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手紙文:疑問点指摘ツリー [ハーブ] 11/14 12:25

 ├◇499:最終検討用【手紙文】 [ハーブ] 11/14 19:24
 │├◇503:見落とし [ハーブ] 11/14 22:53
 │├◇505:さらに指摘(minor) [ハーブ] 11/15 00:05
 ││└◇506:修正しました [白い都] 11/15 01:12
 ││ └◇509:一行あけます [ハーブ] 11/15 02:03
 │├◇507:夢見る表現etc. [Telperion] 11/15 01:14
 ││└◇511:[雑談]感謝&さては [ハーブ] 11/15 03:36
 ││ └◇524:[雑談] 気遣い感謝 [Telperion] 11/16 02:28
 │└◇510:【重要】大幅修正? [ハーブ] 11/15 03:25
 │ └◇512:Re:【重要】大幅修正? [Evenstar] 11/15 05:55
 │  └◇513:[お詫び]実はアイキャッチャー [ハーブ] 11/15 11:45
 │   └◇519:[雑談]一瞬、肝を冷やしました [白い都] 11/15 22:26
 ├◇515:【最終稿】手紙文 [ハーブ] 11/15 15:31
 │└◇518:手紙文の和訳&疑問点確認 [白い都] 11/15 22:10
 │ └◇521:和訳&疑問点回答 [ハーブ] 11/16 00:24
 │  └◇527:では、本文はこのままで [白い都] 11/16 12:40
 ├◇520:【最終稿】誤訳リスト [ハーブ] 11/16 00:17
 │├◇522:↑コロンでした [ハーブ] 11/16 00:40
 │└◇523:ささやかながら [Telperion] 11/16 01:51
 │ └◇525:correct でなくて [ハーブ] 11/16 09:55
 │  └◇526:change でいきます [白い都] 11/16 12:34
 ├◇528:[参考資料]未掲載指摘集 [ハーブ] 11/16 16:28
 └◇529:投函予定の手紙文、誤訳リスト [白い都] 11/16 20:16
  ├◇530:↑【完成稿】です/あと雑談↓ [ハーブ] 11/16 22:01
  └◇539:Boyensさん宛て投函(報告と御礼) [白い都] 11/18 18:58

497● 手紙文:疑問点指摘ツリー[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/14 12:25



1) We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were revised,
>error を revise するというのはおかしいのでは? fixed かな

完全にもっともだと思うので、corrected にします。2行下で repaired は使われていますので。

★2) I wish you could appoint an agent to supervise the making of subtitles,

そこに Telperion 様から[410]
>さすがにボウエンズさん自ら字幕の品質管理に出馬することはないでしょうから、"your agent"だけでいいような気がしますね。
とのご指摘、それに同意なさったEvenstar 様が[427]

I wish you could = I'm sorry you can't
であって、★「そんなことはあなたには出来ない」と決めていることにならないでしょうか? appoint an agent というのは本人来日と違い明らかに「出来ること」ですが。★
仮定法については、時代による変化がかなりあります。現代米語ではほぼ完全に「現実に反する」できないとわかりきっている時の I wish I could. であると理解していますが、would と should の米・英の用法の差とかもあることで、私の知識では足りないかもしれません。ぜひご意見を伺いたいです>Evenstar 様、 Telperion 様

コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

499● 最終検討用【手紙文】[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/14 19:24
[480]+[490] それ以降の修正点は最後のカッコ位置のみ。
Dear Ms. Boyens,

This is my second letter on Japanese subtitles for your film "The Lord of the Rings".
I sent you a letter in September and you kindly replied to me. My fellow members of the movement for better and proper subtitles on FotR have been much encouraged by your letter. Let me thank you again on behalf of them.

Firstly, I report to you about the subtitles in DVD/VHS released in Japan on September 21st. I'm sorry it has taken so long. The reason is that the members have not reached an agreement on the evaluation.

We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were revised, but opinions differ among the fans, from "acceptable as a whole" to "absolutely unforgivable". At least, "The Most Serious Errors" which I sent you the list of, were all repaired except for these two lines :

>The Departure of Boromir (chapter 38)
[script] I let Frodo go.
[subtitle] He has left.
[script] Then you did what I could not.
[subtitle] I am ashamed.

