発言者: ここのつ
発言日: 2002 11/23 01:24
[96] プロとして当然の仕事を
The professional work, please!
LotR had been recognized for years as a story couldn't be made into a movie, by reason of its volumes, enormous background and details. However, PJ's movie LotR has embodied such things with the magical way. The essence of the original work has been picked very carefully, while some elements have been adapted for the movie fearlessly. This movie's also unparalleled because of it makes people wait to see the ending until the third movie comes.
I can see, on such movie, it's not very easy to see the whole (with only one of three) and to subtitle (especially under the number-of-letters restriction.) But it's beyond my belief that they don't take cautious steps when they are facing that diffculty.
Though Japanees audience is usually too shy to move like that, there were many people joined the ex-petition. And Nippon Herald Films Inc.answered by repairing DVD's subtitles on a large scale. But I still find many errors of subtitles in DVD including ones happened newly . I also find some odd transrations in TTT trailer. These facts clearly say that they don't understand the world of LotR well enough even now. Therefore I'm swayed by misgivings about following movies becoming deeper.
I only want them to carry out their task with profesional competence on their business just showing the audience good movies.
└◆536:署名のコメント英訳関連ツリー [ハーブ] 11/18 02:06
├◆538:改善室[1295]添削してみました [ハーブ] 11/18 02:14
│└◆540:添削ありがとうございます [Rimo-rob] 11/18 21:10
│ └◆541:ご自由にお使い下さい [ハーブ] 11/19 01:29
│ └◆542:お言葉に甘えまして [Rimo-rob] 11/19 21:59
│ └◆543:おお、キマりましたね [ハーブ] 11/20 00:17
├◆546:改善室1313:署名英訳の件 [psy] 11/20 04:15
│├◆547:あっ、ちょっと待って [ハーブ] 11/20 12:29
││└◆548:↑さらに自己訂正 [ハーブ] 11/20 12:34
│└◆550:重ね重ね、すみません。 [psy] 11/21 06:44
│ └◆551:いえいえ、ではこれで完成稿。 [ハーブ] 11/21 14:34
├◆557:[96]の自分訳、試してみました [ここのつ] 11/23 01:24
│├◆558:おお、これは素晴らしい [ハーブ] 11/23 10:26
││└◆591:安心しました^^ [ここのつ] 11/25 01:56
│└◆595:添削[96] [ハーブ] 11/25 12:30
│ └◆596:しまった、1箇所不備 [ハーブ] 11/25 12:34
│ └◆614:「不備」の補完 [ハーブ] 11/27 13:14
│ └◆618:そういう生徒になるべきだ... [ここのつ] 11/28 00:27
├◆594:90番台の試訳です [ここのつ] 11/25 06:21
│├◆597:言い訳二つ [ここのつ] 11/25 16:40
│├◆606:90,91,93 [ハーブ] 11/26 16:51
││└◆609:ありがたや^^ [ここのつ] 11/26 19:23
││ └◆610:>books だけ [ハーブ] 11/26 20:36
│└◆615:90の訂正、97,99, [ハーブ] 11/27 13:16
└◆649:[告知]コメント英訳1〜100の... [白い都] 12/02 20:02
├◆650:仕事の順序 [ハーブ] 12/02 20:33
│└◆653:優先順位は嘆願書が先 [白い都] 12/02 22:07
│ └◆661:トップページInfo更新 [白い都] 12/03 12:52
└◆664:コメント英訳チェックを連絡室に... [ここのつ] 12/03 19:54<-last