

脚本家 Philippa Boyens さん宛ての手紙
Dear Ms. Boyens,

This is a petition from a Japanese fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", concerning its Japanese subtitles.

No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see. Unfortunately however, my friends and I strongly believe that inaccurately translated subtitles distort what you and ultimately what J.R.R. Tolkien have created. I ask you to refer to the list of most serious errors attached at the end of this petition. あの脚本に私が抱く賞賛の念は、とうてい表現できないほどです。あなた方とジャクソン氏は、世界の目に奇跡をなしとげて見せました。しかしながら残念なことに、友人達と私は、不正確な訳の字幕が監督やトールキン教授が創り出したものを捻じ曲げていると確信しています。嘆願書の最後に添付した特に重大な間違いのリストを参照いただくことをお願いいたします。
We learned that you spent two to three years with Mr. Peter Jackson to complete the script of "The Lord of the Rings" with due and profound respect to the Tolkien's work. Nevertheless, the Japanese translator, who is a well-known subtitler for foreign films, but who admits she has hardly read the original, has been allowed to spoil your endeavour. Some of the Japanese subtitles are not true to your script, and the errors are unrelated to the number-of-letters restriction (Japanese subtitles have limits on the number of letters per length of each scene). Unavoidably, in significant parts of the film, wrong interpretations of the storyline and the character-settings are forced upon the audience. Yet the fact remains that most Japanese rely on subtitles when they watch foreign films. あなたがPJ監督とともに、原作に深い敬意を込めて「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング」の脚本に2、3年かけたことを私達は知っています。にもかかわらず、外国映画の字幕においては有名ではあるけれど、原作を読んでいない翻訳家がその労苦を水の泡にしているのです。字幕のいくつかは脚本に忠実でなく、その間違いは字数制限とは無関係です(日本語字幕はそれぞれの場面の長さによって字数が制限されています)。いやおうなしに、作品の重要部分において、筋書きと人物設定に誤解が生じることが観客にかかってきます。それでもほとんどの日本人が洋画を観る際に字幕に頼らなければならない事実は変わりません。
As soon as "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was released in Japan, concerns were raised that downright and inexcusable errors in the subtitles should be corrected. These resulted in 1281 signatures for a petition on the Internet, which were sent to Nippon Herald Films Inc., the Japanese distributor, late in May. The reply, or rather a notice, was then posted on the Japanese official website of the film in early June. We found this announcement unacceptable: it did not contain a single word of apology for mistranslation, and nowhere was expressed any intention to correct the errors. It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS would be revised, reasoning that some minor changes would be possible this time out of simple technical reasons, the number-of-letters restriction being less strict in these media. To our great disappointment, we found that they decided to hire the same translator for the forthcoming "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King". 「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング:旅の仲間」が公開されるや、許し難い誤訳の字幕が付いていることにたちまち字幕改善要求の声があがりました。それはインターネット上で1281の署名という形になり、5月下旬に映画の配給元、日本ヘラルドに提出されました。そして、6月上旬にその返答が、というより告知が日本の「ロード・オブ・ザ・リング」公式ホームページに発表されました。それは受け入れがたいものでした。なぜならそれは、DVDやビデオには字幕制限が緩和されるので若干の手直しが入ることが触れられていましたが、誤訳に対する謝罪や誤りを正そうとする意思は述べられていなかったからです。非常に残念なことには、続く第2、3作も同じ字幕翻訳家を採用することが決定している旨が書かれていました。
This petition was prepared to bring this deadlock to an end. It is now obvious that Nippon Herald will not admit their fault, despite the criticisms from the audience. We sincerely hope that a translator who honours your achievement and Tolkien's original work, and an authorized supervisor for translation are hired for the Japanese subtitles of the succeeding two films, "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King". 嘆願書はこの行き詰まりを打開するために準備されました。観客からの批判にもかかわらず、日本ヘラルドは過ちを認めないことが明らかになりました。私達は、続編「二つの塔」と「王の帰還」の日本語字幕のために、監督の功績とトールキン教授の原作に敬意を払う翻訳家と翻訳作業に権限を与えられたスーパーバイザーが雇われることを切に望みます。
We are also sending the petition to Mr. Peter Jackson along the same line. If you would talk to him on this matter, we should be most grateful.

Sincerely yours,
A group of people, faithful readers of Tolkien and admirers of your film, have worked on this petition. They allow anyone who agrees with them to send the same petition individually, in the hope of drawing your attention.
I have loved the original books since I was a child (in Japanese translation). Many years I dreamed of the day this wonderful story would be visualized in a film.
I appreciate your brilliant achievement which has made it come true. Therefore
I do personally wish to see a proper translation for your "The Lord of the Rings" films, and I took the chance to do something myself.