That is, Boromir is not a liar, and there is not "the Creator of life" anymore. But in my opinion, there still remain too many bad translations and unsuitable words for the scene in the subtitles in DVD/VHS. I think they are far from satisfactory, not at all what your FotR deserves, though I admit that they are better than the theater version.

I have picked up some of the remaining errors to show you, and with the help of translators have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS", inadequate as it is. It is attached at the end of this letter.

And secondly, I have another bad news to tell you: your current trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website released on October 18th, to our great dismay, is marred by the Japanese subtitles AGAIN. TheOneRing.net took up this news and I enclose a copy of the article in this letter with the list. Maybe you know it already?

On the above-mentioned site in June Nippon Herald Films Inc. said that for TTT Ms. Akiko Tanaka (one of the two Japanese translators of the original books) and Hyoron-sha (the publisher) would help the subtitler.
But to be frank with you, I cannot trust to its word, because there is no guarantee of their authority over the subtitler. However useful counsel they may give, it will be no use if the subtitler does not accept it (we have good reasons to fear that is very likely to be the case).

My friends and I are very anxious about subtitles in the coming film "The Two Towers". Now we are preparing another petition to ask for good and proper subtitles for TTT and RotK.

★I wish you or your agent could come over to supervise the making of subtitles, with a good interpreter whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust. It may be too much to ask. Still we believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change.

We are looking forward to seeing your TTT, now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. (I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

Sincerely yours,

p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. And those who share my opinion were eager to support me, and wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.


>We are looking forward to seeing your TTT( now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

⇒We are looking forward to seeing your TTT, now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. (I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

★No.497 に書きました通り
> I wish you could appoint an agent to supervise the making of subtitles,

a) ファン心理として、「あなたが日本に来られたらどんなにいいでしょう」(これはファンでなくとも海外の文通相手にはよく言いますよね。「お会いしたい気持ち」の別表現)を含める。
案: I wish you could come over to supervise the making of subtitles,

b) 現実的に実現可能範囲の提案希望として、「代理人を指名していただき、日本に字幕製作監督をしに来てもらいたい」
案: I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent to supervise...
( 「〜することは可能ではないでしょうか?」という感じ)

>I wish you or your agent could come over to supervise

ぎりぎりまで、本当にすみませんが、ご意見お待ちします。>Evenstar 様、 Telperion 様


コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

503● 見落とし[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/14 22:53
>1) We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were revised,
>>error を revise するというのはおかしいのでは? fixed かな
>完全にもっともだと思うので、corrected にします。2行下で repaired は使われていますので。

コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

505● さらに指摘(minor)[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/15 00:05

1.there still remain too many bad translations and unsuitable words for the scene in the subtitles in DVD/VHS
> for the scene不要
ハーブ同意。the scene というからにはその前に特定の1シーンが話にでていないとおかしいし、場面に限らず人物にふさわしくないとかもあるし。
bad translations and unsuitable words と言えば十分だろうと思います。これ採用。

2.Maybe you know it already?
> You might have read it already. とか?
うーん、そうすると but か何か接続詞が必要なのだが、この一文の前に but とつけてみると変な気がして。あとで考えます。でも、カジュアル度については、Evenstar 様チェック済みという事であまり心配しなくていいと実は思っているから、優先順位最後で結局手付かずの可能性高し。

☆3.I cannot trust to its word
苦労して、「会社は it でOK」という結論になったのでしたが、やはり見慣れないらしく複数の日本人翻訳業英語屋サンから「?」が来ました。で、提案された解決策
>☆ its word ⇒ the announcement
On the above-mentioned site in June Nippon Herald Films Inc. said that...
>☆⇒On the above-mentioned site Nippon Herald Films Inc. announced in June that


we have good reasons to fear that is very likely to be the case)
>...very likelyでとめてもいいのではないか。

> if I may say so.(いる?)

