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No.1322  TORNの字幕記事、続き
発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2003 01/09 13:55
続きです。第2の「擁護意見」(TORn 掲載の)について
"The second letter on the same page, the one from Shiots, is a bit more controversial because he is right to a certain extent. As he says, Natsuko Toda is definitely the best-known subtitler in Japan, who boasts she can prepare the subtitle of a film in just one week (which she said she did with FOTR as well). [eeeek! -Tehanu] Yet she is also known for having made many unprofessional mistakes in the past (* See below) although it did not cause furor among the audiences until FOTR was released here. This is perhaps because LOTR fans are, er, a bit more sensitive about the story and the film they are in love with than ordinary moviegoers.
要点:トダナツコが有名なのはある程度事実だが、1週間で字幕作成すると自慢していて(Tehanu割りこみ「ひええ」)プロと思えない誤訳も知られている(文末を見よ)。FotRで初めて大問題になったというのは、やはりその、指輪ファンは普通の映画に行く人たちよりも、愛する作品について敏感(ハーブ注:sensitive は含みが多い単語)だから、ということだろう。

"But I think all this is a good step for the improvement of the antiquated movie industry in Japan. Toda was perhaps the best for a long time, but her days are now probably limited or over. After all she has been never good translating fantasy or sci-fi films.

"Shiots writes, "unless a huge Japanese Tolkien fan steps up and offers to translate the movie for her, she is the most capable person for the job." He probably does not know that a number of fans, including some professional translaters, already made timed subtitles for FOTR on their Web sites, and some even offered their hands to Nippon Herald, Inc.

"I hate to act like a telltaler, but really the fans would have been a lot happier if Nippon Herald acted more quickly to explain the situation even if they would stick to using Toda.



ここで記事は終わり、Tehanu さんは中立を決めこんだのかコメントはなし。でも紹介された手紙がすごくまともなだけでなく、ほぼ必要事項をカバーしてくれているので、その選択にほっとしました、私としては。


1274:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツリー [baldhatter] 01/03 18:14
 ├1275:per seについて [baldhatter] 01/03 18:16
 │└1278:Thanks!! [ここのつ] 01/03 22:10
 ├1304:Re:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツ... [あ、クマ犬] 01/06 12:19
 ├1320:ToRnで新投稿。 [大ガラス] 01/09 12:47
 │├1321:ほっとしてもいい内容です [ハーブ] 01/09 13:31
 ││├1322:TORNの字幕記事、続き [ハーブ] 01/09 13:55
 ││└1324:Bunnyfoot 様より [ハーブ] 01/09 14:27
 ││ └1326:Bunnyfoot 様 [さんちゃん] 01/09 19:30
 ││  └1341:さんちゃん様 私は、Bunny.. [うさぎ足] 01/11 22:41
 ││   └1342:大変失礼いたしました。 [さんちゃん] 01/11 23:05
 ││    └1415:私も、協力は致したい... [うさぎ足] 01/14 22:58
 ││     └1454:お詫びと告白(^^;) [ヘイゼル] 01/18 01:27
 ││      └1455:つづき [ヘイゼル] 01/18 01:54
 ││       └1459:脊髄反射 [ゴン] 01/18 22:20
 ││        └1501:ありがとうご... [ヘイゼル] 01/21 01:02<-last
 │└1330:ToRnで新投稿 の拙速和訳 [ここのつ] 01/10 02:30
 ├1339:私の反論についてのご説明 [Evenstar] 01/11 21:54
 │├1343:なるほどね [ゴン] 01/11 23:34
 │├1349:本当に全く(雑談) [ハーブ] 01/12 01:40
 ││└1360:Re:本当に全く(雑談) [エマ] 01/12 15:24
 ││ └1382:歓迎&日本論も少し [ハーブ] 01/13 11:40
 ││  ├1384:日本論と字幕運動のこと [白い都] 01/13 12:53
 ││  │└1386:Re:日本論と字幕運動のこ.. [エマ] 01/13 13:04
 ││  ├1385:Re:歓迎&日本論も少し [エマ] 01/13 12:55
 ││  ├1416:伝説的ジョーク、敗因解説... [くればいん] 01/15 00:44
 ││  │└1431:Re:国民性ジョーク [baldhatter] 01/16 00:24
 ││  └1422:雑談:地震と火事 [鉄の足ダイン] 01/15 11:08
 │└1362:大変参考になります [さんちゃん] 01/12 15:40
 └1354:Re:ToRnでの擁護論についての第2ツ... [A3] 01/12 13:35