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No3933,4036,3934,4031,3936,4037 の記事

■3933 / )  【DCネタバレ】chap15〜23 まとめて
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/17(Mon) 15:09:55)
    2006/08/03(Thu) 10:09:52 編集(投稿者)

    chap15 The Knight's Oath 騎士の誓い:変更なし

    chap16 Perilous Journey 船出:小さい変更一箇所
    This journey can be perilous. ⇒ Now the voyage is perilous.

    chap17 The Saracen's Challenge イマドとの出会い
    chap18 Jerusalem   エルサレム到着

    chap19 The New Baron:変更些少につきいずれも英文と訳は省略

    chap20 Sibylla シビラ初登場:小さい追加ひとつ

    The Hospitaler:
    By the word religion, I've seen the lunacy of fanatics
    of every denomination
    be called "the will of God."
    I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers.
    [あまりに多くの殺人者が 宗教を唱えるのを見てきた]

    chap21 the Marshall of Jerusalem 軍務伯ティベリアス卿

    You're letting him go? Why are you letting him go?
    [このまま見逃すのですか なぜです?]

    I cannot protect your caravans
    unless you agree to be escorted by our soldiers.
    [護衛をつけようと言うのに 断ったのはそちらではないか]

    I trade to make money, not to offend God by associating with Christians.
    [商売はするが キリスト教徒と仲良くして神の怒りを買うのは御免だ]

    But you will take Chistian gold.

    Gold is gold.[金は金だ]

    Of course.[その通りだとも]

    chap22 His Father's Son 旧友の息子
    chap22 At the King's Table 王のテーブル
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■3934 / )  【DCネタバレ】chap24 The Leper King 病める王
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/17(Mon) 17:19:24)
    2006/08/03(Thu) 16:20:56 編集(投稿者)

    (バリアン入室“Come forward.”から“...that I was a leper.”までの台詞は変更なし)

    Baldwin IV:
    Come, sit.(チェス盤をはさんだ席へバリアンを導きつつ)
    Do you play?


    Baldwin IV:
    The whole world is in chess.
    [盤上には この世の縮図があるのだよ]
    Any move can be the death of you.
    [どの一手が 命取りになるやも知れぬ]
    Do anything except remain where you started,
    and you can't be sure of your end.
    [最初から全く動かぬのでない限り 結末の予想はできない]

    Were you sure of your end once?
    [自分の最後がどうなるか 昔はわかっていたか?]

    I was.
    [はい 以前は]

    Baldwin IV:
    What was it?

    To be buried a hundred yards from where I was born.

    Baldwin IV:
    And now?

    Now I sit in Jerusalem and look upon a king.
    [エルサレムで 国王様にお目見えを許される身]

    Baldwin IV:

    When I was 16,
    I won a great victory.
    [十六の時 余は大いなる勝利をおさめた]
    I felt in that moment I would live to be 100.
    Now I know I shall not see 30.
    [今では三十までも無理だと わかっている]

    None of us choose our end, really...
    [人は誰も 死に方を選ぶことはできないし]
    or what hand will guide us there.
    [どんな手に導かれて そこへ至るのかも選べない]

    A king may move a man.
    [王は 人を動かしもしよう]
    A father may claim a son.
    [父が 息子を得ることもあろう](バリアンを指す)

    That man can also move himself.
    [だが人は みずからを動かすこともできるのだ]
    And only then does that man truly begin his own game.
    [そうなって初めて 自分の戦いを始めたことになる]
    Remember, how so ever you are played, or by whom,
    [覚えておくがよい 誰にどう動かされようとも]

    your soul is in your keeping alone...
    [魂だけは 他者に委ねるものではない]

    even though those who presume to play you
    be kings or men of power.
    [王や権力者が そなたを操ろうとしてもだ]

    When you stand before God, you cannot say 
    "but I was told by others to do thus,"
    or that "virtue was not convenient at that time".
    This will not suffice.
    Remember that.

    Balian: I will.

    Baldwin IV:
    You know what this is?

    A fortification.
    Baldwin IV:
    What do you think of it?
    You disapprove. Well, how would you improve it?
    [やはり問題があるか どう直せばよいかな?]

