the burden. I will be watching you.
>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
[subtitle] A king for Gondor? We do not need one.
comment:These subtitles strongly give an impression that 'king for Gondor' is quite unfamiliar to Boromir, as if Gondor were a republic that had never known kingship.★
>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.
[subtitle] If this is the decision of the council, Gondor will obey it.
>A Journey in the Dark (chapter 28), The Road Goes Ever On...(chapter 39)
[script] So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
[subtitle] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but you can't change it. What's more important for you is, to think what you should do at the moment.
NOTE: Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been revised.
[subtitle in theater] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but it is too late to regret. What's more important for you is, to think what you should do at the moment.
>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
[subtitle] Your words sound kind, but they mean warning to me.
>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] We're all afraid, Frodo, but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don't you see, it's madness.
[subtitle] We're all afraid, but if we are overcome by fear, all will be lost. Don't forget it.
>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] It has taken Boromir.
[subtitle] Boromir....
comment:The subtitler, Natsuko Toda, often does this with short sentences: Takes one single noun out of the line and adds a question mark or three dots.
You will find another example in the trailer for TTT, Eowyn's words (please refer to the article of TheOneRing.Net).★
Such subtitles, of course, can give audience little information and much confusion. But it does not occur to many people that the fault is in the translation and not in the script itself.
The One Ring. net −News for Oct. 25, 2002
Japan: Trailer Twisted in Translation
10/25/02, 12:15 am EST - Tehanu
The trailer for TTT has just come out in Japan, and once again Japanese fans are full of dread at the way the subtitles are mis-representing Tolkien and the script as Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens intended it to be understood.
Sam : "Wonder if this is the way Gandalf meant?"
Frodo: "Everything is unpredictable."
"This is a Zen dialogue, not a translation at all," exclaims a fan leader....[More]
Japan: Trailer Twisted in Translation
Last month Japanese fans were relieved to see the subtitles in FotR DVD were repaired considerably to what they had been in the film version. Now they are tortured again.
On October 18th, the new TTT trailer was released by the Japanese distributor on the Web. Dubbed version was good, but those who love the actors' own real voices chose the other version with subtitles---and they found a familiar frustration. [Eowyn says] "Preparations? Warning?" No viewer can possibly imagine Eowyn here is really saying, "They were unarmed. They had no warning."
Another example. Sam : Wonder if this is the way Gandalf meant? (Note that "We're lost" is eliminated) Frodo: Everything is unpredictable. "This is a Zen dialogue, not a translation at all," exclaims an ex-leader of Petition for Better Subtitles in FotR. What's in Frodo's mind here is the tragic fall of Gandalf, but these subtitles ignore it. Such were the lines that filled FotR when seen in theaters. And Nippon Herald, the distributor, declares that the same subtitler will stay in her position.
A group of fans have started preparing a new petition. "How we wish we didn't have to do this," says another leader. "All we ask is: Just show us what is being said. Why should it be so difficult?"
Japanese Subtitles....
10/25/02, 11:43 am EST - Tehanu
Ooops, forgot the URL to Herbalist's site, where you can see more of the mis-translations that are upsetting Japanese LOTR fans.
>Still we believe --- or sincerely hope --- that your interest in this matter can bring a big change, if I may say so.
>Examples of Remaining Mistranslations in DVD/VHS
>These subtitles strongly give an impression that 'king for Gondor' is quite unfamiliar to Boromir, as if Gondor were a republic that had never known kingship.
★'king for Gondor' のkingに冠詞は付かなくて良いか?
>A Journey in the Dark (chapter 28), The Road Goes Ever On...(chapter 39)
項目名にA Journey in the Dark (chapter 28)を入れる。掲載位置はchapte28のところ
字幕は(chapter 39)により、「それより大切なのは」
Another example is Eowyn's word "Warning?" in the trailer for TTT. (Please refer to the article of TheOneRing.Net.)
>But it does not occur to many people that the fault is in the translation and not in the script itself.
>the very style of hers
>And those who share my opinion were eager to support me, and wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.