We are looking forward to seeing your TTT
>ここ、もっと強調した方がいい。少なくともtruly か何か修飾語が欲しいです
すぐ後ろの now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. とつなげることで解決(もとはカッコで切れていた)。

However useful counsel they may give,
>この単語 counsel 、LOTRでさんざん出てくるけど、現代ではこういう風には使わないのでは?
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

506● 修正しました[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/15 01:12
>revise⇒ corrected

>We are looking forward to seeing your TTT, now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. (I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

>for the scene場面 を削除

>its word⇒ the announcement
>said that⇒ announced〜that


(chapter 36)ボロミアが・・・
Such subtitilesの前で一行あけるのですか? (485)
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

509● 一行あけます[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/15 02:03

>(chapter 36)ボロミアが・・・
>Such subtitilesの前で一行あけるのですか? (485)


コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

507● 夢見る表現etc.[ Telperion ] 2002 11/15 01:14
1. 監督していただけたらなあ
>If you wish something were true, you would like it to be true,
>even though you know that it is impossible or unlikely.

"Still we believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change. "が続く関係上、「監督していただけたら」は夢想願望にはせず、実現を期待しているものとして表現するほうが納まりがよいでしょう。ハーブさんのb)案
>I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent to supervise...
I dream that you will appoint an agent ...

2. スペル修正

3. 会社のit
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

511● [雑談]感謝&さては[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/15 03:36
Telperion 様、ありがとうございました!ご無理をさせてしまったのではないでしょうか。今回は本当に、お世話になりました。

で、もしかしてタイトルの「夢見る」は、Off the Ring へのそれとないレスでしょうか?だったらいいな♪
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

524● [雑談] 気遣い感謝[ Telperion ] 2002 11/16 02:28

>で、もしかしてタイトルの「夢見る」は、Off the Ring へのそれとないレスでしょうか?
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

510● 【重要】大幅修正?[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/15 03:25
Evenstar 様、ここだけ見て(応答して)いただければ事足りるかと思います。ご多忙でしょうにすみませんが、優先順位はっきりさせましたので、何卒よろしくお願い致します。


Dear Ms. Boyens,

1) This is my second letter on Japanese subtitles for your film "The Lord of the Rings".
I sent you a letter in September and you kindly replied to me. My fellow members of the movement for better and proper subtitles on FotR have been much encouraged by your letter. Let me thank you again on behalf of them.

2) Firstly, let me* report to you about the subtitles in DVD/VHS released in Japan on September 21st. I'm sorry it has taken so long. The reason is that the members have not reached an agreement on the evaluation of the subtitles*.

>I report ⇒ let me report
>末尾にof the subtitles を補う

3)We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were corrected, but opinions vary* among the fans, from "acceptable as a whole" to "absolutely unforgivable". At least, "The Most Serious Errors" which I sent you the list of, were all repaired except for these two lines :

>differ ⇒ vary

The Departure of Boromir (chapter 38)

4) That is, Boromir is not a liar, and the line* "the Creator of life" is not there anymore. But in my opinion, there still remain too many bad translations and unsuitable words for the scene in the subtitles of* DVD/VHS. I think they are far from satisfactory, and* not at all what your FotR deserves, though I have to* admit that they are better than the theater version.

>there is not "the Creator of life" ⇒ the line "the Creator of life" is not there
いきなり引用"創造主"では何の事かわからなかったため、the line を補ったということなのですが、これは脚本家さんにはわかるでしょうから必ずしも変更の必要はないかもしれません。
>the subtitles in DVD/VHS⇒the subtitles of* DVD/VHS
> and*と have to*が加えられました。

5) I have picked up some of the remaining errors to show you, and with the help of translators have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS", inadequate as it is. The list* is attached at the end of this letter.

> It ⇒The list*

☆6) And secondly, I have another bad news to tell you: your current trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website released on October 18th, to our great dismay, is marred by the Japanese subtitles AGAIN. TheOneRing.net took up this news. I enclosed a copy of the article in this letter with the list, ☆though you may have already read it☆.

