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■3369 / 2階層)   バリアンの台詞(砂漠〜その夜) 
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2005/06/20(Mon) 18:22:44)
    2005/06/22(Wed) 10:09:00 編集(投稿者)

    わたしもついつい増量しました(^^;) なので二回に分けます。

     なお、アラビア語は省略または *** としました。

    Nasir :He says, that is his horse!
    Balian :Why would it be his horse?
    Nasir :Because it is on his land!
    Balian :I took this horse from the sea.

    Nasir :He says you're a great liar. And he will fight you because you are a liar.
    Balian :I have no desire to fight.
    Nasir :Then you must give him the horse.
    Balian :No.

    Balian :Fight me fairly!
    Nasir :Why? Why should he? He is a knight.
    Balian :And I am the Baron of Ibelin.

    Nasir :He says the Baron of Ibelin is old. He knew him in Damascus.
    Balian :I am the new one.

    Nasir :NO! *** That's enough, *****! Ibelin, no!!

    Balian :You have(n't?) taken it very well that I've killed your master.
    Nasir :It was the end of his time. All is as God wills it.
         Now, finish this.
    Balian :Take me to Jerusalem.

    Nasir :Very good horse.
    Balian :Take the horse, and be/leave(?) back to your business.
    Nasir :This is your prize of battle. I am your prisoner, your slave, should you wish it.
    Balian :I have been a slave, or very near to one.
         I will never keep one more suffering to be kept.(?) Go.

    Nasir :The man you killed was a very great cavalier among Muslims.
         His name was *****.
    Balian :I will pray for him.
    Nasir :Your/Good(?) quality will be known among your enemies
         before you ever meet them, my friend.
    Balian :(???) Where is it (that) Chist was crucified?

    Balian :God ... what is it you want of me?
      〔He stays awake all night. At dawn he buries his wife's cross〕
        How could you be in hell? when /I know(?) you're in my heart.

    Almaric:You must have known him.
    Balian :What?
    Almaric:Since you carry Godfrey's sword. You must have known him.
    Balian :I did.
    Almaric:A man my size.
    Balian :Yes.
    Almaric:And green eyes.
    Balian :... Blue.

    Almaric:Come with us. My lord.

    Balian :Stop! You're hurting him/it.

    Sibylla: Where is your master?
    Balian : I have none.
    Sibylla: Give me some water.
         Thank you for the drink. If you happen to see Balian, the son of Godfrey,
         tell him that Sibylla has called.
    Balian :This morning I spoke without knowing who you are.
    Sibylla:I knew who you were. It's unmistakable.
         I loved your father. And I shall love you. Do you fear being with me?
    Balian :No, ...and yes.
    Sibylla:A women in my place has two faces. One for the world,
         and one which she wears in private. With you, I'll be only Sybilla.
        Tiberias thinks me unpredictable. I am. Unpredictable.
        No. 〔指す〕There.
    Sibylla:I'm on my way to Kana, where Jesus changed water to wine.
        But a better trick it would be to change you to a nobleman.
    Balian :That should be easy. In France, a few yards of silk can make a nobleman.
    Sibylla:I expect your hospitality.
    Balian :It is given. Lotif!
    Housekeeper: Ya!
    Balian :It seems years since I've seen a woman eat.
        I was watching you today. If given a touch of dirt, it seems, you will build a new Jerusalem here.

    Balian : Here is my land. What would I be if I did not try to make it better?

    Sybilla: They try to be one. One heart, one morality.
         Their prophet says "submit," Jesus says... "decide."
    Balian : Did you decide on Guy?
    Sybilla: Guy was chosen by my mother. I was fifteen at that time.

    Sybilla: Why do you think I'm here?
    Balian : I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Kana.
    Sybilla: What else do you know, my lord?
    Balian : I know that you are a princess, and I am no lord.
    Sybilla: You are a knight.
    Balian : Neither earned, nor proved.

    Sybilla: I'm not here because I'm bored or...wicked.
         I'm here because ... because in the East, between one person and another,
         there is only light.

