LotR 英語なんでも掲示板



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No.887  P.S.英訳案第1回
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2002 12/12 15:07

P.S. We have just seen this news on TheOneRing.net.
The Japanese distributor has not made any comment on it so far, but if it is true, we will be certainly relieved. Please see to it that PJ's word will be realized and good subtitles will be on TTT and RotK.

Good News For Japanese Ringers!
Xoanon @ 12:58 pm EST

Ataahua writes: Peter Jackson has confirmed that the Japanese translations of TTT will be a lot better than they were for FOTR. PJ was interviewed by TVNZ before the TT premier in Paris, during which he commented that there had been a lot of complaints from Japanese fans about the quality of the dialogue translations for FOTR.

"They said that whoever did the translation obviously didn't know the subject and was making big mistakes, and they asked that this person not do the translations for The Two Towers - and that's what we've done. We've got someone else to do the Japanese translations this time around."

Peter Jackson has confirmed that the Japanese translations of TTT will be a lot better than they were for FOTR.
"We've got someone else to do the Japanese translations this time around."

Evenstar 様は昨日
とおっしゃっておられたのに、昨夜はそれを忘れてました。今夜(明日早朝)はお越しになれるであろうか…ともあれ、今日夜には、このP.S.をちゃんとして【依頼】チェックお願いツリー につけておきます。


872:角笛でした。角笛です。角笛なのです... [大ガラス] 12/12 08:55
 ├873:It is a gift. A gift to the foes .. [鉄の足ダイン] 12/12 10:10
 │└874:角笛を聞くと彼の心は [しほ] 12/12 10:46
 ├875:★字幕作家交替実現!! [ハーブ] 12/12 11:08
 │└883:それがその。 [鉄の足ダイン] 12/12 13:23
 ├876:TORNの記事の和訳 [ハーブ] 12/12 11:25
 │├877:連絡室にもアップ、あと感慨など [ハーブ] 12/12 11:51
 ││├879:Re:連絡室にもアップ、あと感慨.. [baldhatter] 12/12 12:43
 │││└888:[感想]余計な?心配 [ハーブ] 12/12 15:20
 │││ ├892:Re:[感想]かなり余計な心.. [まくら] 12/12 18:32
 │││ └900:そうですね [Rimo-rob] 12/12 21:41
 ││└885:Re:連絡室にもアップ、あと感慨.. [まごっと] 12/12 13:27
 │├878:Re:TORNの記事の和訳 [にゃんこ] 12/12 11:52
 │├881:I love PJ and his team!! [ここのつ] 12/12 13:19
 │├889:・・・!!(言葉にならず) [まるまるまる] 12/12 16:10
 │└953:Re:TORNの記事の和訳 [石崎 翠] 12/15 23:38
 │ └963:歓迎、今までロムの方 [ハーブ] 12/16 19:32
 │  ├965:ありがとうございました! [馳ねこ] 12/16 23:01
 │  └967:感謝しています [tomtom] 12/17 16:51<-last
 ├880:NLあて手紙文を修正しますか? [白い都] 12/12 12:52
 │├884:P.S.つけて送りましょう [ハーブ] 12/12 13:26
 ││└886:TORNに感謝メール送信 [ハーブ] 12/12 14:21
 │└887:P.S.英訳案第1回 [ハーブ] 12/12 15:07
 │ └893:PS内容賛成 [白い都] 12/12 19:33
 └950:PJの生の声で確認!! [baldhatter] 12/15 20:50
  ├951:感謝&私も確認 [Evenstar] 12/15 22:18
  │└955:Re:感謝&私も確認 [ふ] 12/15 23:53
  │ └962:Re[2]:感謝&私も確認 [ハーブ] 12/16 01:33
  ├956:Re:PJの生の声で確認!! [鉄の足ダイン] 12/15 23:59
  └964:生声PJ [ここのつ] 12/16 20:52