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■3295 / 1階層)  ティベリアスの台詞(要補完)
□投稿者/ One of many -(2005/06/08(Wed) 08:01:25)
    2005/06/09(Thu) 23:39:33 編集(投稿者)
    2005/06/08(Wed) 21:11:40 編集(投稿者)
    2005/06/08(Wed) 20:08:03 編集(投稿者)
    2005/06/08(Wed) 08:03:23 編集(投稿者)


    懺悔:ティベリアスに王様をitと呼ばせてしまいました。it 扱いだなんて

    (Reynald : Who says I raid !)
    That witness, all of Jerusalem, holy God---
    and me.
    (Reynald : That witness is, if you call (?), a Saracen. He lies. )
    (?) will come a day, Reynald, when you are not protected by your title.
    (Reynald : When will it be?
    Will that be (???)the kingdom of heaven arrived?
    Those Templars have been hung for the raid (that) I know you commanded.
    (Reynald : Prove it ! I will wait at Kerak until you do.)
    The king will take your castle at Kerak.
    (Reynald : Try to take it, Tiberias. I'll be there.)

    (The Hospitaler : My lord...)
    That's true. You are your father's son. He was my friend.
    I'm yours.
    Godfrey (?)dead. He could have(以下不明).

    It is shouted in the streets that you killed a great lord of Syria.
    Saladin himself sent word (that) your fight did not breach peace,
    (but) you had cause.
    What know you of Saladin?
    (Balian : That he is the king of Saracens, and he surrounds this kingdom.)
    He has 200,000 men(?) in Damascus alone. He can win (???) when he goes to war,
    (???) by Templar (?) like Reynald.)
    But Saladin and the king between them would make a better world.
    (The Hospitalar : It lives only for a while, but it still has lived.)

    What did your father tell you of your obligations?
    (Balian : That I (was???) to be a good knight.)
    Then, I pray the world and Jerusalem (can?)accommodate such rarity
    ----as a perfect knight.
    Have you dined?

    How many knights did you find in France?
    (Guy : Fifty.)
    (?) All have allegiance to the king?
    (Guy : Of course, Tiberias. Obviously. (To Balian) You sit at MY table?)
    (Balian : Is it not the king's table?)
    (Guy : Is it? I have not seen the king at it for some years.
    I cannot eat. I'm (???) about company.
    In France, this could not inherit, but here,
    there are no civilized rules. I have business in the East.
    My wife does not lament my absence(s) .
    That is either the very best of wives,
    or very, very worst.)
    You go to meet Reynald.
    (Guy : No. He is (in this???). I am a member of this court.
    Why should I make leave(?) with a troublemaker.)
    (To Sibylla) To the very best of wives!

    The king will(?) see Godfrey's son.

    Reynald de Chatillon, with the Templars, have attacked a Saracen caravan.
    Silence !
    (It was no caravan. It was the army heading/headed?
    for Bethlehem to (disgrace both ???)
    Saladin will (come into?) this.
    (Guy : (?) Tiberias sure knows more about Saladin's intentions than ???)
    (To Guy) I would rather live with men than kill them.
    This is certainly why you are alive.
    (Guy : That sort of Christianity has its uses.)
    We must not go to war. We do not want it. and (we?) may not win.
    (Blasphemy ! )
    (The army of Jesus Christ which bears a holy cross cannot be beaten!)
    (Guy : And Tiberias suggests that it could be?)
    (There must be war ! God wills it!)
    (Guy : God wills it!)
    Sile---nce !!
    (King Baldwin : Oh. Saladin has crossed the Jordan with 200,000 men.)
    He will make (?) for Kerak and Reynald de Chatillon...
    My lord...

    (Reynald : What are you looking at?)
    The dead (???). Reynald de Chatillon, you are arrested (???)
    (To Balian) I need you in Jerusalem.

    Why do you protect Guy? He is the man who insults you, hates you,
    kills you himself when he has a chance.
    (?) For the salvation of this kingdom.
    Would it be so hard to marry Sibylla?
    Jerusalem has no need of a perfect knight.
    (Balian : No. It is a kingdom of conscience. Or nothing.)

    (We should meet the enemy of God!)
    (Guy : So shall we!)
    Then, you do so without my knight.
    (Guy : I will take your glory, Tiberias.
    You had yours years and years ago. It is time for mine!)

