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No.911  Re:手紙 【最終稿】修正+同封資料リスト
発言者: Evenstar
発言日: 2002 12/13 07:42


> (2)
> You may already realize that "The Fellowship of the Ring (FotR)" fared so much worse than "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" at the box office only in Japan as CNN reported: "The whole worldwide difference last time was accounted for by Japan."

You may already realize that only in Japan did "The Fellowship of the Ring (FotR") fare so much worse than "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" at the box office....

> (3)
>"trilogy" and "The Fellowship of the Ring" were completely eliminated in the trailer for FotR.

they completly eliminated "trilogy" and "The Fellowship of the Ring" from the FotR trailer.

> In our opinion, there still remain a considerable number of bad translations, so we made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS", though inadequate it may be. The list is attached at the end of this letter.

, so this time we made "A List of....

> (7)
>Could you consider appointing an agent whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust, to be involved in the subtitle-making and supervise the whole process?

Could you please consider...(このほうが、「可能性の打診」ではなく「要望」であるというトーンが出ますので。)

>Is it also possible that he/she examines the subtitles on FotR theatrical release (the papers enclosed), and also check up and evaluate the Japanese trailer for TTT available on the Japanese official movie website?

It is also advisable that he/she examines... (これも「攻めの姿勢」の一端として)

> >(8)
> Contemplating the affair in its entirety, we have enough reasons to believe that it is against your interest to leave the issue of subtitle-making to the Japanese distributor and expect them to do their job. They failed you as your business partner last time. And they have not come up with any concrete solutions to the problem, let alone showing any signs to recognize its magnitude. We all dearly hope for a success of the next two installments of the trilogy in Japan, a success they naturally deserve.

The quality of subtitles will play a decisive role in bringing this about, as well as your interest in this matter.


867:【依頼】チェックお願いツリー [ハーブ] 12/12 02:13
 ├868:新・誤訳リストの英語コメント [ハーブ] 12/12 02:13
 │├901:直らなかったリストの和訳 [白い都] 12/12 21:48
 ││└906:Parth Galen 修正案 [ハーブ] 12/13 01:29
 │└909:Re:新・誤訳リストの英語コメント.. [Evenstar] 12/13 07:06
 ├869:修正英語コメント&リスト表題 [ハーブ] 12/12 02:14
 │└902:形式・誤訳リストは表紙なし [白い都] 12/12 21:57
 ├870:手紙 【最終稿】修正+同封資料リス.. [ハーブ] 12/12 02:17
 │├871:同封資料リストのスペルミス申告 [白い都] 12/12 02:31
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 │├908:手紙本文の現状 [白い都] 12/13 02:34
 ││└912:P.S.について [Evenstar] 12/13 08:35
 ││ └917:ありがとうございました [ハーブ] 12/13 15:15
 │└911:Re:手紙 【最終稿】修正+同封資... [Evenstar] 12/13 07:42
 ├913:【連絡】完成稿は午後のうちに [ハーブ] 12/13 11:17
 │└914:【完成稿】NL社宛手紙文 [ハーブ] 12/13 11:42
 └915:【決定稿】誤訳リスト [ハーブ] 12/13 14:28
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   │ └922:言い忘れ・行動予定 [白い都] 12/13 21:44<-last
   └921:暫定訂正案「種族」 [ハーブ] 12/13 21:42