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■2111 / 2階層)  英語脚本11. Minas Tirith **
□投稿者/ douglas -(2004/12/19(Sun) 13:37:51)
    2004/12/19(Sun) 16:20:24 編集(投稿者)
    2004/12/19(Sun) 15:16:02 編集(投稿者)

    11. Minas Tirith **

    Gandalf: We've just passed into the realm of Gondor.

    Gandalf: Minas Tirith.
         City of Kings.

    Gandalf: Make way!

    Pippin: It's the tree.
    Gandalf. Gandalf.
    Gandalf: Yes, the White Tree of Gondor.
    The Tree of the King.
         Lord Denethor, however, is not a king.
         He is a steward only, a caretaker of the throne.

    Gandalf: Now, listen carefully. Lord Denethor is Boromir's father.
    To give him news of his beloved son's death would be most unwise.
    And do not mention Frodo or the Ring.
    And say nothing of Aragorn either.

    Gandalf: In fact, it's better if you don't speak at all, Peregrin Took.

    Gandalf: Hail, Denethor, son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Gondor.

    Gandalf: I come with tidings in this dark hour, and with counsel.

    Denethor: Perhaps you come to explain this.
    Perhaps you come to tell me why my son is dead.

    Pippin: Boromir died to save us...
    ...my kinsman and me.

    Pippin: -He fell defending us from many foes.

    Pippin: I offer you my service, such as it is...

    Pippin: ... in payment of this debt.
    Denethor: This is first command to you.
    How did you escape and my son did not...
    ...so mighty a man as he was?
    Pippin: The mightiest man may be slain by one arrow...
    ...and Boromir was pierced by many.

    Gandalf: Get up.
    My lord, there will be a time to grieve for Boromir...
    ...but it is not now.
    War is coming.

    Gandalf: The enemy is on your doorstep. As steward, you're charged...
    ...with the defence of the city. Where are Gondor's armies?

    Gandalf: You still have friends. You are not alone in this fight.
    Send word to Theoden of Rohan. Light the Beacons.
    Denethor: You think you are wise, Mithrandir.
    Yet for all your subtleties, you have not wisdom.

    Denethor: Do you think the eyes of the White Tower are blind?
    I have seen more than you know.
    With your left hand you would use me as a shield against Mordor.
    And with your right you seek to supplant me.
    I know who rides with Theoden of Rohan.
    Oh yes. Word has reached my ears of this Aragorn,son of Arathorn.
    And I tell you now,I will not bow to this Ranger from the North...
    ...last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship.
    Gandalf: Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, Steward.
    Denethor: The rule of Gondor is mine and no other's.

    Gandalf: Come!


前の記事(元になった記事) 次の記事(この記事の返信)
←11. Minas Tirith ** /ハーブ →[ネタバレ参考原作]最初の命令 /白い都
→【ネタバレ】英和対訳:ピピン執政侯に語る /ハーブ
→【日本版】11. ミナス・ティリス /エルフのマント

Nomal RotKSEEその2 / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:37) #2057
Nomal 11. Minas Tirith ** / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:37) #2058
│└Nomal 英語脚本11. Minas Tirith ** / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 13:37) #2111 ←Now
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]最初の命令 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:36) #2154
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:ピピン執政侯に語る / ハーブ (04/12/21(Tue) 01:55) #2156
│  └Nomal 【日本版】11. ミナス・ティリス / エルフのマント (05/02/05(Sat) 04:45) #2258
Nomal 12. The Decline of Gondor ★ / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:38) #2059
│└Nomal 英語脚本12. The Decline of Gondor ★ / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 15:18) #2112
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]ゴンドールの歴史講義 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:31) #2153
│  │└Nomal [参考原作]千年の都 / 白い都 (05/02/13(Sun) 02:07) #2304
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:ゴンドール衰退史 / ハーブ (04/12/21(Tue) 22:48) #2180
│  └Nomal 【日本版】12. ゴンドールの衰退 / エルフのマント (05/02/05(Sat) 05:19) #2259
Nomal 13. Cross-roads of the Fallen King ★ / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:38) #2060
│└Nomal 英語脚本13. Cross-roads of the Fallen .. / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 16:00) #2114
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]サムの出番 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:28) #2152
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:王の石像の辻 / ハーブ (04/12/21(Tue) 09:13) #2161
│  └Nomal 【日本版】13. 王が眠る十字路 / エルフのマント (05/02/13(Sun) 20:50) #2308
Nomal 14. "The Deep Breath Before the P.. / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:39) #2061
  └Nomal 英語脚本14. "The Deep Breath Befo.. / douglas (04/12/19(Sun) 16:28) #2115
    ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:バルコニーにて / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 13:45) #2183
    └Nomal 【日本版】14. “嵐の前の静けさじゃよ” / エルフのマント (05/02/13(Sun) 21:01) #2309

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