    A cross. Or better, a star, like this.
    [十字型に あるいは星型にできればもっと良いかと]
    That way no part of the fortress may be approached
    without beng exposed to fire from another part.
    [どの面を攻められても その敵を別の壁面から攻撃できます]

    Baldwin IV:
    Yes, I like this.
    [なるほど 良いな]
    Your walls are more difficult to adress. Very good.
    [攻めるに難いかたちの砦か 実にいい]

    You will go to your father's house at Ibelin, your house now,
    [では イベリンにある父君の館、いや 自分の家に行くがよい]
    And from there protect the pilgrim road.
    Safegurd in particular the Jews and the Muslims.
    All are welcome in Jerusalem.
    Not only because it's expedient but because it is right.
    [それが得策というだけでなく 正しいことだからだ]

    Protect the helpless.
    And then, perhaps one day
    [そうして いつか余が無力となった時には]
    when I am helpless, you will come and protect me.
    [側(そば)近くに来て 余の身を守ってもらうとしようか]


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■3936 / )  【DCネタバレ】chap25〜34まとめて
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/19(Wed) 22:03:53)
    2006/08/14(Mon) 14:01:36 編集(投稿者)

    chap25 Ibelin イベリンの領地

    Quad sumus...hoc eritis.
    Such as you are, you will be.
    [“これぞ汝ら 終(つい)の姿 かくあるなり”]

    My lord, you have 1,000 acres, 100 families.
    [ご領地は千エーカー 百家族が住んでいます]
    You have Christians, Jews, Muslims.
    [キリスト教徒もユダヤ教徒も イスラム教徒も]
    You have 50 pairs of oxen.
    This is a poor and dusty place.
    [埃っぽく 痩せた土地です]

    What we do not have is water.
    [ここに必要なのは 水だ]
    chap26 Guests of the House 訪れた客人


    But this isn't adultery. It's washing.
    [不義を働いてるわけじゃないわ 拭くだけよ]


    But if it were adultery...which it isn't...
    the Commandments are not for people like us.
    [そんな戒律は 私たちにはいらない]
    They are for others.

    Balian :(目をそらしつつ)
    Did they give you something to eat?
    [うちの者は 食事をお出ししましたか]

    They said to wait until the master returned.
    My cook will prepare something while you wash.
    [私の料理人にも何か作らせましょう どうぞ続けて]




    They try to be one.
    One heart, one morality.
    【一つの心を分かち合いたいと祈ってる】 【1つの道義を】

    Their prophet says "Submit."

    Jesus says,

    Balian :
    Did you decide on Guy?

    Guy was chosen by my mother.
    My first husband died before our son was born.
    [息子が生まれる前に 最初の夫を亡くしたから]

    I was only 15.

    Balian :
    I've met your son.
    [ご子息には 会いました]

    chap27 There Is Only Light 隔てるものは光


    I could stay here forever.

    Balian :
    This house is yours.
    [どうぞ お望みのままに]

    Why do you think I'm here?
    [何故ここに来たか わからないの?]

    Balian :
    I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Cana.
    [イベリンが 聖地カナ参りの道筋にないことは知っています]

    What else do you know, my lord?
    [それだけ? 他には?]

    Balian :
    I know that you are a princess. And I am no lord.
    [あなたは王女で 私は貴族ではない それも知っています]

    You're a knight.

    Balian :
    Neither earned, nor proved.


    chap28 God Wills It

    chap29 Tokens 記念の指輪


    This is from France.
    I've never been there.

    This from my brother.
    This to remind us of death.
    And this...I put the day I saw you.
    [そして これはあなたに会った日に嵌めた指輪]

    Balian :
    You lie.

    chap30 Blasphemy  御前会議
      31 Deffenders of Kerak  カラクの戦い
      32 The Friendly Enemy  友との再会
      33 Jerusalem Has Come  エルサレム軍到着
      34 The Kiss of peace   和平のキス
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■4031 / )  DC版字幕 chap24 The Leper King 病める王
□投稿者/ One of many -(2006/12/03(Sun) 03:44:32)
    2006/12/04(Mon) 22:14:01 編集(投稿者)
    2006/12/03(Sun) 04:22:21 編集(投稿者)

    (バリアン入室“Come forward.”から“...that I was a leper.”までの台詞は変更なし)

    Baldwin IV:
    Come, sit.(チェス盤をはさんだ席へバリアンを導きつつ)

    Do you play?


    Baldwin IV:
    The whole world is in chess.

    Any move can be the death of you.

    Do anything except remain where you started,
    and you can't be sure of your end.

    Were you sure of your end once?

    I was.

    Baldwin IV:
    What was it?

    To be buried a hundred yards from where I was born.

    Baldwin IV:
    And now?

    Now I sit in Jerusalem and look upon a king.

    Baldwin IV:

    When I was 16,
    I won a great victory.
    【16の時 敵に勝利し---】

    I felt in that moment I would live to be 100.

    Now I know I shall not see 30.

    None of us choose our end, really...

    or what hand will guide us there.

    A king may move a man.

    A father may claim a son.

    That man can also move himself.

    And only then does that man truly begin his own game.