>もとの文:Maybe you know it already?
>指摘訂正案A:Have you noticed this news? (NV氏)
>指摘訂正案B:You might have read it already. とか?
⇒ , though you may have already read it. としてみました。☆

7) On the above-mentioned site, Nippon Herald Films Inc. announced in June that for TTT Ms. Akiko Tanaka (one of the two Japanese translators of the original books) and Hyoron-sha (the publisher) would help the subtitler.
But to be frank with you, I cannot trust to the announcement, because there is no guarantee of their authority over the subtitler. *No matter how useful their advice is*, it will be no use if the subtitler does not accept it (we have good reasons to fear that this would be* the case).

announced、announcement については、Telperion 様白い都様とも同意で、決定。

>However useful counsel they may give, ⇒No matter how useful their advice is,

>that is very likely to be the case ⇒that this would be(very likely) the case
二人から同じ箇所に指摘を受けました。カッコ内をのこしたのがNV氏。私はなくていいかとも思う。どちらにせよ be likely to を would に変えるという点で一致していたので、それは採用。☆

8) My friends and I are very anxious about the* subtitles in the coming film "The Two Towers". Now we are preparing another petition to ask for good and proper subtitles for TTT and RotK.

9) ★I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent★ to supervise the making of subtitles, with a good interpreter whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust. It may be too much to ask. Still, we believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change.
★[499]参照 Telperion 様ご意見により b) 案をここでは採用していますが、最終決定は白い都様かと。★

10) We are looking forward to seeing your TTT, now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. (I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

Sincerely yours,


もとの文:ただし時制のみ were ⇒ are
p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. And those who share my opinion are eager to support me, and wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.

p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. So below are the names of those who share my opinion and are eager to support me, who also wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.

コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

512● Re:【重要】大幅修正?[ Evenstar ] 2002 11/15 05:55


> > ☆6) And secondly, I have another bad news to tell you: your current trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website released on October 18th, to our great dismay, is marred by the Japanese subtitles AGAIN. TheOneRing.net took up this news. I enclosed a copy of the article in this letter with the list, ☆though you may have already read it☆.
> > >もとの文:Maybe you know it already?
> >指摘訂正案A:Have you noticed this news? (NV氏)
> >指摘訂正案B:You might have read it already. とか?
> ☆私としてはAは何だか失礼な気がして、かつBは仮定法にもそうでないのにも使うので
> ⇒ , though you may have already read it. としてみました。☆


> But to be frank with you, I cannot trust to the announcement, because there is no guarantee of their authority over the subtitler. *No matter how useful their advice is*, it will be no use if the subtitler does not accept it (we have good reasons to fear that this would be* the case).
> > announced、announcement については、Telperion 様白い都様とも同意で、決定。
> ☆
> >However useful counsel they may give, ⇒No matter how useful their advice is,
> 単に現代語として普通の表現に変えたということでしょう。

そうでしょうね。実は私も迷った箇所です。give counselは、やはり時代がかっているし、お手紙全体をトールキン調でまとめるならば狙いも伝わるでしょうが、ここだけ、というのも確かにちぐはぐな観は否めません。もしもお二人さえ納得されるのなら、NV氏のアドバイスに従ったほうがいいかもしれないですね。

> > >that is very likely to be the case ⇒that this would be(very likely) the case
> 二人から同じ箇所に指摘を受けました。カッコ内をのこしたのがNV氏。私はなくていいかとも思う。どちらにせよ be likely to を would に変えるという点で一致していたので、それは採用。


> > 9) ★I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent★ to supervise the making of subtitles, with a good interpreter whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust. It may be too much to ask. Still, we believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change.
> ★[499]参照 Telperion 様ご意見により b) 案をここでは採用していますが、最終決定は白い都様かと。★


> > ★11)
> もとの文:ただし時制のみ were ⇒ are
> p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. And those who share my opinion are eager to support me, and wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.
> > >NV氏による修正:後半(2文目)のみ変更
> p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. So below are the names of those who share my opinion and are eager to support me, who also wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.
> > 私はここはもとのままの方がいいように思うのですがどうでしょうか。★

私も、ここはもとのほうがクリスプで好きです。後者のほうは、やはり redundant でやや歯切れが悪い。


コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

513● [お詫び]実はアイキャッチャー[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/15 11:45
Evenstar 様、ありがとうございました。これでもう、今度こそおしまいに出来そうです。