前の記事(元になった記事) 次の記事(この記事の返信)
←バリアンの台詞(一部) 要補完 /One of many →私訳・バリアン1(砂漠〜その夜) /白い都

Nomal 第2:Kingdom of Heavenの言葉 / ハーブ (05/06/15(Wed) 18:57) #3352
Nomal バリアンの演説 / さんちゃん(再録) (05/06/16(Thu) 21:36) #3353
│└Nomal 私訳・バリアンの演説 / 白い都 (05/07/09(Sat) 02:15) #3408
│  └Nomal offense以外は満点かと / ハーブ (05/07/09(Sat) 15:47) #3415
Nomal ゴッドフリーの台詞(修正入れました) / ハーブ (05/06/16(Thu) 21:54) #3354
│├Nomal 変更解説:Would I had fought you / ハーブ (05/06/16(Thu) 22:02) #3355
│└Nomal ゴッドフリー私訳 / 白い都 (05/06/18(Sat) 18:29) #3359
│  ├Nomal 疑問点、注釈 / 白い都 (05/06/18(Sat) 18:31) #3360
│  │└Nomal 回答と解説、できる範囲で / ハーブ (05/06/19(Sun) 00:04) #3362
│  │  └Nomal 「疑問符」、決闘裁判 / 白い都 (05/06/19(Sun) 02:12) #3363
│  │    ├Nomal 「疑問符」、ひらに / ハーブ (05/06/19(Sun) 08:20) #3364
│  │    └Nomal 聞き書き訂正・決闘裁判の信奉者 / 白い都 (05/07/09(Sat) 03:05) #3410
│  ├Nomal 敢闘賞? / ハーブ (05/06/18(Sat) 21:59) #3361
│  └Nomal なんちゃってイタリア語 / さんちゃん (05/06/20(Mon) 20:59) #3370
│    ├Nomal なんちゃって剣技 / baldhatter@会社 (05/06/21(Tue) 12:58) #3373
│    └Nomal 2ちゃんでイタリア語 / ハーブ (05/06/25(Sat) 10:03) #3376
Nomal 雑談:バリアンどうしようかな / ハーブ (05/06/18(Sat) 10:54) #3357
│└Nomal シビラとの会話部分なら今晩にも出せます.. / One of many (05/06/19(Sun) 11:47) #3366
│  └Nomal 〔個人レス〕はい、できましたら / ハーブ (05/06/19(Sun) 14:52) #3367
Nomal バリアンの台詞(一部) 要補完 / One of many (05/06/20(Mon) 07:42) #3368
│├Nomal バリアンの台詞(砂漠〜その夜)  / ハーブ (05/06/20(Mon) 18:22) #3369 ←Now
││└Nomal 私訳・バリアン1(砂漠〜その夜) / 白い都 (05/07/04(Mon) 02:22) #3389
││  └Nomal 読む楽しみのある訳文 / ハーブ (05/07/04(Mon) 11:41) #3391
│├Nomal バリアンの台詞(後朝〜帰郷) / ハーブ (05/06/20(Mon) 21:52) #3371
││├Nomal 私訳・バリアン2(後朝〜帰郷) / 白い都 (05/07/04(Mon) 02:30) #3390
│││├Nomal まず赤入れ(追加あり) / ハーブ (05/07/05(Tue) 10:17) #3395
││││└Nomal the world / 白い都 (05/07/05(Tue) 12:04) #3396
││││  └Nomal [反射雑談]違うもん! / ハーブ (05/07/05(Tue) 18:22) #3397
│││├Nomal 聞き書き間違いお詫び / ハーブ (05/07/06(Wed) 21:12) #3401
││││├Nomal cannot attack that and live / 白い都 (05/07/07(Thu) 02:09) #3403
│││││└Nomal すみません、そこも直しました / ハーブ (05/07/07(Thu) 02:23) #3404
│││││  └Nomal cavalry / 白い都 (05/07/07(Thu) 20:00) #3407
││││└Nomal 一部判明 / ハーブ (05/07/09(Sat) 21:47) #3417
│││└Nomal 疑問点・untilの使い方 / 白い都 (05/07/09(Sat) 15:45) #3414
│││  └Nomal Re[5]: 疑問点・untilの使い方 / ハーブ (05/07/09(Sat) 21:41) #3416
│││    └Nomal なぜuntil? / 金のたてがみ (05/07/31(Sun) 20:31) #3439
││└Nomal 最後の冠詞 / 金のたてがみ (05/08/01(Mon) 23:53) #3441
│└Nomal 追加 ”蟹兄ちゃん”との会話など / One of many (05/06/22(Wed) 01:19) #3374
│  ├Nomal ちょっと雑談 / ハーブ (05/06/22(Wed) 21:29) #3375
│  └Nomal 私訳・”蟹兄ちゃん”との会話など / 白い都 (05/07/09(Sat) 02:25) #3409
│    └Nomal 「ムスリムの友人」 / ハーブ (05/07/10(Sun) 01:15) #3418
Nomal 字幕確認のお願い / ハーブ (05/06/25(Sat) 12:22) #3377
│└Nomal 了解です! / One of many (05/06/25(Sat) 12:45) #3378
│  └Nomal やはりそうでした / One of many (05/06/26(Sun) 10:11) #3379
│    └Nomal 感謝です / ハーブ (05/06/26(Sun) 12:49) #3380
Nomal As they did, so shall be done! / ハーブ (05/07/01(Fri) 00:12) #3385
│└Nomal 出来る範囲で補足です(ただし正確さには.. / One of many (05/07/01(Fri) 06:41) #3386
Nomal 【リクエスト】ギィの台詞をお願いします / 白い都 (05/07/04(Mon) 22:54) #3392
│└Nomal 実は大半が既に出てしまってはいますが… / One of many (05/07/04(Mon) 23:56) #3394
Nomal ティベリアス和訳#3346のミス訂正 / 白い都 (05/07/09(Sat) 03:24) #3411
Nomal 【資料】地図/12世紀初頭の中近東 / 白い都 (05/07/09(Sat) 14:43) #3413

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