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【DCネタバレ】chap11 Whoever Dies Here Today
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/02(Sun) 02:55:33)
| 2006/08/14(Mon) 13:48:55 編集(投稿者)
chap9 To Erase My Sins 贖罪の地へ chap10 The Guarud of the Hawk 鷹の構え 台詞に変更なし
chap11 Whoever Dies Here Today 森の中の戦い
Godfrey: What's this? 【何だ?】
Nephew: Uncle. [叔父上]
Godfrey: Nephew. [君か]
Nephew: You have with you a man-Balian - [叔父上がお連れのそのバリアンは] who killed a priest, his brother. [自分の弟でもある司祭を殺した] I am charged by both my father and the lord bishop to bring him back. [わが父と司教、両者からの命令で 連行します]
Balian : What he says is true. 【事実です】 They have the right to take me. 【私を引き渡してください】
the German: I say he's innocent of the charge. [彼の無罪を主張するぞ] If you say he's guilty, then we'll fight. [有罪と言うなら 戦おう] God will decide the truth of it. [どちらが正しいか 神が決める]
Hospitaler : My German friend is a close student of the law. [ゲルマン人のわが友には それが法でね]
Nephew: Just give him to me. [黙って引き渡してもらおう] I'll fight you for something else. [くだらぬ戦いなどしたくない] Uncle, he's a murderer. [そいつは人殺しなのですぞ]
Godfrey: So am I. 【私もだ】 Whoever dies here today, you will certainly be among them. 【誰かがここで死ぬなら お前もその1人だ】
Nephew: You're my uncle. [叔父上のおおせとあらば] I must give you the road. [従うしかありませぬな] Hyah! Hyah! (立ち去ったふり)
Godfrey: To the flanks. 【散れ!】
Godfrey: Thank my brother for his love!! [有難い兄を持ったものだ!](甥を一刀のもとに倒す)
(捕虜の尋問) Captive: I am the son of Roger... [私の父はロジェ…]
Godfrey: Take your helmet off while addressing me. [私に話しかける時は 兜を脱げ]
Captive:(従う) I am the son of Roger de Cormier. (こほん)[私は ロジェ・ド・コルミエの息子] I am accorded the privilege of ransom. [つまり貴殿らには 相当の身代金が手に入るはず]
Godfrey: This is true. [なるほど]
The Hospitaler: You broke the arrow. [刺さった矢を折るから悪い] If the ribs are broken, the marrow may enter the blood, 【肋骨が折れていたら 髄液が血の中に流れ出し】 in which case you'll take a fever and die. 【高熱が出て死んでしまう】 Or a cyst will form, and you'll live. 【嚢胞ができれば助かります】 You're in the hands of God. 【神に任せましょう】
Godfrey: Will you get me some more wine? 【ワインをくれ】 (to Balian) It was not that they had no right to take you. [逮捕する権利がないとは言わんが] It was the way they asked. [あのやり方は許せん]
Balian : They had the right to take me. 【連れて行く理由があった】
Godfrey: And so do I. 【私にもある】