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■3940 / inTopicNo.21)  【DCネタバレ】chap 39(5) Conscience or Nothing
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/21(Fri) 21:26:09)
    2006/08/14(Mon) 14:22:52 編集(投稿者)

    King Baldwin:
    So, my friend, the time has come to conclude my affairs.
    【わが友よ】 【最期が近づいたようだ】
    If I leave the army with Guy, he will take power through my sister
    [軍をギーに委ねれば 妹を利用して権力を掌握し]
    and make war on the Muslims.
    We have decieded that you shall take command of the army of Jerusalem.
    [だからエルサレム軍の指揮は そなたに執ってもらうことにした]

    Will you defend my nephew when he is king?
    [王となるわが甥を 守ってくれるか?]

    Balian :
    Whatever you ask, I will serve.

    Balian :

    Who are you to refuse a king?

    I will have power, without Guy or with him.
    [王権を継ぐのは私よ 有夫でも独り身でも]
    Guy is indebted to your say-so and my brother's, but it's mine.
    [ギーの地位は あなたと兄の考え次第だけど][私の継承権は動かない]

    Balian :
    Do you have any idea of Jerusalem except that it is yours?
    [エルサレム王国を 私物としか見ていないあなたが]
    You will never hold it in peace as your brother did.
    [兄上のように平和を保つことなど できはしない]
    It will be war.

    My grandfather took Jerusalem in blood.
    I'll keep it the same way or any way I can.
    [私も戦いは辞さない 国を保つためなら]

    I am what I am. I offer you that, and the world.
    [王女の私が あなたのものになるのよ 世界さえ手に入る]

    You say no.

    Balian :
    Do you think I'm like Guy?
    That I would sell my soul?

    Sibylla:(Turns away)
    There will be a day when you will wish you had done
    a little evil to do a greater good.


    Reynald :
    Do you really think the king wants you as head of the army, once he's gone?
    (You) think your wife does?

    I have a problem.

    Reynald :
    (Oh,) Yes. Ballian. I saw him at Kerak.

    You must beware a popular man.
    [人気のある男は 危険だ]

    Kill him.


    We have decieded that you shall take command of the army of Jerusalem.
    If I leave the army with Guy, he will take power through my sister and make war on the Muslims.
    【ギーに委ねると 妹を口実に実権をにぎり戦争を始める】
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■3939 / inTopicNo.22)  【DCネタバレ】chap 38(4) An Understanding
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/20(Thu) 00:13:53)
    2006/08/03(Thu) 16:36:03 編集(投稿者)

    chap 38(4) An Understanding 合意の取り引き


    I must go.
    We cant't meet in the city.
    [都の中では 会えないわ]

    Balian :
    Then we will leave it.

    And live how? Live where?
    [出てどうするの? どこへ行くの?]

    Balian...my brother is dying.
    [バリアン 兄は死ぬわ]
    My son will be king and I his regent.
    [私の息子が王になり 私は摂政になって]
    I must rule for him.
    And not just in Jerusalem, but Acre, Ashkelon, Beirut.
    [エルサレムだけでなく アッカとアスカロンとベイルートも]

    Balian :
    And Guy?
    [それで ギーは?]



    Guy :(玩具の兵隊で遊ぶ少年に)
    Always surround your knights with your foot soldiers.
    [騎士の周りは いつも歩兵で囲むようにするんだよ]

    These rooms are not yours.

    Guy :
    One day I will be the husband I was commissioned to be.
    [選ばれて 夫の権限を委ねられたのだ いずれはそうなる]

    And perhaps not, my dear.

    Guy :
    Your lover has a hundred knights and the love of the king.
    [お前の情人(いろ)には 百騎の兵と 王の寵愛があるが]
    I, the largest force in the kingdom...
    [私にあるのは 王国最大の軍勢だ]
    and the support of the Templars.
    [聖堂騎士団が 私を支持している]
    I can do without the king's affection.

    But as for your love ―


    Then we must come to an understanding.
    [それなら 協定を結ぶ必要がある]
    You need my knights
    or his rule will be bloody and brief.
    [次の治世は短く 流血のうちに終わるのだぞ]

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■3938 / inTopicNo.23)  【DCネタバレ】chap 37(3) Power
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/19(Wed) 23:21:15)
    2006/08/03(Thu) 16:34:05 編集(投稿者)

    chap36(2) I Quake for Islam サラディンとムラー

    chap37(3) Power 権力の行方



    I am Reynald de Chatillon! I am Reynald de Chatillon!

    The things that we have left undone plague us as death comes.
    [未完のままに終りし事どもを 死の間際にて我らは気に病む]
    That is why to the dying there is no comfort but the Lord.
    [死にゆく者に慰めを与え得るは ただ主のみなり]

    King Baldwin:
    Spare me your sermon.
    Go and prepare your people for the coronation of my nephew.
    [それよりも わが甥の戴冠式を準備せよ]

    Your confession, my lord.
    [ですが 告解の儀式が]

    King Baldwin:
    I shall confess to God when I see Him.
    [余は神の前に立った時 懺悔する]
    Not to you.
    Now leave me.

    (別室。ギー、侍女? に)
    You sometimes dream you are my wife.
    [私の妻を 羨んだことがあるだろう]
    Let's pretend you are.


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■3937 / inTopicNo.24)  KoHディレクターズカット Disc2
□投稿者/ ハーブ -(2006/07/19(Wed) 22:09:54)
    2006/08/03(Thu) 19:26:03 編集(投稿者)




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