No.1324 Bunnyfoot 様より |
> Thanks Bunnyfoot,
> I'm using your letter as the best explanation of the situation in Japan and
> how the fans feel about it, and posting another article on TORN about it.
> This is really all I can do, and I am about to move back to NZ so it'll be a
> while before I can go online and follow up this news any further. I think
> we've done all we can now. I hope it has a good effect.
> Quite a few Japanese fans wrote to tell me similar things. I don't have time
> to write back to them all, as I'm packing. If you belong to any fan forums
> or messageboards, can you please thank them and tell them I'm sorry I
> couldn't reply personally?
> Cheers, Tehanu
└◆1274:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツリー [baldhatter] 01/03 18:14
├◆1275:per seについて [baldhatter] 01/03 18:16
│└◆1278:Thanks!! [ここのつ] 01/03 22:10
├◆1304:Re:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツ... [あ、クマ犬] 01/06 12:19
├◆1320:ToRnで新投稿。 [大ガラス] 01/09 12:47
│├◆1321:ほっとしてもいい内容です [ハーブ] 01/09 13:31
││├◆1322:TORNの字幕記事、続き [ハーブ] 01/09 13:55
││└◆1324:Bunnyfoot 様より [ハーブ] 01/09 14:27
││ └◆1326:Bunnyfoot 様 [さんちゃん] 01/09 19:30
││ └◆1341:さんちゃん様 私は、Bunny.. [うさぎ足] 01/11 22:41
││ └◆1342:大変失礼いたしました。 [さんちゃん] 01/11 23:05
││ └◆1415:私も、協力は致したい... [うさぎ足] 01/14 22:58
││ └◆1454:お詫びと告白(^^;) [ヘイゼル] 01/18 01:27
││ └◆1455:つづき [ヘイゼル] 01/18 01:54
││ └◆1459:脊髄反射 [ゴン] 01/18 22:20
││ └◆1501:ありがとうご... [ヘイゼル] 01/21 01:02<-last
│└◆1330:ToRnで新投稿 の拙速和訳 [ここのつ] 01/10 02:30
├◆1339:私の反論についてのご説明 [Evenstar] 01/11 21:54
│├◆1343:なるほどね [ゴン] 01/11 23:34
│├◆1349:本当に全く(雑談) [ハーブ] 01/12 01:40
││└◆1360:Re:本当に全く(雑談) [エマ] 01/12 15:24
││ └◆1382:歓迎&日本論も少し [ハーブ] 01/13 11:40
││ ├◆1384:日本論と字幕運動のこと [白い都] 01/13 12:53
││ │└◆1386:Re:日本論と字幕運動のこ.. [エマ] 01/13 13:04
││ ├◆1385:Re:歓迎&日本論も少し [エマ] 01/13 12:55
││ ├◆1416:伝説的ジョーク、敗因解説... [くればいん] 01/15 00:44
││ │└◆1431:Re:国民性ジョーク [baldhatter] 01/16 00:24
││ └◆1422:雑談:地震と火事 [鉄の足ダイン] 01/15 11:08
│└◆1362:大変参考になります [さんちゃん] 01/12 15:40
└◆1354:Re:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツ... [A3] 01/12 13:35