(見出しで「Evenstar 様、ここです」なんてやるよりはいいかと思ったんです。来る度目に入る見出しに自分の名前を出されるのは、私の経験ではあまり快いものではないんですね (^^;) 最初は何とも思わないけど度重なるとだんだん…。そのツリーが沈んでほっとしたりして。)

そして自国語の場合と同様、ことばに関して意識的である度合い、読んできた量・書いてきた量によって、横並びの「意見の違い」とは別の「違い・差」というものがあります。Evenstar 様のように、全幅の信頼を置けるアドバイザーの存在はどれほど希少なものか、ハーブはどう感謝しても足りません。本当にありがとうございました。
コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

519● [雑談]一瞬、肝を冷やしました[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/15 22:26
それに、文章が(短くなってもいいけど)長くなるのは、ページ立てと印刷の段取りが狂うから困る〜 今は本文が用紙2枚分で、丁度納まり具合がいいのです。


コメントを書く(引用) | スレッド一覧

515● 【最終稿】手紙文[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/15 15:31

Dear Ms. Boyens,

This is my second letter on Japanese subtitles for your film "The Lord of the Rings".
I sent you a letter in September and you kindly replied to me. My fellow members of the movement for better and proper subtitles on FotR have been much encouraged by your letter. Let me thank you again on behalf of them.

Firstly, let me report to you about the subtitles in DVD/VHS released in Japan on September 21st. I'm sorry it has taken so long. The reason is that the members have not reached an agreement on the evaluation of the subtitles.

We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were corrected, but opinions vary among the fans, from "acceptable as a whole" to "absolutely unforgivable". At least, "The Most Serious Errors" which I sent you the list of, were all repaired except for these two lines :

>The Departure of Boromir (chapter 38)
[script] I let Frodo go.
[subtitle] He has left.
[script] Then you did what I could not.
[subtitle] I am ashamed.

That is, Boromir is not a liar, and the line "the Creator of life" is not there anymore. But in my opinion, there still remain too many bad translations and unsuitable words in the subtitles of DVD/VHS. I think they are far from satisfactory, and not at all what your FotR deserves, though I have to admit that they are better than the theater version.

I have picked up some of the remaining errors to show you, and with the help of translators have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS", inadequate as it is. The list is attached at the end of this letter.

And secondly, I have another bad news to tell you: your current trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website released on October 18th, to our great dismay, is marred by the Japanese subtitles AGAIN. TheOneRing.net took up this news. I enclosed a copy of the article in this letter with the list, though you may have already read it.

On the above-mentioned site, Nippon Herald Films Inc. announced in June that for TTT Ms. Akiko Tanaka (one of the two Japanese translators of the original books) and Hyoron-sha (the publisher) would help the subtitler.
But to be frank with you, I cannot trust to the announcement, because there is no guarantee of their authority over the subtitler. No matter how useful their advice is, it will be no use if the subtitler does not accept it (we have good reasons to fear that this would be the case).

My friends and I are very anxious about the subtitles in the coming film "The Two Towers". Now we are preparing another petition to ask for good and proper subtitles for TTT and RotK.

I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent to supervise the making of subtitles, with a good interpreter whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust. It may be too much to ask. Still, we believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change.

We are looking forward to seeing your TTT, now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. (I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

Sincerely yours,


p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. And those who share my opinion are eager to support me, and wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.


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518● 手紙文の和訳&疑問点確認[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/15 22:10




[脚本] I let Frodo go.
[字幕] 彼は発った
[脚本] Then you did what I could not.
[字幕] 恥ずかしい










>I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent

2.let me
>Firstly, let me report to you about

>Let me thank you

>Examples of Remaining Mistranslations in DVD/VHS

>I〜have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS",

>bad translations and unsuitable words in the subtitles of DVD/VHS
in→of DVD/VHS に直しましたが、タイトルのほうはinのままでよいでしょうか。
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521● 和訳&疑問点回答[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/16 00:24