海外LOTRファンサイトの、Guestbook 向け。 [中辛]
Greetings! from Japan, where TTT will come in next March not This Christmas. We can hardly wait, but what's troubling us fans is: "Will we have to see TTT and RotK with such terrible subtitles again?" 日本からご挨拶です!日本では「二つの塔」公開が、『来たるクリスマス』ではなくて来年の三月、待ちきれないけれど、私たちファンにとっての問題はそれじゃないんです。
In FotR, Japanese fans were all shocked and dismayed to find Boromir called a LIAR, Denethor already DEAD, the wonderful climax totally spoiled by thetranslator. She has no knowledge, no love nor respect for the original. 第一部「旅の仲間」では、日本のファンが皆、驚き呆れたことに、ボロミアは嘘つき呼ばわりされ、デネソールはすでに死んでいて、クライマックスは台無しにされていました。翻訳者が、原作(脚本)について何の知識も、愛も敬意も持たない人だったからです。
We have been pleading for a correction, but the distributor NIPPON HERALD would not listen to us in spite of thousands of signatures on several petitions. No apologies, no recognition that such erros ever existed, and The Same Translator is announced to stay in the position! 私たちは訂正を求めつづけていますが、配給会社日本ヘラルドは、千人単位の署名いくつかの嘆願書にもかかわらず、耳を傾けてくれません。謝罪もなく、そんな誤りがあったことすら認めず、同じ翻訳者が仕事を続けることを宣言しているのです。
So we are sending mails and letters to Mr. Peter Jackson, great actors in LotR, and as many LotR fans as in the world, trying to inform you of this big problem which, we believe, is not ours alone. そこで私たちは、ピーター・ジャクソン監督、出演俳優の人たち、そして世界中のできるだけ多くの指輪物語のファンに向かってメールや手紙を送っています。この大問題は、単に私たちだけのものではないと信じ、あなた方にも知ってもらいたいので。
To find out more about the serious errors in Japanese subtitles:




ショーン・ビーン宛ファンレター [甘口]

ICM, Oxford House, 76 Oxford Street, LONDON, W1D 1SB, England
詳細は、こちらで。(International Reply Coupons については、郵便局で聞いてみてください。)
c/o New Line Cinema Corp.:116 North Robertson Blvd,Los Angels,CA 90048, U.S.A.
Dear Sean,

In Japan many girls fell in love with Boromir, in the movie 'The Lord of the Rings'. I am one of them, maybe a most enthusiastic fan of yours.(注1) You played him so wonderfully, with such a real human feelings... Oh, I wish my English were better so that I could tell you how you moved me to tears. I have been to the theater 7 times to see the same movie, and not once you failed to make me cry!

We do not have as many chances to see you on TV or on video's in my coutry as lucky people in your homeground. Just not yet. But I do my best to get every opportunity, and I have found you in other movies, old and new. I'm looking forward to seeing 'Sharp' which has not been introduced in Japan. It will be quite an exciting experience for me. 私の国では、あなたの地元と違って、テレビやビデオであなたを見る機会が多くないのですが、私はあらゆるチャンスをつかまえて、あなたの出演した他の映画を、昔のも新しいのも見るようにしています。日本ではまだ放映されていない「シャープ」が楽しみです。きっとどきどきすることでしょう。
One thing I regret and resent, dear Sean, is that the translation in the Japanese subtitles did not do you justice in the movie 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. I was shocked to find the word LIAR was used for Boromir. Soon I learned in some websites that the 'translation' of the script was terribly untrue to the original, and a petition for better work was made. I joined those thousands of LotR fans that have signed it. Have you heard anything about it? It's a BIG problem for us that many of the audience misunderstand the beauty of the character you and Peter Jackson have created. 一つ残念な事があります。ショーン様、FotRにおける日本語字幕は、あなたに不当なものでした。私は、ボロミアがフロドに「嘘つき」と言われたのを見てショックを受け、その後ネットで、字幕の「訳」がもとの脚本と大幅に違う事を知りました。訂正を求める嘆願が行われ、私も何千人かの指輪物語ファンにまじって署名しました。それについて何か聞いていらっしゃいますか?あなたとPJが創り上げたあのすばらしいキャラクターが、多くの観客に誤解されているというのは、私たちにとって大問題なのです。
Well I'm sure you will make even greater success in your career to come and I'll always be your fan. Wish you the best luck in the world !


p.s. I put in this envelope a small pack of ORIGAMI, Japanese paper-folding craft, hoping your daughters might find the colors and patterns interesting. p.s. 小さいオリガミ(日本の紙折り工芸)を一包み同封しました。お嬢さんたちが、色と柄を面白がってくれるといいな、と思って。



Unlike other fans of yours in my country, I have been your fan for years. There were only a few chances to see you on TV or on screen, but I missed none of them. Now you are getting to be more widely known, and once 'Sharp' finds its way into Japan, I believe it will make a great sensation.


