LotR 英語なんでも掲示板



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No.1321  ほっとしてもいい内容です
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2003 01/09 13:31
Tehanuさん、約束通り、休暇から戻ったら do something about it してくれた模様です。
All is Still Not Well: Japanese LOTR Fans.
1/08/03, 8:15 pm EST - Tehanu

This story still isn't over, apparently: I've received a lot of emails telling me that the explanation the Japanese distributors offered about their subtitling process is not as good or new as they implied. The Japanese LOTR fan base may not be large [yet!] but they are discerning. What they've seen so far in the TTT trailer has alarmed them, as already it appears no better than the weirdly-subtitled FOTR. [More]



Japanese Subtitles: All is Not Well, say fans.
Tehanu @ 8:03 pm EST
OK, this is an endless can of worms, and feelings are running high. MANY Japanese fans have written to say that the explanation offered by Nipon Herald. Inc regarding their process in translating/subtitling the LOTR films is not as positive as it implies. They say nothing has changed; the cross-checking that Nippon Herald claim will improve TTT apparently existed before, and the results were still bad. I'm posting this letter as a representative sample of what we've received on this topic.

注釈:can of worms とはぎょっとする表現だが、辞書にもある慣用句「込み入った問題、複雑な事情」があるようだ、と言っているだけで、別に日本のファンを嫌悪しているわけではない(と願いたいう)。
この投書の主、Bunnyfoot さんってどなたでしょうか?いらしたら御礼言いたいです。

"I am Bunnyfoot in Japan and am writing to you for the first time. I subscribe TheOneRingNet maling list, which I always enjoy reading.

"Perhaps you are a bit weary of hearing each updated situation about the subtitles of LOTR films in Japan. Please let me have your patience for a while.

"Having read the two letters in defense of the Japanese subtitler Natsuko Toda in Dec. 28 edition of TheOneRingNet, I thought it is high time I tipped off some extra info regarding the case.

"The first letter is a fairly accurate translation of what we LOTR fans in Japan saw on Christmas Day on the Web page of Nippon Herald Inc.

要点:ここまで前置き。前回の問題の「擁護論」二つのうち、前者はまあまあ日ヘラ公式発表を伝えていたが(ハーブ割りこみ、a fairly accurate translation か?マツタケが?)これより本論

"The Japanese fans were at first relieved to hear that Akiko Tanaka, the co-translator of the epic novel, was to be deeply involved in preparing the subtitles for TTT. Then the Nippon Herald announcement went on to say that the TTT trailer that we have already seen and were appalled by also had gone under Tanaka's check. The trailer subtitle is actually full of inexplicable expressions that a fan described as "a Zen dialogue," and we are very worried if TTT may suffer from a similar setback. I already saw TTT in Hawaii last week and found that there were a lot of changes from the original novel. So I doubt whether having Tanaka translate the script and check Toda's subtitles would be enough to make good subtitles.

"Yes, they may come up with a lot better subtitles for TTT than for FOTR, but now the argument has come down to the point that, unless we have someone else other than Toda to do the job, it's going to be like that we pay money to check subtitles, not to appreciate the film.




1274:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツリー [baldhatter] 01/03 18:14
 ├1275:per seについて [baldhatter] 01/03 18:16
 │└1278:Thanks!! [ここのつ] 01/03 22:10
 ├1304:Re:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツ... [あ、クマ犬] 01/06 12:19
 ├1320:ToRnで新投稿。 [大ガラス] 01/09 12:47
 │├1321:ほっとしてもいい内容です [ハーブ] 01/09 13:31
 ││├1322:TORNの字幕記事、続き [ハーブ] 01/09 13:55
 ││└1324:Bunnyfoot 様より [ハーブ] 01/09 14:27
 ││ └1326:Bunnyfoot 様 [さんちゃん] 01/09 19:30
 ││  └1341:さんちゃん様 私は、Bunny.. [うさぎ足] 01/11 22:41
 ││   └1342:大変失礼いたしました。 [さんちゃん] 01/11 23:05
 ││    └1415:私も、協力は致したい... [うさぎ足] 01/14 22:58
 ││     └1454:お詫びと告白(^^;) [ヘイゼル] 01/18 01:27
 ││      └1455:つづき [ヘイゼル] 01/18 01:54
 ││       └1459:脊髄反射 [ゴン] 01/18 22:20
 ││        └1501:ありがとうご... [ヘイゼル] 01/21 01:02<-last
 │└1330:ToRnで新投稿 の拙速和訳 [ここのつ] 01/10 02:30
 ├1339:私の反論についてのご説明 [Evenstar] 01/11 21:54
 │├1343:なるほどね [ゴン] 01/11 23:34
 │├1349:本当に全く(雑談) [ハーブ] 01/12 01:40
 ││└1360:Re:本当に全く(雑談) [エマ] 01/12 15:24
 ││ └1382:歓迎&日本論も少し [ハーブ] 01/13 11:40
 ││  ├1384:日本論と字幕運動のこと [白い都] 01/13 12:53
 ││  │└1386:Re:日本論と字幕運動のこ.. [エマ] 01/13 13:04
 ││  ├1385:Re:歓迎&日本論も少し [エマ] 01/13 12:55
 ││  ├1416:伝説的ジョーク、敗因解説... [くればいん] 01/15 00:44
 ││  │└1431:Re:国民性ジョーク [baldhatter] 01/16 00:24
 ││  └1422:雑談:地震と火事 [鉄の足ダイン] 01/15 11:08
 │└1362:大変参考になります [さんちゃん] 01/12 15:40
 └1354:Re:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツ... [A3] 01/12 13:35