    (Balian : If Saladin is finished with Guy, he will come.
    We must (look to?) the defenses. )
    The king is dead. Jerusalem along with him.

    I've given my whole life to Jerusalem. Everything.
    First, I thought we... we're fighting for God.
    And I realized (that) we are fighting for the wealth and land.
    I was ashamed.

    There is no more Jerusalem.
    I shall go to Cyprus. Will you come with me?
    (Balian : No.)
    You are your father's son.
    Saladin moves his army from water to water.
    (At least?) four days... maybe five.
    God be with you. He is no longer with me.

前の記事(元になった記事) 次の記事(この記事の返信)
←Kingdom of Heavenの言葉のツリー /ハーブ →スペルチェック /白い都
→ティベリアスの台詞(補完) /ハーブ

Nomal Kingdom of Heavenの言葉のツリー / ハーブ (05/05/25(Wed) 10:14) #3204
Nomal 英語台詞の枝 / ハーブ (05/05/25(Wed) 10:16) #3205
│├Nomal quality / ハーブ (05/05/26(Thu) 01:26) #3214
││└Nomal yourに聞こえたりもします / One of many (05/06/04(Sat) 16:09) #3265
│└Nomal 必見、Exclusive Online Trailer / ハーブ (05/05/30(Mon) 01:44) #3235
│  └Nomal スペルチェック / 白い都 (05/06/07(Tue) 19:57) #3293
│    └Nomal トレイラー・私訳(疑問あり) / 白い都 (05/06/11(Sat) 03:58) #3311
│      └Nomal こちらも一箇所だけ / ハーブ (05/06/11(Sat) 12:10) #3313
Nomal 巧いと思った字幕 / ハーブ (05/05/25(Wed) 10:17) #3206
│└Nomal 戦いの前、ほか / ハーブ (05/05/26(Thu) 02:45) #3217
│  └Nomal 「い」抜き言葉 / 鉄の足ダイン (05/05/28(Sat) 22:28) #3224
│    ├Nomal Ouch! / ハーブ (05/05/28(Sat) 23:21) #3226
│    └Nomal Re: 「い」抜き言葉 / 白い都 (05/06/06(Mon) 05:52) #3282
│      └Nomal さらに 「い」抜き言葉 / One of many (05/06/08(Wed) 19:30) #3298
Nomal 拙いと思った字幕 / ハーブ (05/05/25(Wed) 10:25) #3208
│├Nomal 予感と決断 / ハーブ (05/05/26(Thu) 02:20) #3216
││└Nomal 1点レス > シビラ / baldhatter@会社 (05/05/26(Thu) 19:01) #3220
│└Nomal そっちこそ引け / One of many (05/05/29(Sun) 01:06) #3228
│  └Nomal I pray youなのに酷い! / ハーブ (05/05/29(Sun) 14:13) #3229
│    └Nomal 訂正: I pray + SV / ハーブ (05/06/05(Sun) 02:03) #3271
Nomal Re[1]: Kingdom of Heavenの言葉のツリー / ぶらんでぃ (05/05/31(Tue) 08:58) #3244
│└Nomal お知らせありがとうございます / ハーブ (05/06/01(Wed) 00:57) #3248
Nomal King Baldwin全台詞(大幅補完要) / One of many (05/06/02(Thu) 01:41) #3253
│├Nomal 自己レス: すみません、補完は不要です / One of many (05/06/02(Thu) 02:28) #3254
││└Nomal 不要と言われてもやります(笑) / ハーブ (05/06/02(Thu) 18:11) #3257
││  └Nomal #3253を追加修正します / One of many (05/06/03(Fri) 08:01) #3262
││    └Nomal #3253スペルチェック / 白い都 (05/06/07(Tue) 19:12) #3289
│├Nomal 最初の謁見場面 / ハーブ (05/06/05(Sun) 00:39) #3268
││└Nomal "wretched" でしたか! / One of many (05/06/05(Sun) 11:38) #3276
││  └Nomal 不完全レス / ハーブ (05/06/05(Sun) 23:58) #3281