>手紙本文で>I〜have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS",


>in→of DVD/VHS に直しましたが、タイトルのほうはinのままでよいでしょうか。
ごめんなさい、正直 of に変わった理由も私はわからない。でも、「通じる英語」であるのは確かですから、どっちでもいいんじゃないかな。気になるなら揃えてもいいと思うんですけど。

>2.let me
>Firstly, let me report to you about
>Let me thank you
⇒I thank you again
としますね。で、この thank you の前に I が入るのって、英米差・世代や階層による差があるそうで、自然だったり不自然だったりするらしいが、所詮外国人の私達です、許容範囲です。無礼よりは生硬がまし。ということにしましょう。

(もちろん、Evenstar 様あたりからはっきりしたお答がいただければそれに越したことはありませんが。これもまた、今のままでも「通じない・誤解される」余地はないので、最悪でも多少稚拙な印象を与えるくらいのことです)


I (we) believe 〜というのは、「たしかあの人子供3人いたよね」くらいの、時によっては I think と同じかそれより不確かなことにも使います。日本語の「信じている」では少し強過ぎる響きがありますね。「〜思います」が無難な訳。


fault は、「誤り」という感じではないです。欠点とか、「○○のせいだ」とか、「落ち度」とか。ここでは、

でもほんと、厳密な和訳は誰も必要としてないと思いますよ。大事なことはもう伝わっています (^_^)
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527● では、本文はこのままで[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/16 12:40
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520● 【最終稿】誤訳リスト[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/16 00:17

Examples of Remaining Mistranslations in DVD/VHS

>Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe (chapter 6)
[script] There are some things that I must see to.
[subtitle] I have my business.
[script] What things?
[subtitle] What business?
[script] Questions. Questions that need answering.
[subtitle] Many things. I have to finish them.

>The Shadow of the Past (chapter 8)
[script] But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
[subtitle] But its power is too terrible to imagine.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.
[subtitle] I will share the burden. I will be watching you.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
[subtitle] A king for Gondor? We do not need one.
comment:These subtitles strongly give an impression that ☆the word 'king' is quite unfamiliar to Boromir, as if Gondor were a republic that had never known kingship.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.
[subtitle] If this is the decision of the council, Gondor will obey it.

>A Journey in the Dark (chapter 28), The Road Goes Ever On...(chapter 39)
[script] So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
[subtitle] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but you can't change it. What's more important for you is, to think what you should do at the moment.
NOTE: Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been revised.
[subtitle in theater] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but it is too late to regret.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
[subtitle] Your words sound kind, but they mean warning to me.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] We're all afraid, Frodo, but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don't you see, it's madness.
[subtitle] We're all afraid, but if we are overcome by fear, all will be lost. Don't forget it.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] It has taken Boromir.
[subtitle] Boromir....

comment:The subtitler, Natsuko Toda, often does this with short sentences: She takes one single noun out of the line and adds a question mark, or else three dots. Another example is in the article of TheOneRing.Net; "Warning?"
These two cases are representative of this style of hers. Yet, they are just the tip of the iceberg.

Such subtitles, needless to say, give audience little information and much confusion. But it does not occur to many that the fault is in the translation and not in the script itself.
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522● ↑コロンでした[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/16 00:40

>comment:The subtitler, Natsuko Toda, often does this with short sentences: She takes one single noun out of the line and adds a question mark, or else three dots. Another example is in the article of TheOneRing.Net; "Warning?"

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523● ささやかながら[ Telperion ] 2002 11/16 01:51

>>error を revise するというのはおかしいのでは?
>Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been revised.
のrevisedもcorrectedに変えた方がいいかも知れません。"errors were revised"と違って露骨に奇異には見えないでしょうが、書き手の気持ちを表すのにreviseは適切でないのでは。白い都さんの判断次第でしょう。

>Gandalf: 重荷を分かち合おう
>Boromir: ゴンドールの王だと?
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525● correct でなくて[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/16 09:55

>Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been revised.
>のrevisedもcorrectedに変えた方がいいかも知れません。"errors were revised"と違って露骨に奇異には見えないでしょうが、書き手の気持ちを表すのにreviseは適切でないのでは。白い都さんの判断次第でしょう。

