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訂正稿:ネイティヴチェック未だですが [ハーブ] 09/11 01:10

 ├◇34:Re:訂正稿に追加 [白い都] 09/11 02:05
 │├◇35:追加分と独自部分和訳 [ハーブ] 09/11 10:19
 │└◇44:注意 [ゴン] 09/12 11:56
 │ └◇47:Re:角笛さまの修正箇所あり [白い都] 09/12 19:22
 ├◇58:9/13現在の原稿 [白い都] 09/14 02:02
 └◇59:【最終稿】重要変更あり [ハーブ] 09/14 02:17
  ├◇62:TheOneRing.net の記事 [ハーブ] 09/14 03:01
  │└◇65:Re:TheOneRing.net の記事 [白い都] 09/14 03:37
  └◇63:Re:【最終稿】重要変更 [白い都] 09/14 03:18
   └◇70:分けて作業します [ハーブ] 09/14 10:33
    └◇72:Re:了解です+雑談 [白い都] 09/14 17:14

33● 訂正稿:ネイティヴチェック未だですが[ ハーブ ] 2002 09/11 01:10


Dear Ms. Philippa Boyens,

This is a petition from a Japanese fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", concerning its Japanese subtitles.

No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see. Unfortunately however, my friends and I strongly believe that inaccurately translated subtitles distort what you and ultimately what J.R.R. Tolkien have created. I ask you to refer to the list of most serious errors attached at the end of this petition.

We learned that you spent two to three years with Mr. Peter Jackson to complete the script of ”The Lord of the Rings” with due and profound respect to the Tolkien's work. Nevertheless, the Japanese translator, who is a well-known subtitler for foreign films, but who admits she has hardly read the original, has been allowed to spoil your endeavour. Some of the Japanese subtitles are not true to your script, and the errors are unrelated to the number-of-letters restriction (Japanese subtitles have limits on the number of letters per length of each scene). Unavoidably, in significant parts of the film, wrong interpretations of the storyline and the character-settings are forced upon the audience. Yet the fact remains that most Japanese rely on subtitles when they watch foreign films.

As soon as "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was released in Japan, concerns were raised that downright and inexcusable errors in the subtitles should be corrected. These resulted in 1281 signatures for a petition on the Internet, which were sent to Nippon Herald Films Inc., the Japanese distributor, late in May. The reply, or rather a notice, was then posted on the Japanese official website of the film in early June. We found this announcement unacceptable: it did not contain a single word of apology for mistranslation, and nowhere was expressed any intention to revise the errors. It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS will be revised, reasoning that the corrections will be possible this time out of simple technical reasons, the number-of-letters restriction being less strict in these media. To our great disappointment, we found that they decided to hire the same translator for the forthcoming "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".

This petition was prepared to bring this deadlock to an end. It is now obvious that Nippon Herald will not admit their fault, despite the criticisms from the audience. We sincerely hope that a translator who honours your achievement and Tolkien's original work, and an authorized supervisor for translation are hired for the Japanese subtitles of the succeeding two films, "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".

We are also sending the petition to Mr. Peter Jackson along the same line. If you would talk to him on this matter, we should be most grateful.

(My signature)

A group of people, faithful readers of Tolkien and admirers of your film, have worked on this petition. They allow anyone who agrees with them to send the same petition individually, in the hope of drawing your attention.
I have loved the original books since I was a child (in Japanese translation). Many years I dreamed of the day this wonderful story would be visualized in a film.
I appreciate your brilliant achievement which has made it come true. Therefore I do personally wish to see a proper translation for your "the Lord of the Rings" films, and I took the chance to do something myself.


>The film has achieved a considerable international success, also in Japan.
⇒No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see.


>(段落全体をNLあて嘆願書の文章に差し替え。WeをMy fiends and Iに代える。)
⇒This petition was prepared to bring this deadlock to an end.

We are also sending the petition to Mr. Peter Jackson along the same line. If you would talk to him on this matter, we should be most grateful.

・I have read ⇒I have loved
・of course ⇒なしに
・I dreamed that this wonderful story would be a film.
⇒I dreamed of the day this wonderful story would be visualized in a film.
ここまでは、better になったと言えるのですが、次の
・that made ⇒ which has made

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34● Re:訂正稿に追加[ 白い都 ] 2002 09/11 02:05


(My adress)

September 15 ,2002

Ms. Philippa Boyens
Wingnut Production  ※c/o は不要(封筒の表書きには付ける)
PO Box 15-208
Miramar Wellington
New Zealand

2.p.s の最終行
"the Lord of the Rings" ⇒ "The Lord of the Rings" (頭文字のTは大文字)

sincerely yours,
(My signature)

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35● 追加分と独自部分和訳[ ハーブ ] 2002 09/11 10:19



No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see.