>we cannot afford to write our own letter in English
└◆415:ツリー満杯、しまった [ハーブ] 11/06 00:31
├◆416:[414]第3回文案と問題点(413まで... [白い都(転記)] 11/06 00:34
│├◆417:新しい目で読むと [ハーブ] 11/06 00:35
││├◆418:↑ミスあり [ハーブ] 11/06 00:47
││└◆419:Re:1点だけ、あとは明日 [白い都] 11/06 01:20
││ └◆421:疑問点 [白い都] 11/06 03:01
││ ├◆422:say=書いてある [ハーブ] 11/06 12:20
││ └◆424:その他の点・自己訂正 [ハーブ] 11/06 12:49
│├◆426:「時代」コメントの件 [ハーブ] 11/06 13:37
│├◆427:字幕製作監督の件 [Evenstar] 11/06 14:05
││└◆428:ありがとうございます [ハーブ] 11/06 17:35
││ └◆445:chap.1中の意訳について [Evenstar] 11/09 19:10
│└◆430:本文後半に集中 [Telperion] 11/07 00:02
│ ├◆431:すっきり! [ハーブ] 11/07 01:26
│ └◆432:本文修正(430まで) [白い都] 11/07 02:55
│ └◆433:和訳一箇所だけ [ハーブ] 11/07 10:56
├◆434:誤訳リスト現状確認 [ハーブ] 11/07 16:45
│├◆435:「時代」のチャプター番号 [白い都] 11/07 18:26
││├◆438:かぶった&確認は私が [ハーブ] 11/07 18:42
││└◆439:字幕が少し違ってました [ハーブ] 11/07 20:53
││ └◆442:chap39だけにしましょう [白い都] 11/08 17:24
│└◆437:誤訳リスト関連 [ハーブ] 11/07 18:31
│ └◆446:Boromir....のコメント [白い都] 11/09 20:08
│ └◆449:残る作業は [ハーブ] 11/10 00:57
├◆436:添付資料確認・OneRingNet記事 [白い都] 11/07 18:30
│├◆440:Re:改行だけ [ハーブ] 11/08 01:34
││└◆441:印刷の体裁は良くします [白い都] 11/08 12:47
│└◆443:確認 閉じ"はどこ? [白い都] 11/09 19:02
│ └◆448:Re:確認 閉じ"はどこ? [ハーブ] 11/10 00:45
├◆447:連絡&最終チェック願い [ハーブ] 11/10 00:40
│├◆451:誤訳リストについての考え [白い都] 11/10 23:25
││├◆453:誤訳リストに絞って [ハーブ] 11/11 01:43
││├◆457:comment 案:チェックHelp! [ハーブ] 11/11 16:29
│││├◆461:誤訳リスト [白い都] 11/11 20:00
││││├◆463:他の例が一個では [ハーブ] 11/11 20:28
│││││└◆464:Re:他の例が一個では [白い都] 11/11 21:23
│││││ └◆466:まとレス [ハーブ] 11/11 23:17
│││││ ├◆468:私もまとめて [Telperion] 11/12 01:31
│││││ │├◆469:言い方が下手だっ... [Telperion] 11/12 01:54
│││││ │└◆495:Re:私もまとめて [ゴン] 11/14 11:27
│││││ └◆471: Lost, Herb, sedho,.. [白い都] 11/12 02:17
│││││ └◆477:[雑談]いや、そ... [ハーブ] 11/12 08:18
│││││ └◆479:Re:[雑談]471... [白い都] 11/12 18:00
││││└◆467:一箇所訂正、ほか [ハーブ] 11/12 00:45
││││ ├◆472:すべりこみます [Evenstar] 11/12 05:36
││││ │└◆475:本文・最終文について [Evenstar] 11/12 07:43
││││ │ └◆476:感謝!で雑談 [ハーブ] 11/12 08:03
│││└◆465:間が空きました [Telperion] 11/11 22:02
││└◆534:遅レス&お疲れさまでした [ここのつ] 11/17 19:46<-last
│└◆470:修正箇所確認と検討課題(467まで.. [白い都] 11/12 02:01
├◆455:手紙ができましたら [ゴン] 11/11 12:11
│├◆458:個人手紙?連名? [ハーブ] 11/11 17:11
│└◆459:連名受け付けます。方法相談 [白い都] 11/11 18:56
│ ├◆460:それでは [ハーブ] 11/11 19:38
│ └◆462:追伸文案第2稿 [ハーブ] 11/11 20:06
├◆478:総合してみます [ハーブ] 11/12 10:23
├◆480:最終? 本文と追伸 [ハーブ] 11/12 18:25
│└◆486:小さなブラッシュ・アップ [Evenstar] 11/13 05:36
│ └◆490:最終?修正と疑問点 [ハーブ] 11/13 16:31
│ └◆494:やはりfor がいいと思います [Evenstar] 11/14 06:50
└◆481:最終? 誤訳リスト [ハーブ] 11/12 18:28
├◆485:コメント部分の修正と訳 [白い都] 11/13 02:51
└◆487:chpt 23 順番違い [ハーブ] 11/13 07:57