    Remember, how so ever you are played, or by whom,
    your soul is in your keeping alone...
     魂は そなたのものだ】

    even though those who presume to play you
    be kings or men of power.

    When you stand before God, you cannot say 

    "but I was told by others to do thus,"

    or that "virtue was not convenient at that time".
    This will not suffice.
    【”あの時は やむを得ず良心に

    Remember that.

    Balian: I will.

    Baldwin IV:
    You know what this is?

    A fortification.

    Baldwin IV:
    What do you think of it?

    You disapprove. Well, how would you improve it?
    【ダメか? どう直す?】

    A cross.
    Or better,
    a star,

    like this.
    That way no part of the fortress may be approached
    without beng exposed to fire from another part.

    Baldwin IV:
    Yes, I like this.
    Your walls are more difficult to adress.

    Very good.

    You will go to your father's house at Ibelin,
    your house now,

    And from there protect the pilgrim road.

    Safegurd in particular the Jews and the Muslims.
    All are welcome in Jerusalem.

    Not only because it's expedient but because it is right.
    【方便ではなく 正しい行いだ】

    Protect the helpless.

    And then, perhaps when I am helpless,
    you will come and protect me.
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■4036 / )  DC版字幕  chap15〜23 まとめて
□投稿者/ One of many -(2006/12/04(Mon) 23:04:14)
    2006/12/05(Tue) 00:39:26 編集(投稿者)

    chap15 The Knight's Oath 騎士の誓い:変更なし

    chap16 Perilous Journey 危険な船旅:


    This journey can be perilous. ⇒ Now the voyage is perilous.

    chap17 The Saracen's Challenge サラセン人の挑戦
    chap18 Jerusalem   エルサレムへ

    chap19 The New Baron:新たな領主

    chap20 Sibylla シビラ王女:

    The Hospitaler:
    By the word religion, I've seen the lunacy of fanatics
    of every denomination
    be called "the will of God."

    I've seen too much religion i
    n the eyes of too many murderers.

    chap21 the Marshall of Jerusalem ティベリウス卿

    Office of the Marshall of Jerusalem
    【エルサレム軍 指揮官邸】

    You're letting him go? Why are you letting him go?

    I cannot protect your caravans
    unless you agree to be escorted by our soldiers.

    I trade to make money, 【交易は金のため】
    not to offend God by associating with Christians.

    But you will take Chistian gold.

    Gold is gold.

    Of course.

    chap22 His Father's Son 友の息子
    chap23 At the King's Table 王のテーブル

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■4037 / )  DC版字幕 chap25〜34まとめて
□投稿者/ One of many -(2006/12/10(Sun) 05:59:03) [ID:tpVYzetX]
    2006/12/10(Sun) 06:37:57 編集(投稿者)

    chap25 Ibelin イベリンの地

    Quad sumus...hoc eritis.

    Such as you are,
    you will be.
    【”皆 こうなる”】

    My lord, you have 1,000 acres, 100 families.

    You have Christians, Jews, Muslims.
    【キリスト ユダヤ イスラム教徒】

    You have 50 pairs of oxen.
    This is a poor and dusty place.
     貧しく ほこりっぽい所です】

    What we do not have
    is water.

    chap26 Guests of the House 突然の訪問者


    But this isn't adultery. It's washing.
    【不貞じゃない 拭くだけよ】


    But if it were adultery...
    which it isn't...
    the Commandments are not for people like us.
    They are for others.

    Balian :(目をそらしつつ)
    Did they give you something to eat?

    They said to wait until the master returned.

    My cook will prepare something while you wash.




    They try to be one.
    One heart, one morality.

    Their prophet says "Submit."
    Jesus says,


    Balian :
    Did you decide on Guy?

    Guy was chosen by my mother.

    My first husband died before our son was born.

    I was only 15.

    Balian :
    I've met your son.

    chap27 There Is Only Light 光を消して


    I could stay here forever.
    【ずっと いたいわ】

    Balian :
    This house is yours.

    Why do you think I'm here?

    Balian :
    I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Cana.

    What else do you know, my lord?

    Balian :
    I know that you are a princess.
    And I am no lord.

    You're a knight.

    Balian :
    Neither earned, nor proved.


    chap28 隊商への襲撃

    chap29 Tokens バリアンとシビラ


    This is from France.
    I've never been there.
    【これは まだ訪ねてない

    This from my brother.

    This to remind us of death.

    And this...
    I put the day I saw you.

    Balian :
    You lie.


    chap30 Blasphemy  軍の召集
      31 Deffenders of Kerak  カラクの守り
      32 The Friendly Enemy  戦場での再会
      33 Jerusalem Has Come  到着したエルサレム軍
      34 The Kiss of peace   ルノーの処罰

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