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44● 注意[ ゴン ] 2002 09/12 11:56


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47● Re:角笛さまの修正箇所あり[ 白い都 ] 2002 09/12 19:22

1)It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS will be revised → 〜 would be revised
2)the corrections will be possible this time → 〜 would be possible

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58● 9/13現在の原稿[ 白い都 ] 2002 09/14 02:02

will → would(2カ所)、3段目の”は英数半角文字に直しました。

Dear Ms. Philippa Boyens,

This is a petition from a Japanese fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", concerning its Japanese subtitles.

No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see. Unfortunately however, my friends and I strongly believe that inaccurately translated subtitles distort what you and ultimately what J.R.R. Tolkien have created. I ask you to refer to the list of most serious errors attached at the end of this petition.

We learned that you spent two to three years with Mr. Peter Jackson to complete the script of "The Lord of the Rings" with due and profound respect to the Tolkien's work. Nevertheless, the Japanese translator, who is a well-known subtitler for foreign films, but who admits she has hardly read the original, has been allowed to spoil your endeavour. Some of the Japanese subtitles are not true to your script, and the errors are unrelated to the number-of-letters restriction (Japanese subtitles have limits on the number of letters per length of each scene). Unavoidably, in significant parts of the film, wrong interpretations of the storyline and the character-settings are forced upon the audience. Yet the fact remains that most Japanese rely on subtitles when they watch foreign films.

As soon as "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was released in Japan, concerns were raised that downright and inexcusable errors in the subtitles should be corrected. These resulted in 1281 signatures for a petition on the Internet, which were sent to Nippon Herald Films Inc., the Japanese distributor, late in May. The reply, or rather a notice, was then posted on the Japanese official website of the film in early June. We found this announcement unacceptable: it did not contain a single word of apology for mistranslation, and nowhere was expressed any intention to revise the errors. It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS would be revised, reasoning that the corrections would be possible this time out of simple technical reasons, the number-of-letters restriction being less strict in these media. To our great disappointment, we found that they decided to hire the same translator for the forthcoming "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".

This petition was prepared to bring this deadlock to an end. It is now obvious that Nippon Herald will not admit their fault, despite the criticisms from the audience. We sincerely hope that a translator who honours your achievement and Tolkien's original work, and an authorized supervisor for translation are hired for the Japanese subtitles of the succeeding two films, "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".

We are also sending the petition to Mr. Peter Jackson along the same line. If you would talk to him on this matter, we should be most grateful.

Sincerely yours,


A group of people, faithful readers of Tolkien and admirers of your film, have worked on this petition. They allow anyone who agrees with them to send the same petition individually, in the hope of drawing your attention.
I have loved the original books since I was a child (in Japanese translation). Many years I dreamed of the day this wonderful story would be visualized in a film.
I appreciate your brilliant achievement which has made it come true. Therefore I do personally wish to see a proper translation for your "The Lord of the Rings" films, and I took the chance to do something myself.


2)映画は大ヒットした→脚本賞賛 の文言
No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see.
3)I,the undersigned, → my friends and I (undersignedは削除)
4)We ask you to refer the list → I ask you to refer the list
5)you spent two to three years の後に with Mr.Peter Jacksonを挿入
6)not true to the script → not true to your script
7)We came to the conclusion that making a petition to you is our last hope.
→ This petition was prepared to bring this deadlock to an end.
10)Nippon Herald will never admit their fault → Nippon Herald will not admit their fault
11)挿入We are also sending the petition to Mr.Peter Jackson along same line. If you would talk to him on this matter, we should be most grateful.
12)Yours sincerely, →Sincerely yours, ※PJ宛てのほうが修正
13)削除and they mean to send it with a number of signatures to you. As it will take some time, however,
14)残すin the hope of drawing your attention. ※PJ宛てのほうが修正
15)挿入I hane loved the original books〜
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59● 【最終稿】重要変更あり[ ハーブ ] 2002 09/14 02:17
接続問題[55]解消、word 文書と比較の最終チェックを入れるとともに、1日遅れましたが

(余談? at best 「せいぜい」 the best but not good enough 「範囲内では最もマシだが不足」といった慣用句も英語にはあるので、それをふまえての do my best とお思いください)

第一候補さんが都合つかず、ネイティヴではないが私より出来るプロの人に(嘆願書を見てもらうのは初めて)頼んだところ、意外な箇所でひっかかり、また海外LOTRサイトで最大級の TheOneRing.net で見つけた情報(改善連絡室にこのあと報告予定)もあって、既出以外に次の箇所を訂正しました。

