| 2005/03/18(Fri) 03:00:30 編集(投稿者)
[現行 / 訂正]
1-1 Prologue [RAUL / RAOUL] A collector's piece indeed... 【これぞ収集家の心をとらえる物】
----- 1-2 Overture-Hannibal[1] LEFEVRE ladies and [gentlmen / gentlemen], er, please if I could have your attention,thank you 【皆さんちょっと話がある】
----- CHRIETINE (to MEG) It's [Raul / Raoul]...! 【ラウルだわ!】 Before my father died, at the house by the sea... 【父の亡くなる前 / 海辺の別荘で―】(2段)
----- [RAUL /RAOUL] May parents and I are honoured to support all the arts, especially the world renowned Opera Populaire 【私と両親は芸術の味方】 【特にオペラ座のね】
----- [RAUL /RAOUL] An honour, signor... I believe I'm [kepping / keeping] you from your rehearsal. 【リハーサル中を失礼しました】
----- 1-2 Overture-Hannibal[2] ANDRE Monsieur, why exactly are you [retireing / retiring]? 【引退なさる理由は?】
----- 1-3 Think of me (前半) MME. GIRY Box Five empty for his [usea / use] 【5番ボックスは私の席だ / いつも空けておけ】
----- REYER From the [beginnning / beginning] of the aria then, Mam'selle. 【それではアリアの最初から】
----- 1-4 Angel of Music Christine You see... When my father lay dying... 【お父様は--】 【死の床で私に言った】 He told me [i / I] would be protected by an Angel... 【天使が守ってくれるよって】
----- 1-5 Little Lotte / The Mirror RAOUL Whose is that voice...? 【誰の声だ?】 Who is that in there...? 【誰だ?】
PHANTOM I am your Angel of Music... 【私はお前を導く音楽の天使だ】
RAOUL [Chrietine! / Christine!] Christine!
----- 1-11 Poor Fool, / IL MUTO REYER (to ORCHESTRA): [Gentelemen / Gentlemen], please, please. Now, come along.
CARLOTTA: Poor fool, he makes me laugh 【何てマヌケな亭主!】
----- **ブケーの絞殺死体が舞台に落ちてくる** [RAUL / RAOUL]: Are you all right?
CHRISTINE: [Raul / Raoul], we're not safe here. 【逃げるのよ!】
----- 2-2 Madam Giry's Tale MME. GIRY He is a genius! 【今は彼の芸術の領域 / 彼は天才です】 .. A [genious / genius], Monsieur. 【(未確認?)】