ピーター・ジャクソン監督に訴える [辛口]
ここの「Fan Communications」に「Q&A with PJ」というコーナーがあって、ここにメールすれば、かなり期待できそう...
Peter Jackson c/o WingNut Films Ltd. P.O. Box 15-208 Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand
Dear Master PJ, and to all that love 'The Lord of the Rings' 親愛なるPJ旦那(注1) 、および指輪物語を愛するすべての人へ
Please SAVE OUR BELOVED BOROMIR from the DISHONOR so unjustly attached to him! 我らが愛するボロミアを、不当にも負わされた不名誉からどうか救って下さい!
The shameful Japanese subtitles makes 恥ずべき日本語字幕のせいで、
a) Frodo call Boromir a LIAR;
b) Butterbur scornful of Hobbits, as having never seen such creatures before;
c) Denethor of Gondor DEAD;
d) Boromir use the word 'King of Gondor' in the MIDDLE of the story (an unbelievable mistranslation of the word 'lords of Gondor'),
a) フロドはボロミアを嘘つき呼ばわりし、
b) バタバーは初めて見るホビット達を蔑視し、
c) ゴンドールのデネソール公はすでに死亡しており、
d) ボロミアはストーリー半ばで「ゴンドールの王」という言葉を使う('lords of Gondor'という言葉の信じ難い誤訳です)
and many other fatal mistakes. However impossible it may sound to you, it is true. You'll find them in:

まだ他にも多くの致命的誤りがあります。 いかにあり得ない話に聞こえようとも、これは事実なのです。ここを見れば判ります。

The translator has absolutely no respect nor love for Tolkien's world. She knew nothing about the original books, and did not bother to learn from them. It is obvious she at once took it as 'just another kids' movie' with magics and swords and monsters. So she did a hasty and lousy job. 翻訳した人(字幕作家)は、トールキン世界への愛も敬意も全く持っていません。原作本について何も知らず、それを知るために読むこともしませんでした。明らかに彼女は、魔法や剣や怪物の登場する「よくある子供向け映画」と早合点して、急ぎの雑な仕事をしたのです。
As you may know, Japanese language has a rich variety of modes concerning 'respect' and 'positions'. Any Japanese can give you a dozen of different words meaning 'I' or 'you'. Just reading a line 'I know him' in Japanese can tell you clearly the age, sex, educational level and much more of the speaker (and of course whether the person is speaking to his/her superior). ご存知かもしれませんが、日本語では「敬意」や「対人位置関係」に関するモードが実に変化に富んでいます。日本人なら誰でも、'I' または 'you' を意味する言葉を十種類以上挙げることが出来ます。日本語で読むなら単に 'I know him' という一行が、発話者の性別、年齢、教育程度その他(そして無論、話しかけている相手が上位者か否か)を表す事ができるのです。(注2)
Now note that these differences cannot be translated into English, and are hard to explain with credibility. But they are what messed up your celebrated film. Wrong translations have led the innocent audience to misunderstand, not only each character (like Boromir as a cheap, simple bad guy) but also the relationships between one character and another. Imagine Sam talking to Frodo the way a VIP to his chauffeur! (Believe me, this too she has done. I suspect she couldn't even tell them apart.) ここで知ってほしいのは、このような差異は英語に翻訳できず、信じてもらえるように説明するのは困難だということです。しかし、この差異こそが、あなたの素晴らしい映画を滅茶苦茶にしたのでした。間違った翻訳は、何も知らない観客にそれぞれのキャラクターを誤解させた(ボロミアが単なる安っぽい悪役とか)だけでなく、人物の関係をも誤解させました。サムがフロドに話しかけるのに、重役がお抱え運転手に話すのと同じ言葉を使うところを想像してもみてください(注3)(信じられないでしょうがこれもまた彼女はやってのけました。きっと両者の区別すらつかなかったのだろうと思います)。
How could she be so blind to all the marvelous work you and your actors have accomplished?