1.revise the erros ⇒ admit the errors
2.the corrections ⇒ minor changes
理由:和訳では気づきませんが、元の英文をよく見ると(unacceptable: の後の部分)
it did not contain a single word of apology for mistranslation, and nowhere was expressed any intention to *revise the errors. It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS would be *revised, reasoning that *the corrections would be possible ...
2.the correctionsという英語は、「(特定の、今話題としているところの)間違い訂正」であって、それが可能になると公式発表は言っている、ことになる。
日ヘラはわざわざ「訂正」と言わずに「手直し」と言っていたのですから、minor changes が適当かと思います。

will never ⇒ will not
これはなんと、白い都様にお教えいただいたマーク・ピーターセンの『心にとどく英語』、14ページによって気づいたものです。強調のつもりで not より never を好む、というのは私自身今までやってきたので、パニックでした。念のため説明すると、 never を使うならこの先未来ずーっと、となってしまう(はず?)、少なくとも平静公正を欠いた言い方であることはほぼ確実かと思います。
Dear Ms. Philippa Boyens,

This is a petition from a Japanese fan of your film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", concerning its Japanese subtitles.

No praise can express how I admire your script, the miracle you and Mr. Jackson have worked for the world to see. Unfortunately however, my friends and I strongly believe that inaccurately translated subtitles distort what you and ultimately what J.R.R. Tolkien have created. I ask you to refer to the list of most serious errors attached at the end of this petition.

We learned that you spent two to three years with Mr. Peter Jackson to complete the script of "The Lord of the Rings" with due and profound respect to the Tolkien's work. Nevertheless, the Japanese translator, who is a well-known subtitler for foreign films, but who admits she has hardly read the original, has been allowed to spoil your endeavour. Some of the Japanese subtitles are not true to your script, and the errors are unrelated to the number-of-letters restriction (Japanese subtitles have limits on the number of letters per length of each scene). Unavoidably, in significant parts of the film, wrong interpretations of the storyline and the character-settings are forced upon the audience. Yet the fact remains that most Japanese rely on subtitles when they watch foreign films.

As soon as "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was released in Japan, concerns were raised that downright and inexcusable errors in the subtitles should be corrected. These resulted in 1281 signatures for a petition on the Internet, which were sent to Nippon Herald Films Inc., the Japanese distributor, late in May. The reply, or rather a notice, was then posted on the Japanese official website of the film in early June. We found this announcement unacceptable: it did not contain a single word of apology for mistranslation, and nowhere was expressed any intention to admit the errors. It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS would be revised, reasoning that minor changes would be possible this time out of simple technical reasons, the number-of-letters restriction being less strict in these media. To our great disappointment, we found that they decided to hire the same translator for the forthcoming "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".

This petition was prepared to bring this deadlock to an end. It is now obvious that Nippon Herald will not admit their fault, despite the criticisms from the audience. We sincerely hope that a translator who honours your achievement and Tolkien's original work, and an authorized supervisor for translation are hired for the Japanese subtitles of the succeeding two films, "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King".

We are also sending the petition to Mr. Peter Jackson along the same line. If you would talk to him on this matter, we should be most grateful.

(My signature)

A group of people, faithful readers of Tolkien and admirers of your film, have worked on this petition. They allow anyone who agrees with them to send the same petition individually, in the hope of drawing your attention.
I have loved the original books since I was a child (in Japanese translation). Many years I dreamed of the day this wonderful story would be visualized in a film.
I appreciate your brilliant achievement which has made it come true. Therefore I do personally wish to see a proper translation for your "The Lord of the Rings" films, and I took the chance to do something myself.
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62● TheOneRing.net の記事[ ハーブ ] 2002 09/14 03:01

Japanese Fans Get What They Want
8/22/02, 11:59 am EST - Xoanon

Elenah writes: The Japanese fans got what they wanted : the mistakes on the subtitles will be repaired
for the release of the video and DVD. A note on the official site says that the repairing will be done between the official translator and Tanaka Meiko, one of the two persons who translated the books to Japanese


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65● Re:TheOneRing.net の記事[ 白い都 ] 2002 09/14 03:37

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63● Re:【最終稿】重要変更[ 白い都 ] 2002 09/14 03:18
1.will never ⇒ will not


2.revise the erros ⇒ admit the errors
>it did not contain a single word of apology for mistranslation, and nowhere was expressed any intention to admit the errors.

3.the corrections ⇒ minor-changes
>It merely mentioned that the subtitles in DVD/VHS would be revised,
>reasoning that minor-changes would be possible this time out of simple technical reasons, the number-of-letters restriction being less strict in these media.

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70● 分けて作業します[ ハーブ ] 2002 09/14 10:33



・minor-changes 投稿直後間違いに気づき、すでに[59]に管理人が消去訂正作業を施しました。minor changes です、ハイフンなし。


★admit ⇒ correct
と、ここにこそ「訂正」の correct を使うべきですね。後にあった corrections は消えたんですから。


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72● Re:了解です+雑談[ 白い都 ] 2002 09/14 17:14

9/13現在の原稿(58)+修正(70)correct、minor changes


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