| Pippin: What were you thinking, Peregrin Took? What service can a Hobbit offer such a great lord of Men? Faramir: It was well-done. A generous deed should not be checked with cold counsel. You are to join the tower guard.
Pippin: I didn’t think they would find any livery that would fit me. Faramir: Once belonged to a young boy of the city. A very foolish one… … who wasted many hours slaying dragons instead of attending to his studies.
Pippin: This is yours? Faramir: Yes, it was mine. My father had it made for me. Pippin: Well… … I’m taller than you were then. Though I’m not likely to grow anymore, except sideways.
Fara: Never fitted me either. Boromir was always the soldier. They were so alike, he and my father. Proud. Stubborn even. But strong.
Pippin: I think you have strength of a different kind. And once day your father will see it.
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