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■2112 / 2階層)  英語脚本12. The Decline of Gondor ★
□投稿者/ douglas -(2004/12/19(Sun) 15:18:08)
    2004/12/19(Sun) 16:15:23 編集(投稿者)
    2004/12/19(Sun) 15:37:45 編集(投稿者)

    12. The Decline of Gondor ★

    Gandalf: All has turned to vain ambition.
         He would even use his grief as a cloak.
         A thousand years this city has stood.
         Now, at the whim of a madman,it will fall.

    Gandalf: And the White Tree, the tree of the king...
         ...will never bloom again.
    Pippin: -Why are they still guarding it?
    Gandalf: -They guard it because they have hope.
         A faint and fading hope that one day it will flower.
         That a king will come and this city will be as it once was...
         ...before it fell into decay.
         The old wisdom borne out of the West was forsaken.
         King made tombs more splendid than the houses of the living...
         ...and counted the old names of their descent...
         ...dearer than the names of their sons.
         Childless lords sat in aged halls,musing on heraldry...
         ...or in high, cold towers,asking question of the stars.
         And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin.

    Gandalf: The line of kings failed.The White tree withered.
         The rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men.

    Pippin: Mordor.
    Gandalf: Yes, there it lies.
         This city has dwelt ever in the sight of its shadow.
    Pippin: A storm is coming.
    Gandalf: This is not the weather of the world.
         This is a device of Sauron's making.
         A broil of fume he sends ahead of his host.
         The Orcs of Mordor have no love of daylight...
         ...so he covers the face of the sun...
         ...to ease their passage along the road to war.
         When the shadow of Mordor reaches this city...
         ...it will begin
    Pippin: Well...
        ...Minas Tirith...
        ...very impressive.
        -So where are we off to next?
    Gandalf: -Oh, it's too late for that, Peregrin.
         There is no leaving this city.
         Help must come to us.



前の記事(元になった記事) 次の記事(この記事の返信)
←12. The Decline of Gondor ★ /ハーブ →[ネタバレ参考原作]ゴンドールの歴史講義 /白い都
→【ネタバレ】英和対訳:ゴンドール衰退史 /ハーブ
→【日本版】12. ゴンドールの衰退 /エルフのマント

Nomal RotKSEEその2 / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:37) #2057
Nomal 11. Minas Tirith ** / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:37) #2058
│└Nomal 英語脚本11. Minas Tirith ** / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 13:37) #2111
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]最初の命令 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:36) #2154
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:ピピン執政侯に語る / ハーブ (04/12/21(Tue) 01:55) #2156
│  └Nomal 【日本版】11. ミナス・ティリス / エルフのマント (05/02/05(Sat) 04:45) #2258
Nomal 12. The Decline of Gondor ★ / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:38) #2059
│└Nomal 英語脚本12. The Decline of Gondor ★ / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 15:18) #2112 ←Now
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]ゴンドールの歴史講義 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:31) #2153
│  │└Nomal [参考原作]千年の都 / 白い都 (05/02/13(Sun) 02:07) #2304
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:ゴンドール衰退史 / ハーブ (04/12/21(Tue) 22:48) #2180
│  └Nomal 【日本版】12. ゴンドールの衰退 / エルフのマント (05/02/05(Sat) 05:19) #2259
Nomal 13. Cross-roads of the Fallen King ★ / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:38) #2060
│└Nomal 英語脚本13. Cross-roads of the Fallen .. / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 16:00) #2114
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]サムの出番 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:28) #2152
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:王の石像の辻 / ハーブ (04/12/21(Tue) 09:13) #2161
│  └Nomal 【日本版】13. 王が眠る十字路 / エルフのマント (05/02/13(Sun) 20:50) #2308
Nomal 14. "The Deep Breath Before the P.. / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:39) #2061
  └Nomal 英語脚本14. "The Deep Breath Befo.. / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 16:28) #2115
    ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:バルコニーにて / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 13:45) #2183
    └Nomal 【日本版】14. “嵐の前の静けさじゃよ” / エルフのマント (05/02/13(Sun) 21:01) #2309

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