LotR 英語なんでも掲示板



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No.595  添削[96]
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2002 11/25 12:30

>The professional work, please!
既出のものは定冠詞、未見のものは原則として不定冠詞。ここはまだ見ぬ二部三部の字幕の話だからThe ⇒ A

>LotR had been recognized for years as a story couldn't be made into a movie,
⇒LotR had been recognized for years as a story that could not possibly be turned into a movie,
副詞の possibly 追加と、省略形でなく not にした等は単なる語調の問題。

>by reason of its volumes, enormous background and details.
by reason of は文語調ではあるが正しいのでよしとしよう。問題は volumes(可算)では「本の巻数」、いわゆるボリューム(量)なら不可算でなくてはいけない。
⇒by reason of (its huge volume, with all) its vast background and enormous details.

>However, PJ's movie LotR has embodied such things with the magical way.
⇒However, PJ has visualized them in a magical way.
way の前置詞は in と決まってるも同然です。「視覚化」はもとに戻してもいい。

>The essence of the original work has been picked very carefully, while some elements have been adapted for the movie fearlessly.
ほとんど文句なし。1ヶ所、picked を使うなら picked up でしょう。単語としては何か他に適当なのがありそうな気もするのだが。今思いつくのは extracted くらいか。

>This movie's also unparalleled because of it makes people wait to see the ending until the third movie comes.
⇒Another unparalleled achievement is that *

>I can see, on such movie, it's not very easy to see the whole (with only one of three)
⇒ Naturally, seeing only the first one-third of such a movie, it should not be easy to see through and understand everything, much less subtitling it with limited number of letters.

>But it's beyond my belief that they don't take cautious steps when they are facing that diffculty.
⇒Therefore it is beyond my comprehension that they didn't take cautious steps when they faced that diffculty.

>Though Japanees audience is usually too shy to move like that,
⇒Though Japanese audience is generally too shy to take an action,

>But I still find many errors of subtitles in DVD including ones happened newly.
⇒But I still find many errors in subtitles on DVD including new ones.

>These facts clearly say that they don't understand the world of LotR well enough even now.
⇒These facts clearly show us that they still have very inadequate appreciation of the world of LotR.

>Therefore I'm swayed by misgivings about following movies becoming deeper.
⇒I am deeply concerned and anxious about the quality of the subtitles for the coming two movies.

>I only want them to carry out their task with profesional competence on their business just showing the audience good movies.
2文を分けるか、同じ「彼らにして欲しいこと」であるものを to carry out と to show で形をそろえるか、どちらかにしなくてはいけません。単なる分詞構文では、showing の主体は文の主語である I になってしまいます。要注意!
⇒I only want them to carry out their task with profesional competence on their business.

お手数ですが、上を検討しながら put pieces together したものを再アップしてください。最終チェックかけます。



536:署名のコメント英訳関連ツリー [ハーブ] 11/18 02:06
 ├538:改善室[1295]添削してみました [ハーブ] 11/18 02:14
 │└540:添削ありがとうございます [Rimo-rob] 11/18 21:10
 │ └541:ご自由にお使い下さい [ハーブ] 11/19 01:29
 │  └542:お言葉に甘えまして [Rimo-rob] 11/19 21:59
 │   └543:おお、キマりましたね [ハーブ] 11/20 00:17
 ├546:改善室1313:署名英訳の件 [psy] 11/20 04:15
 │├547:あっ、ちょっと待って [ハーブ] 11/20 12:29
 ││└548:↑さらに自己訂正 [ハーブ] 11/20 12:34
 │└550:重ね重ね、すみません。 [psy] 11/21 06:44
 │ └551:いえいえ、ではこれで完成稿。 [ハーブ] 11/21 14:34
 ├557:[96]の自分訳、試してみました [ここのつ] 11/23 01:24
 │├558:おお、これは素晴らしい [ハーブ] 11/23 10:26
 ││└591:安心しました^^ [ここのつ] 11/25 01:56
 │└595:添削[96] [ハーブ] 11/25 12:30
 │ └596:しまった、1箇所不備 [ハーブ] 11/25 12:34
 │  └614:「不備」の補完 [ハーブ] 11/27 13:14
 │   └618:そういう生徒になるべきだ... [ここのつ] 11/28 00:27
 ├594:90番台の試訳です [ここのつ] 11/25 06:21
 │├597:言い訳二つ [ここのつ] 11/25 16:40
 │├606:90,91,93 [ハーブ] 11/26 16:51
 ││└609:ありがたや^^ [ここのつ] 11/26 19:23
 ││ └610:>books だけ [ハーブ] 11/26 20:36
 │└615:90の訂正、97,99, [ハーブ] 11/27 13:16
 └649:[告知]コメント英訳1〜100の... [白い都] 12/02 20:02
  ├650:仕事の順序 [ハーブ] 12/02 20:33
  │└653:優先順位は嘆願書が先 [白い都] 12/02 22:07
  │ └661:トップページInfo更新 [白い都] 12/03 12:52
  └664:コメント英訳チェックを連絡室に... [ここのつ] 12/03 19:54<-last