She MUST be replaced.
If we faithful readers of Tolkien in Japan --- still regrettably small in number --- cannot make it happen with our petition, YOU CAN!

Master PJ, you have the authority. Could you discuss it with your distributor, NIPPON HERALD, on this matter? PJ監督、あなたには権限があります。配給会社の日本ヘラルドに、この件について話をしてもらえないでしょうか?
Already more than one translator have offered new and far better versions. All we need is the distributor's decision. We heartily admire what you have achieved in 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. We love every scene of it, and we are looking forward to seeing "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".
Please don't let your LotR movies be degraded again by such criminal subtitles !

(Signature), at your service
すでに、別のずっと良い訳が複数の翻訳家から出されています。配給会社の決断だけが必要なのです。(注4) 私たちは心から、あなた(方)が映画 FotR で成し遂げたことに賞賛を送ります。すべてのシーンを愛しており、第二部第三部を観るのを待ち焦がれています。



注1--Mr. ではなく Master を使ったのは、末尾の at your service と同様、こちらがトールキン読者であることをアピールしようという意図で、必然性はなし。奇をてらいたくない人は、普通に Mr. で始めて sincerely yours,署名、で終わることをお勧めする。



注4--日本語だと判りにくいか。「翻訳する人間が不足しているのではない、配給会社が彼女を替えれば済むのだ」の意。英語では She MUST be replaced. 以下は一貫している(とネイティヴ・チェックでは保証してもらった)のだが…

☆全体に we を使っているが、実はこれ、英語ではいい加減には使えない。しかし日本人の常として(?)'I'では落ち着かないので、私は配偶者との連名にする事で解決をはかった。まったくの個人一名で出す際は、 we を使うな、という批判もあることを申し添えておく。




Dear Sir Ian,

A latecomer?
In Japan, we were kept waiting for 3 months longer than other fans in the world. But it is nothing compared to the great pain and misfortune that has befallen us. Your celebrated film, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, has been terribly twisted and degraded by serious errors in the translation. Have you heard anything about it?
The shameful Japanese subtitles makes

a) Frodo call Boromir a LIAR;
b) Butterbur scornful of Hobbits, as having never seen such creatures before;
c) Denethor of Gondor DEAD;
d) Boromir use the word 'King of Gondor' in the MIDDLE of the story (an unbelievable mistranslation of the word 'lords of Gondor'),

and many other fatal mistakes.
However impossible it may sound to you, it is true. You'll find them in:


And Gandalf, Sir, in The Two Towers trailer, says: "Sauron is not so mighty, not worth fearing" in every theater in Japan now. How could it happen? Please read on.

The translator has absolutely no respect nor love for Tolkien's world. She knew nothing about the original books, and did not bother to learn from them. It is obvious she at once took it as 'just another kids' movie' with magics and swords and monsters. So she did a hasty and lousy job.

We faithful readers of Tolkien in Japan were abashed, dismayed and now are very, very angry. As soon as the movie appeared on screen in March, many fans have pointed out those mistakes but they stay on screen uncorrected.

Petitions have been made with some two thousands of signatures, and have been delivered to the distributor NIPPON HERALD. They put up a statement at their official Web site on June 13th.

Now what do you think they tell us? Believe it or not, NO apologies, NO mention of any mistakes, NOT a word concerning the petitions. Instead, they announce that the same translator will continue to be in the place throughout all the LotR movies.

Turmoil and hot discussions burst out on the internet. Many conclude it is hopeless. Some patiently keep writing letters to the Japanese distributor, trying to show them how serious the matter is, getting polite 'second-to-nothing' for an answer. Only a few that can write in English now turn to seek help and understanding of yours---of the people who have accomplished the marvellous work in the masterpiece of the century. The petition should have reached the director Peter Jackson by now, but personally I would very much like you, Sir Ian McKellen, to know about it.

How could we tolerate the world of Tolkien being so distorted, made full of shallow characters and cheap words, simply because the distributor chose a wrong translator? A well-known Hollywood-worshipper, she is not in the least sorry about her utter ignorance of English literature (in fact she openly scorns 'the bookish'). It is such a pain to have to see the exquisite film getting stamped with dirty feet. I think you understand it better than any other members that have worked for the movie LotR. Please help us make the Japanese distributor see what crime they have committed and prevent them from doing the same with the following two films.

at your service,


p.s. In case you are too busy to have a look at this E-mail, we're sending letters like this to other people, too. But you are on top of our list. May fortune help us to reach you!