いや、correct は目的語限定で、まっさきにくっつく(動詞と目的語のカップリング、ですね)のは correct errors/mistakes といった、はっきり「間違い」である名詞ですから、たとえば
×作文をcorrect する
○作文の中のmistakes をcorrect する

となります。ですから「字幕をcorrect する」も私は避けたい。
(correct me というのもあるから、断言はできないけど、とにかく安全の確信度が低過ぎ)
こういう時に私なら、一番意味が広くて間違いようのない change にします。


2.⇒Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been changed.
これなら、「変更されるべきなのに他の部分が unchanged である」という感じが出ると思います。中学英語だからといって change 自体が稚拙という事もないと思いますが。

他の Telperion 様のご指摘、ありがとうございました。入れて直しておいてくださいね。最後まですみませんでした。
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526● change でいきます[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/16 12:34
>Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been changed.

(chap23) 「ゴンドールの王」と「ガンダルフ見守る」の記載順序入れ替え
(chap39) TheOneRing.Net の後はコロン「:」

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528● [参考資料]未掲載指摘集[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/16 16:28

この場所は見てないと思うけど、日本英語屋養成学校(仮名 ^^;)同窓生でLotRファンで現役翻訳業のAさんTさん、勝手にNV氏呼ばわりした上せっかくのアドバイスの半分しか使わせて頂かなかったK様、無理言ってすみませんでした!本当にありがとうございました。

 you kindly replied to me.
⇒you kindly sent me a reply in return.

 reached an agreement on the evaluation
⇒ reached an agreement over the evaluation
辞書で確認して、 on /over どちらもあったので取り上げなかった(多分、論争ならば over の方が適当だからだろう)。

 opinions differ among the fans,
⇒opinions varied among the fans,

 there is not "the Creator of life"
⇒the line "the Creator of life" is there no more.
ここだけ見るといいのだが、その前の Boromir is not a liar, があるので not…no more となるのはまずいと思い、not any more で統一をとった。


I cannot trust to its word,
一人の例外もなくこの its に引っかかり、the とか their とかに直してきたのは意外でした。

trust to (to は必要?)
trust + 目的語だと、「田中氏と評論社が協力するとのことだが、それは嘘ではないか」、の意になってしまう。ここで言いたいのは、「協力するからといって、それをあてにすることはできない」、ということでした。確かに trust to は普段見なれない用法ではありますが、TTT予告で見たばかりだったので、使っても分かってもらえるだろうし、多少奇異でもご愛嬌ですましてくれないかなー、と。

I know it is too much to ask(渡した時点ではこれでした)
⇒I may be asking too much
Evenstar 様と同系統の修正案です。NV氏。

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529● 投函予定の手紙文、誤訳リスト[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/16 20:16

Dear Ms. Boyens,

This is my second letter on Japanese subtitles for your film "The Lord of the Rings".
I sent you a letter in September and you kindly replied to me. My fellow members of the movement for better and proper subtitles on FotR have been much encouraged by your letter. Let me thank you again on behalf of them.

Firstly, let me report to you about the subtitles in DVD/VHS released in Japan on September 21st. I'm sorry it has taken so long. The reason is that the members have not reached an agreement on the evaluation of the subtitles.

We did find that some of the errors in the subtitles were corrected, but opinions vary among the fans, from "acceptable as a whole" to "absolutely unforgivable". At least, "The Most Serious Errors" which I sent you the list of, were all repaired except for these two lines:

>The Departure of Boromir (chapter 38)
[script] I let Frodo go.
[subtitle] He has left.
[script] Then you did what I could not.
[subtitle] I am ashamed.

That is, Boromir is not a liar, and the line "the Creator of life" is not there anymore. But in my opinion, there still remain too many bad translations and unsuitable words in the subtitles of DVD/VHS. I think they are far from satisfactory, and not at all what your FotR deserves, though I have to admit that they are better than the theater version.

I have picked up some of the remaining errors to show you, and with the help of translators have made "A List of Mistranslations in DVD/VHS", inadequate as it is. The list is attached at the end of this letter.

