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No.868  新・誤訳リストの英語コメント
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2002 12/12 02:13
☆#865より言い訳引用:申し訳ないですが私の語彙で、私のかねがね思っていたこと(の一部)を書くしか出来ませんでした。「時代」(chapter 28, chapter 39) については、「私が考えたこと」ではないのでコメントをつけられていません。

     (Remaining Uncorrected)

>Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe (chapter 6)
[script] There are some things that I must see to.
[subtitle] I have my business.
[script] What things?
[subtitle] What business?
[script] Questions. Questions that need answering.
[subtitle] Many things. I have to finish them.
comment:★This is the scene where it occurs to Gandalf the ring might be the One Ring, and the suspicion urges him to leave in a hurry. The subtitle fails to show the gravity of the situation.

>The Shadow of the Past (chapter 8)
[script] But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
[subtitle] But its power is too terrible to imagine.
comment:★Viewers cannot see, reading only this translation, why the powerful wizard will not take the burden in stead of the little one. The ring is all the more terrible in the hand of the great, and that is the very reason that no one but Frodo the Hobbit is to be the ring-bearer, the hero and the center of the whole story.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
[subtitle] A king for Gondor? We do not need one.
comment:These subtitles strongly give an impression that the word 'king' is quite unfamiliar to Boromir, as if Gondor were a republic that had never known kingship.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.
[subtitle] I will share the burden. I will be watching you.
comment:★Again the subtitle misses the biggest point. The burden of the ring can not be shared. It is solely Frodo's.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.
[subtitle] If this is the decision of the council, Gondor will obey it.
comment:★Boromir does not 'obey' the council here, he only concedes to it. He has not given up his argument yet that the ring can be a powerful weapon against the enemy, and this will lead to his tragedy at the climax.
The subtitle makes Boromir a betrayer, who once obeyed and then turns to his own selfish purpose.

>A Journey in the Dark (chapter 28), The Road Goes Ever On...(chapter 39)
[script] So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
[subtitle] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but you can't change it. What's more important for you is, to think what you should do at the moment.
NOTE: Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been changed.
[subtitle in theater] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but it is too late to regret.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
[subtitle] Your words sound kind, but they mean warning to me.
comment:★The subtitler does not seem to know that 'but for' is one thing and 'but' is quite another.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] We're all afraid, Frodo, but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don't you see, it's madness.
[subtitle] We're all afraid, but if we are overcome by fear, all will be lost. Don't forget it.
comment:★Just where is all that the ring means to Boromir?

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] It has taken Boromir.
[subtitle] Boromir....
comment:The subtitler, Natsuko Toda, often does this with short sentences: She takes one single noun out of the line and adds a question mark, or else three dots. Another example is in the article of TheOneRing.Net: "Warning?"
These two cases are representative of this style of hers. ★この後にあった「氷山の一角」誤訳リスト表紙で使ったので消します。

Such subtitles, needless to say, give audience little information and much confusion. But it does not occur to many that the fault is in the translation and not in the script itself.

>The Departure of Boromir (chapter 38)
[script] I let Frodo go.
[subtitle] He has left.
[script] Then you did what I could not.
[subtitle] I am ashamed.
comment:With these subtitles the audience cannot see that Boromir recognizes Aragorn as his superior, nor that Aragorn resisted the ring's temptation to which Boromir had succumbed.


867:【依頼】チェックお願いツリー [ハーブ] 12/12 02:13
 ├868:新・誤訳リストの英語コメント [ハーブ] 12/12 02:13
 │├901:直らなかったリストの和訳 [白い都] 12/12 21:48
 ││└906:Parth Galen 修正案 [ハーブ] 12/13 01:29
 │└909:Re:新・誤訳リストの英語コメント.. [Evenstar] 12/13 07:06
 ├869:修正英語コメント&リスト表題 [ハーブ] 12/12 02:14
 │└902:形式・誤訳リストは表紙なし [白い都] 12/12 21:57
 ├870:手紙 【最終稿】修正+同封資料リス.. [ハーブ] 12/12 02:17
 │├871:同封資料リストのスペルミス申告 [白い都] 12/12 02:31
 │├907:手紙文のスペルミス申告 [ハーブ] 12/13 01:40
 │├908:手紙本文の現状 [白い都] 12/13 02:34
 ││└912:P.S.について [Evenstar] 12/13 08:35
 ││ └917:ありがとうございました [ハーブ] 12/13 15:15
 │└911:Re:手紙 【最終稿】修正+同封資... [Evenstar] 12/13 07:42
 ├913:【連絡】完成稿は午後のうちに [ハーブ] 12/13 11:17
 │└914:【完成稿】NL社宛手紙文 [ハーブ] 12/13 11:42
 └915:【決定稿】誤訳リスト [ハーブ] 12/13 14:28
  ├916:誤訳リスト選択解説 [ハーブ] 12/13 14:30
  └918:【緊急!】OurPeopleとWhiteCity... [白い都] 12/13 19:57
   ├919:Re:【緊急!】しまった、時間延.. [ハーブ] 12/13 21:10
   │└920:発送明日。午前10時締め [白い都] 12/13 21:33
   │ └922:言い忘れ・行動予定 [白い都] 12/13 21:44<-last
   └921:暫定訂正案「種族」 [ハーブ] 12/13 21:42