| 2004/12/20(Mon) 17:03:34 編集(投稿者)
Gate Guard: Open the gate! Quick!
Irolas: Quick! Hurry!
Denethor: Faramir! Say not that he has fallen.
Irolas: They were outnumbered. None survived.
Gothmog: Fear. The city is rank with it. Let us ease their pain. Release the prisoners.
Orc Lieutenant 1: Catapults!
Denethor: My sons are spent. My line has ended.
Pippin: He's alive!
Denethor: The House of Stewards has failed.
Pippin: He needs medicine, my lord.
Denethor: My line has ended!
Pippin: My lord!
Denethor: Rohan... ...has deserted us.
Denethor: Theoden's betrayed me.
Denethor: Abandon your posts! Flee! Flee for you lives!
Gandalf: Prepare for battle!
Gandalf: Hurry, men! To the wall! Defend the wall!
Soldier: Over here!
Gandalf: Return to your posts!
Gandalf: Send these foul beasts into the abyss.
Gothmog: Stay where you are.
Soldier 1: We need more rubble.
Soldier 2: Watch out!
Soldier 3: Down to the lower levels. Quick!
Soldier 4: Double up, men!
Gandalf: Hold them back! Do not give in to fear. Stand to your posts! Fight!
Gandalf: Not to the towers! Aim for the trolls! Kill the trolls! Bring them down!
Gandalf: Fight them back!
Gandalf: Peregrin Took! Go back to the Citadel!
Pippin: They'd called us out to fight.
Gandalf: This is no place for a hobbit.
Gandalf: Guard of the Citadel, indeed. Now, back, up the hill. Quickly. Quick!
Gothmog: What are you doing, you useless scum?!
Orc Lieutenant 2: The door won't give. It’s too strong.
Gothmog: Get back there and smash it down.
Orc Soldier: But nothing can breach it.
Gothmog: Grond will breach it. Bring up the wolf's head.
Orcs (chant): Grond! Grond! Grond! Grond! Grond! Grond! (continues)
普通の破城槌じゃダメ → グロンド登場という流れが加わっています。