発言者: ハーブ
発言日: 2002 10/25 20:21
Japan: Trailer Twisted in Translation
10/25/02, 12:15 am EST - Tehanu
The trailer for TTT has just come out in Japan, and once again Japanese fans are full of dread at the way the subtitles are mis-representing Tolkien and the script as Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens intended it to be understood.
Sam : "Wonder if this is the way Gandalf meant?"
Frodo: "Everything is unpredictable."
"This is a Zen dialogue, not a translation at all," exclaims a fan leader....[More]
Japan: Trailer Twisted in Translation
Last month Japanese fans were relieved to see the subtitles in FotR DVD were repaired considerably to what they had been in the film version. Now they are tortured again.
"On October 18th, the new TTT trailer was released by the Japanese distributor on the Web. Dubbed version was good, but those who love the actors' own real voices chose the other version with subtitles---and they found a familiar frustration. [Eowyn says] "Preparations? Warning?" No viewer can possibly imagine Eowyn here is really saying, "They were unarmed. They had no warning."
Another example. Sam : Wonder if this is the way Gandalf meant? (Note that "We're lost" is eliminated) Frodo: Everything is unpredictable. "This is a Zen dialogue, not a translation at all," exclaims an ex-leader of Petition for Better Subtitles in FotR. What's in Frodo's mind here is the tragic fall of Gandalf, but these subtitles ignore it. Such were the lines that filled FotR when seen in theaters. And Nippon Herald, the distributor, declares that the same subtitler will stay in her position.
A group of fans have started preparing a new petition. "How we wish we didn't have to do this," says another leader. "All we ask is: Just show us what is being said. Why should it be so difficult?"
もう一つ例をあげよう。サム:これがガンダルフの意図した道かしら? フロド:何もかもが予測不能だ(ハーブ注:「予期せぬことばかりだ」の英訳の再直訳)
└◆66:海外情報:あの字幕関連 [ハーブ] 09/14 09:44
├◆67:「字幕改善される」TheOneRing.net [ハーブ] 09/14 09:46
│├◆79:Re:「字幕改善される」記事の感想.. [白い都] 09/15 01:13
││└◆84:[雑談]お勉強はナイですが [ハーブ] 09/15 10:19
│└◆128:[67]の和訳 [ハーブ] 09/24 09:40
├◆129:こんな投書をしてみました [ハーブ] 09/24 10:56
│├◆147:★TheOneRing.net 掲載★ [ハーブ] 09/26 13:01
││├◆148:Re:すごい!本当に快挙です! [にゃんこ] 09/26 14:35
││├◆149:★ここにも載ってしまった [ハーブ] 09/26 16:28
││└◆150:やりましたね [baldhatter] 09/26 22:51
│└◆216:捨て身で行きます [Telperion] 10/06 23:54
│ └◆229:ご指摘感謝です! [ハーブ] 10/08 11:34
└◆325:★TheOneRing.net 再び★ [ハーブ] 10/25 19:33
└◆326:掲載記事と訳(大意)・解説 [ハーブ] 10/25 20:21
├◆347:感謝 [ゴン] 10/27 20:59
└◆349:すごい! [まるまるまる] 10/27 23:07<-last