And secondly, I have another bad news to tell you: your current trailer for "The Two Towers" on the Japanese official website released on October 18th, to our great dismay, is marred by the Japanese subtitles AGAIN. TheOneRing.net took up this news. I enclose a copy of the article in this letter with the list, though you may already read it.

On the above-mentioned site, Nippon Herald Films Inc. announced in June that for TTT Ms. Akiko Tanaka (one of the two Japanese translators of the original books) and Hyoron-sha (the publisher) would help the subtitler.
But to be frank with you, I cannot trust to the announcement, because there is no guarantee of their authority over the subtitler. No matter how useful their advice is, it will be no use if the subtitler does not accept it (we have good reasons to fear that this would be the case).

My friends and I are very anxious about the subtitles in the coming film "The Two Towers".
Now we are preparing another petition to ask for good and proper subtitles for TTT and RotK.

I wonder if it is possible that you will appoint an agent to supervise the making of subtitles, with a good interpreter whose knowledge in Japanese language and whose judgement you can trust. It may be too much to ask. Still we believe that your interest in this matter can bring a big change.

We are looking forward to seeing your TTT, now all the more for the trailer and the supplements in DVD. (I was greatly thrilled when I found you in one of the interviews!)

Sincerely yours,

p.s. Before sending this letter I put it up on our Website, 'Workshop for Better Subtitles (on FotR, now on LotR Movies)', to show it to my fellow members. And those who share my opinion are eager to support me, and wanted their names to be sent to you along with my letter.

Examples of Remaining Mistranslations in DVD/VHS

>Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe (chapter 6)
[script] There are some things that I must see to.
[subtitle] I have my business.
[script] What things?
[subtitle] What business?
[script] Questions. Questions that need answering.
[subtitle] Many things. I have to finish them.

>The Shadow of the Past (chapter 8)
[script] But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
[subtitle] But its power is too terrible to imagine.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
[subtitle] A king for Gondor? We do not need one.
comment:These subtitles strongly give an impression that the word 'king' is quite unfamiliar to Boromir, as if Gondor were a republic that had never known kingship.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.
[subtitle] I will share the burden. I will be watching you.

>The Council of Elrond (chapter 23)
[script] If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.
[subtitle] If this is the decision of the council, Gondor will obey it.

>A Journey in the Dark (chapter 28), The Road Goes Ever On...(chapter 39)
[script] So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
[subtitle] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but you can't change it. What's more important for you is, to think what you should do at the moment.
NOTE: Only the subtitle for the latter part of the first line has been changed.
[subtitle in theater] Everyone feels that way when he's having a hard time, but it is too late to regret.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
[subtitle] Your words sound kind, but they mean warning to me.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] We're all afraid, Frodo, but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don't you see, it's madness.
[subtitle] We're all afraid, but if we are overcome by fear, all will be lost. Don't forget it.

>Parth Galen (chapter 36)
[script] It has taken Boromir.
[subtitle] Boromir....
comment:The subtitler, Natsuko Toda, often does this with short sentences: She takes one single noun out of the line and adds a question mark, or else three dots. Another example is in the article of TheOneRing.Net: "Warning?"
These two cases are representative of this style of hers. Yet, they are just the tip of the iceberg.

Such subtitles, needless to say, give audience little information and much confusion. But it does not occur to many that the fault is in the translation and not in the script itself.
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530● ↑【完成稿】です/あと雑談↓[ ハーブ ] 2002 11/16 22:01
m( _ _ )m 本当にいろいろ、ありがとうございました。

ひと息つく間もなく、連絡室で署名の皆様のコメントを英訳するという、総量の見えない大仕事が待っています。さらに、PJ&NL社宛てに、署名の「声明文」も英語にしないとなりません。自分でもいい加減アホだなーと思いますが、今回は本当に Telperion 様とEvenstar 様と白い都さまの、どの方がいらっしゃらなくてもここまでやれなかったという深い感謝と充実感があって、精神的にはもう大丈夫です。問題は実生活なんですけどね(笑)。

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539● Boyensさん宛て投函(報告と御礼)[ 白い都 ] 2002 11/18 18:58


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