│├Nomal (??) の部分のみ補完 / ハーブ (05/06/05(Sun) 01:31) #3270
││└Nomal すみません。一箇所順序が逆でした。 / One of many (05/06/07(Tue) 01:23) #3286
│├Nomal ボードワン王・私訳 / 白い都 (05/06/11(Sat) 20:26) #3315
││├Nomal Re[3]: 2ヶ所質問 / さんちゃん (05/06/11(Sat) 23:47) #3318
│││└Nomal 不完全回答 / ハーブ (05/06/12(Sun) 00:37) #3320
│││  ├Nomal spare と So be it / baldhatter (05/06/12(Sun) 01:05) #3321
│││  └Nomal ありがとうございました+α / さんちゃん (05/06/12(Sun) 01:54) #3322
│││    ├Nomal 多勢に無勢 / ハーブ (05/06/12(Sun) 02:48) #3325
│││    ├Nomal 位置関係 / 白い都 (05/06/12(Sun) 02:45) #3324
│││    └Nomal 字幕も不親切でした / One of many (05/06/12(Sun) 11:18) #3327
││├Nomal まず一点 / ハーブ (05/06/12(Sun) 02:15) #3323
│││└Nomal "whatever" you ask / baldhatter (05/06/13(Mon) 02:02) #3337
││└Nomal お詫び: No.3253の修正が手抜きでした / One of many (05/06/12(Sun) 09:57) #3326
│└Nomal 私も、和訳 / ハーブ (05/06/12(Sun) 00:12) #3319
Nomal The Hospitalerの台詞:要補完 / ハーブ (05/06/06(Mon) 23:39) #3285
│├Nomal (アップ分は)ほぼ完成品だと思います。 / One of many (05/06/07(Tue) 01:29) #3287
││├Nomal QにA:両過激派の止め役 / ハーブ (05/06/07(Tue) 19:38) #3290
││└Nomal ホスピタラー・私訳(一カ所修正) / 白い都 (05/06/12(Sun) 23:02) #3333
││  └Nomal ×なし、△?のみ(笑) / ハーブ (05/06/13(Mon) 09:50) #3338
││    └Nomal hear of / 白い都 (05/06/13(Mon) 20:06) #3343
│└Nomal スペルチェック / 白い都 (05/06/07(Tue) 19:00) #3288
│  └Nomal ありがとうございます / ハーブ (05/06/07(Tue) 19:44) #3292
Nomal サラディンの台詞 (要補完) / One of many (05/06/08(Wed) 07:52) #3294
│└Nomal サラディンの台詞 (補完) / ハーブ (05/06/10(Fri) 01:21) #3302
│  ├Nomal 取り急ぎ 補完有難うございました! / One of many (05/06/10(Fri) 08:34) #3305
│  └Nomal サラディンの台詞・私訳 / 白い都 (05/06/11(Sat) 03:43) #3310
│    └Nomal では赤入れを(笑) / ハーブ (05/06/11(Sat) 11:35) #3312
│      └Nomal 赤入れてください(笑) / 白い都 (05/06/11(Sat) 12:57) #3314
Nomal ティベリアスの台詞(要補完) / One of many (05/06/08(Wed) 08:01) #3295 ←Now
│├Nomal スペルチェック / 白い都 (05/06/08(Wed) 20:00) #3299
│└Nomal ティベリアスの台詞(補完) / ハーブ (05/06/13(Mon) 14:35) #3339
│  └Nomal ティベリアス・私訳 / 白い都 (05/06/14(Tue) 04:08) #3346
│    └Nomal 補完を入れながら / ハーブ (05/06/15(Wed) 01:34) #3349
│      └Nomal 感想+α / 白い都 (05/06/15(Wed) 18:04) #3351
Nomal ゴッドフリーの台詞 (要補完) / One of many (05/06/09(Thu) 21:31) #3300
│└Nomal ゴッドフリーの台詞 (補完)+さらに修正 / ハーブ (05/06/11(Sat) 00:41) #3309
│  ├Nomal 補完ありがとうございました&感動しまし.. / One of many (05/06/12(Sun) 12:18) #3328
│  └Nomal 半余談:婉曲な罵り合い / ハーブ (05/06/14(Tue) 10:20) #3347
│    └Nomal Re[4]: 半余談:婉曲な罵り合い / ステラ (05/06/15(Wed) 09:57) #3350
Nomal imdb Memorable Quotes の疑問点 / One of many (05/06/12(Sun) 12:42) #3329
  └Nomal imdb Memorable Quotes は / ハーブ (05/06/12(Sun) 16:05) #3330

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