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■2189 / 5階層)  原作補完
□投稿者/ さんちゃん -(2004/12/23(Thu) 02:55:54)
    'My son, Your father is old but not yet dotard. I can see and hear, as was my wont; and little of what you have half said or left unsaid is now hidden from me. I know the answer to many riddles. Alas, alas for Boromir!'
    'If what I have done displeased you, my father,' said Faramir quietly, 'I wish I had known your counsel before the burden of so weighty a judgement was trust on me.'
    'Would that have availed to change your judgement?' said Denethor.'You would still have done just so, I deem. I know you well. Ever your desire is to appear lordly and generous as a king of old, gracious, gentle. That may well benefit one of high race, if he sits in power and peace. But in desperate hours gentleness may be repaid with death,'
    'So be it.' said Faramir.
    'So be it!' cried Denethor. 'But not with your death only, Lord Faramir: with the death also of your father, and of all your people, whom it is your part to protect now that Boromir is gone.'
    'Do you wish then,' said Faramir,'that our place had been exchanged?'
    'Yes, I wish that indeed,' said Denethor. 'For Boromir was loyal to me and no wizard's pupil. He would have remembered his father's need, and would not have squandered what fortune gave. He would have brought me a mighty gift.'
    For a moment Faramir's restraint gave way. 'I would ask you, my father, to remember why it was that I, not he, was in Ithilien. On one occasion at least your counsel has prevailed, not long ago. It was the Lord of the city that gave the errand to him.'
    'Stir not the bitterness in the cup that I mixed for myself,' said Denethor. 'Have I not tasted it now many nights upon my tongue, foreboding that worse yet lay in the dregs? As now indeed I find. Would it were not so! Would that this thing had come to me!'
    'Comfort yourself!' said Gandalf. 'It no case would Boromir have brought it to you. He is dead, and died well; may he sleep in peace! Yet you deceive yourself. He would have stretched out his hand to this thing, and taking it he would have fallen. He would have kept it for his own and when he returned you would not have known your son.'
    The face of Denethor set hard and cold. 'You found Boromir less apt to your hand, did you not?'he said softly. 'But I who was his father say that he would have brought it to me. You are wise, maybe, Mithrandir, yet with all your subtleties you have not all wisdom. Cousels may be found that are neither the webs of wizards nor the haste of fools. I have in this matter more lore and wisdom than you deem.'
    'What then is your wisdom?' said Gandalf.
    'Enough to perceive that there are two follies to avoid. To use this thing is perilous. At this hour, to send it in the hands of a witless halfling into the land of the Enemy himself, as you have done, and this son of mine, that is madness.'
    'And the Lord Denethor what would he have done?'
    'Neither. But most surely not for any argument would he have set this thing at a hazard beyond all but a fool's hope, risking our utter ruin, if the Enemy should recover what he lost. Nay, it should have been kept hidden, hidden dark and deep. Not used, I say, unless at the uttermost end of need, but set beyond his grasp, save by avictory so final that what then befell would not trouble us, being dead.'
    (ROTK; The Siege of Gondor)

    (王の帰還上巻 第4章 ゴンドールの包囲)


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←【ネタバレ】英和対訳:父と息子 /ハーブ →[ネタバレ参考原作]魔法使いの弟子 /白い都

Nomal RotKSEEその3 / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:40) #2062
Nomal 16. Sam's Warning ★ / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:41) #2063
│└Nomal 英語脚本16. Sam's Warning ★ / BB (04/12/20(Mon) 14:56) #2139
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:サム、ゴラムを脅す / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 15:03) #2184
│  └Nomal 【日本版】サムの警告 (字幕・吹き替え) / あんどん (05/02/05(Sat) 16:37) #2265
Nomal 18. Osgiliath Invaded ** / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:42) #2064
│└Nomal 英語脚本18. Osgiliath Invaded ** / BB (04/12/20(Mon) 15:31) #2140
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:オーク軍渡河 / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 15:33) #2185
│  └Nomal 【日本版】侵攻されるオスギリアス  (.. / あんどん (05/02/05(Sat) 17:07) #2266
Nomal 20. Theoden's Decision ** / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:43) #2065
│└Nomal 英語脚本20. Theoden's Decision ** / BB (04/12/20(Mon) 15:47) #2141
│  ├Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]レゴギムの会話 / 白い都 (04/12/21(Tue) 01:24) #2151
│  ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:メリー、剣を捧げる / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 16:43) #2186
│  └Nomal 【日本版】セオデンの決断  (字幕・吹き.. / あんどん (05/02/05(Sat) 22:41) #2268
│    └Nomal 身命のご奉公 / 白い都 (05/02/26(Sat) 02:57) #2333
Nomal 21. The Fall of Osgiliath ** / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:43) #2066
│└Nomal 英語脚本21. The Fall of Osgiliath ** / BB (04/12/20(Mon) 16:11) #2142
│  ├Nomal ここも省略で / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 20:10) #2187
│  └Nomal 【日本版】オスギリアス陥落  (字幕・.. / あんどん (05/02/05(Sat) 17:16) #2267
Nomal 22. The Wizard's Pupil ★ / ハーブ (04/12/18(Sat) 11:44) #2067
  └Nomal Re[2]: 22. The Wizard's Pupil ★ / Cindy (04/12/20(Mon) 12:43) #2138
    └Nomal 英語脚本22. The Wizard's Pupil ★ / Cindy (04/12/20(Mon) 22:39) #2150
      ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】英和対訳:父と息子 / ハーブ (04/12/22(Wed) 20:14) #2188
      │└Nomal 原作補完 / さんちゃん (04/12/23(Thu) 02:55) #2189 ←Now
      │  └Nomal [ネタバレ参考原作]魔法使いの弟子 / 白い都 (04/12/23(Thu) 13:08) #2192
      ├Nomal 【ネタバレ】和訳・字幕風味版 / 白い都 (04/12/23(Thu) 04:13) #2190
      └Nomal 【日本版】魔法使いの弟子  (字幕・吹.. / あんどん (05/02/05(Sat) 23:46) #2269

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